Busty Mom And The Bullies(Incest Sex):>45

Book:Horny Wives Revenge (erotica) Published:2025-2-7

Satisfied with his handiwork, he turned and strode back into the bathroom, where his mother was lying blissfully content in the foamy tub. Her eyes were closed and her face was placidly serene, with a soft smile turning up the corners of her full mouth. Stray tendrils of steam drifted up from the surface of the tub. The sight of it made Elliott smile inside as the thought occurred to him as to whether the steam was coming from the water, or right up from his mother’s smoking-hot body beneath. He laughingly decided it was probably a combination of both.
“There you are, sweetheart,” his mother said, opening her eyes. “It feels so wonderful just to sit here like this. Would you be a dear and come over here and wash Mommy’s hair for her?”
“Sure, Mom,” Elliott replied eagerly. At this point, he knew he’d do anything his mother asked him to do, just to have a chance to be close to her. He gathered up the bottle of shampoo sitting on the ledge next to the tub and poured some into his hand as his mother slid right down into the tub, disappearing beneath the bubbles for a few seconds to thoroughly wet her hair. She rose back up with her head above the surface, lying back against the end once more.
Without a word needing to be said, Elliott rubbed his hands together and then starting washing her hair, moving his soapy fingers through her long blonde locks. He’d never done anything like that to anyone before, and it felt incredibly erotic, running his fingers over her scalp and through her hair. He felt his prick twitch again, the novel experience arousing him more than he would have ever expected.
“Mmm, that feels so nice, baby,” his mother said as he rubbed his fingers tenderly over her scalp. He could feel the tangles beneath his fingers, her hair matted and clumped together where the boys had wiped off their cocks. He had to work at those areas, but he could feel the sticky mess eventually dissolve away beneath his fingers, leaving her hair clean and spunk-free… for now, anyway. He knew that would likely change tomorrow as well.
“I… I think that’s got it, Mom,” Elliott said as he reluctantly removed his hands from his mother’s head. She slid back beneath the surface, rinsing off most of the shampoo.
“I’m going to take a quick shower and rinse the rest off after,” Tanya said as she reappeared. She didn’t want to move an inch right now. She was more than content to lie there, the hot water wrapping her in a steaming cocoon that soothed her aching body-her freshly-fucked, deliciously-aching 40-year-old body. But she wanted to continue to get cleaned up, and she knew the best way to do that, and to let her boy have some fun at the same time as well. She knew she’d enjoy what she had in mind as well. “Elliott, Mommy feels so cozy just sitting here like this. Do you think you could get the soap and wash the rest of me?”
Elliott’s heart jackhammered in his chest as his lust-addled brain registered what his mother had just said. She was actually asking him to put his hands on her lush curvy body, his slippery, soap-covered hands! He shook his head, wondering if he was actually dreaming. But no, his mother was still there, looking at him with a knowing twinkle in her gorgeous blue eyes.
“Uh, sure, I can do that,” Elliott mumbled out, trying to appear sure of himself as he fought to control his racing heart.
“Good. But you’re going to have to lean right over the side of the tub to do a good job, so why don’t you take your clothes off first. There’s no point in getting everything all wet.”
“Oh, okay,” Elliott replied as he got to his feet and pulled off his t-shirt. He tossed it aside and was about to get down on his knees beside the tub when his mother’s voice stopped him.
“You should probably take everything off, just in case any water splashes out.” He paused for a second, unsure of what to do. “Go ahead, baby,” his mother said as she nodded towards his jeans. “After what’s happened today, I don’t think we need to be so shy around each other anymore, do you? After all, like I said, I’m sure I’m going to be feeding you a lot from now on, both their cum, and mine.”
His mother’s suggestive words weren’t helping to calm Elliott’s racing heart any. If anything, it made it pump even faster. He undid his jeans and slid them to the ground, kicking them aside. He stood there in his fitted boxers, wondering what to do next. He could feel and see his rigid dick tenting out the front of his underwear.
“Those too,” his mother said as she nodded towards his midsection. He pried the waistband over the engorged head of his prick and pushed his underwear down, adding them to the pile with his jeans and t-shirt. His cock sprung out before him, fully at the ready, a nasty web of precum drooling from the tip. He saw his mother look at it appraisingly, and he was thrilled to see a noteworthy smile come over her face. She turned and looked up at him. “Good, that’s better. Now, the body wash is right over there in that pump bottle. Don’t be afraid to put a lot on your hands.”
With that being said, she settled back down in the tub and closed her eyes. Elliott knew she was giving him permission to run his hands freely over her body, and he knew instinctively she would keep her eyes closed and let him look and feel wherever he wanted. Elliott set the bottle of body wash next to him as he knelt at the side of the tub. He squirted a lot onto his hands and rubbed them together, warming the greasy fluid. He wanted to get his hands on his mother’s huge tits more than anything, but he didn’t want to look too eager. He figured since he’d washed her hair first, he’d move on to her shoulders and work his way down. At least that way, he’d get his hands on those massive tits soon enough. He reached into the tub and got his soapy hands wet, and then reached up to his mother’s shoulders.
“Mmm, that’s nice, baby,” his mother cooed softy as he started to slide his hands over her shoulders. Her toned flesh felt wonderful beneath his slippery fingers. As she purred contentedly, Elliott continued to slide his soapy hands over her body, gradually working his way along her slender arms and then down her sides. A couple of times the side or back of one of his hands would bump into the swell of the side of one of her breasts, sending a tickling thrill through him.
“You might want to re-lather your hands before you go any further,” his mother said as she continued to lie there peacefully, her eyes still closed. Without being told directly, Elliott knew she was giving him license to wash her breasts next, to hold those beautiful big mounds in his hands and run his soapy hands all over them.
The whole time Elliott had been washing her, Tanya had been watching him through narrowly-slitted eyes. She could see how careful and diligent he was as he went about his duties, trying his best to avoid putting his fingers on her breasts. She could see his eyes look down at them constantly, trying to get a better look through the foamy bubbles clouding the surface. Tanya knew that the more soap that dissolved into the water, the more the bubbles would break and disappear. That was one of the two reasons she told her son to re-lather his hands. She wanted to give him a better view of her big tits and, she wanted his hands to be nice and slippery when he set them on those heavy mounds of hers.
He did as he was asked, pumping out a copious amount of the clear soap onto his hands and rubbing them together before dipping them back into the bath. Through hooded eyes, she could see the fine sheen of perspiration on his face as he looked down at her chest. She saw him gulp and his mouth opened slightly as he started to breathe rapidly. She let her own gaze drift down. She saw the reason for his reaction-her nipples were poking through the surface of the water between a couple of clouds of bubbles. They glistened teasingly, the cherry-red buds stiff and inviting. With him kneeling right next to the tub, she couldn’t see what was happening with him down below, but based on the way he was looking at her nipples and the way he was almost drooling, she would have bet that his cock was hard as rock.
And she would have been right. When Elliott spotted her nipples poking up like tiny red beacons between the mounds of bubbles, he thought he was going to spontaneously combust and shoot his load right there against the side of the tub. It was incredibly erotic to see those rosy bullets protruding just above the surface, the gently-moving water lapping at them provocatively.
As his mouth instinctively filled with saliva, Elliott swallowed, and then submersed his hands in the water. He slid one hand across the top of her belly until it was beneath her far breast, and put the other hand just below the one nearest him. He rubbed his hands slowly over her skin, the soap making her flesh feel delightfully smooth. He moved both hands towards her voluminous tits and then, taking a deep breath to steady himself, he slid his hands upward, cupping both enormous jugs in his hands at the same time.