Busty Mom And The Bullies(Incest Sex):>44

Book:Horny Wives Revenge (erotica) Published:2025-2-7

With a final kiss, Elliott withdrew his mouth from his mother’s pussy and stepped into the en-suite bathroom. The room was huge, with the massive glass-walled shower enclosure in one corner and a deep soaker tub in another. He ran the water in the tub, knowing she’d want it nice and hot to soothe her aching body. He poured in the bath crystals, which quickly foamed up, the warm flowery scent filling the air. As steam curled invitingly over the tub, he checked to make sure everything was in order, taking down a clean fluffy towel from the linen cupboard and setting it out nearby. Satisfied, he turned on his heel and returned to the bedroom. As soon as he went back into the room, the overpowering smell of the three Cs of sex hit him like a wave: cock, cunt, and cum.
When his mother saw him, she started to sit up, and Elliott saw her wince as she did. “Are you sure you’re okay, Mom?” he asked as he hurried over and took her arm. She swung her legs over the side and sat on the edge of the bed. Elliott’s eyes immediately went to her big tits, which settled and spread out over the whole breadth of her chest with a gentle wobble. Her rosy nipples tipped up slightly in their natural position, as if begging for attention.
“I’m fine, just a little stiff.” Elliott wasn’t surprised she was feeling ‘a little stiff’, because the three guys that had been fucking her for hours on end must have been ‘a lot stiff’. “Oh dear, look at my bustier,” she said as she reached across the bed and picked up the shiny red garment. As she held it in front of her, they both looked down at a number of pearly wads of spunk clinging to the satin. The shiny fabric was turning darker beneath each clumpy gob as the jizz slowly soaked into the tightly-weaved material.
“I’m gonna have to really soak that to get that out,” she said as she looked up at Elliott, noticing his eyes remained focussed on the nasty gobs of cum. It wasn’t hard to read his mind. “Do you think you can help Mommy clean this up, baby? I think you know how.” Elliott met her eyes and she could see he knew exactly what she meant. A sly smile crossed her face as Elliott obediently nodded. Still wearing her strappy stilettoes and with her feet on the floor, she let her legs roll slowly apart. “Get down on your knees.” She nodded to the spot between her legs. Elliott compliantly did as he was told, dropping to his knees at the side of the bed between her widely-spread thighs. His face was at the perfect position to suckle her big tits, his mouth mere inches from those mouthwatering guns.
Tanya knew she’d be feeling that sweet young mouth on her tits soon enough, but she had other plans right now. She was witnessing the submissive side of her son coming out in full force, much like her own had come out with Jamal and the boys. And now, she was loving this new relationship she was having with her son, just as much as she knew she was going to love the relationship she was already having with her son’s bullies. She loved the way Elliott was blissfully willing to do her bidding, just as she was willing to do theirs. It made her shiver with arousal to think of her boy acting like a slave to her, but it was equally exciting for her to know she was acting the same way with those boys-those muscular, constantly-hard, huge-cocked boys.
“That’s my good boy,” Tanya said as she took her index finger and gathered up one of the sizable wads of jizz from the bustier. She extended her hand towards him, her cum-coated finger making its way towards his mouth. With his eyes focussed on the glistening gob of semen, Elliott formed his mouth into an inviting ‘O’. With a nasty smile on her face, Tanya traced her shiny fingertip around the circle of his lips teasingly for a second, and then slid her cummy finger right inside, her son’s lips closing down on the invading digit.
“Mmm…” She smiled to herself as Elliott gave off a subconscious purr, and it occurred to her that her young son loved the taste of cum just as much as she did. She felt his tongue roll over her finger, lapping up the male juice. His eyes were closed as he let the masculine flavor settle on his taste buds, and she could tell that he was already hooked on the illicit new taste. With all those times her son had used her underwear to jerk off in, and with all the MILF porn he had on his computer, she knew he wasn’t gay-but you didn’t have to be gay to like the taste of semen. If it turned you on to swallow cum, from either a male or female, ‘What the fuck?’ she thought, it was your own business what you liked. And it was obvious to her by watching the way he’d acted today, that although she knew Elliott loved jerking off into her underwear, and loved his MILF porn, he also loved the taste of cum, thick creamy man-cum. And with the way his tongue was swirling all over her cum-coated finger, she had absolutely no doubt about that. And the crazy thing was, she found it wickedly exciting.
“That’s the way, baby, lick it all up,” she said in a breathy voice as she started to saw her slender finger back and forth between his lips, fucking his mouth. She watched the way his circling lips clamped down on her finger, and the way they pursed forward when she pulled her arm back, and then lovingly let her finger slide right in when she pushed it all the way in, her finger inserted to the hilt. She thought back on the image that still seemed like yesterday, of her husband sucking off the big black guy out by the pool. He had the same look on his face then that Elliott had now, both of them blissfully happy with something sawing back and forth between their lips. Maybe Elliott was more like his father than she thought. Whatever it was, for right now, she knew that what she and her son were doing was something they both wanted at this time of their lives, and needed. If it ended up that Elliott was gay, well, so be it. As long as he was happy, that’s all she cared about, happy and safe.
Tanya used her fingers to scoop up the rest of the cum from the bustier, feeding it to her son, who greedily slurped down the silvery wads of goo. When all that was left were the damp stains, she tossed the garment aside and withdrew her finger from her son’s avidly sucking mouth. “Take my shoes off for me, sweetie, and then help me into the tub. Mommy’s still feeling a little rocky.”
Elliott reached down and undid the tiny buckle holding the slim strap around his mother’s ankle, holding the sexy shoe for her as she stepped out of them. When she got to her feet, she turned and looked at the bed, the sheets in total disarray, gobs of cum and damp stains everywhere. “Baby, while I’m in the tub, can you throw those sheets in the laundry, and then make up the bed with a new set from the linen closet?”
“Sure, Mom,” Elliott replied as he put his arm around her back and helped her into the bathroom, her legs a bit wobbly beneath her. He’d left the water running slowly into the tub and it was now at the perfect level, the surface bubbling over with scented foam that made the whole room warm and inviting. He helped her into the tub where she slithered right down, the water level up to her neck, the perfumed bubbles hiding her curvy body from his curious gaze.
“Oh, this feels so good,” his mother said as she settled right down into the steaming water. “When you’re done changing the sheets, come back in here, baby.”
“Okay. Sure,” Elliott gratefully replied. He’d expected to be dismissed once his mother was in the tub, and he was interested to see why she wanted him back. He returned to the bedroom and gathered up the sheets. It wasn’t difficult, all the corners of the bottom sheet had been pulled loose during the marathon fuck session. He was even more amazed than his mother at the number of stains on the sheets. Based on the amount she had both in her, and on her, he’d have thought they wouldn’t have had any left to spare. But no, the evidence was right there in milky white, glistening nastily.
Elliott carried the sheets out into the hall. When they’d had the house built, his mother had insisted on a second floor laundry, for which he was now grateful. He opened the doors to the closet-like room off the hallway and lifted the lid of the washing machine. He tossed the top sheet and pillow cases in first, and then started wadding up the bottom sheet to put it in as well. A brilliant shimmer caught his eye and made him pause. He stopped and looked as a massive strand of cum he hadn’t noticed before caught the light from above. He was surprised at the salacious thrill that went through him as he looked at the gooey rope of spunk. It was brilliantly white, and he knew it must be chock-full of sperm, the billions of swimmers making it shine brightly. Remembering what he’d witnessed the night before when his mother had jerked off all three boys onto the kitchen table, a devilish thought occurred to him, that this specific strand of cum was Jamal’s. He remembered how awestruck he had been when Jamal came, his cum shooting out like a streak of white lightning from his mother’s stroking hand. And this ribbon of protein looked just like that long white rope that had landed with a splat on the dining room table.
Overcome with excitement, Elliott couldn’t contain himself. He drew the wadded-up sheet to his mouth and extended his tongue, pressing the tip beneath one end of the clumpy white strand. He licked upwards, feeling the gooey discharge collecting in a sizable puddle on his tongue. He continued licking upwards, kind of sucking inwards at the same time, until he had as much of the deliciously nasty strand in his mouth as he could get. He rolled it all around in his mouth, loving the flavor as the strange new texture tickled his taste buds. For some reason he couldn’t explain, he was more certain than ever that it was Jamal’s-rich, thick, and luxuriously delicious. He swallowed, the huge wad sliding smoothly down his throat and into his waiting stomach.
As soon as it hit home, another surge of blood flooded to his midsection, heading straight to his cock, making it throb and press against his jeans. He felt like taking it out right there and jerking off onto the stained sheet, adding his junk to theirs. But he remembered his mother had asked him to come back to the bathroom, and if there was the slightest chance that something might happen there, he didn’t want to be left wanting. Using all his willpower, he suppressed the urge within him and shoved the sheet into the machine. He added the detergent and turned it on. He stopped at the linen closet and took out a clean set of king-size sheets. He selected ones in a rich crimson color, in the perverse hope that if the boys came back the next day and fucked his mother again, this time the cum stains would stand out boldly against the vibrant red sheets. He knew he would like that, like it very much indeed. He quickly made up the bed, pulling the covers back up and then turning them down as he expected his mother to be getting back into bed in order to rest. Not sure what to do with the decorative pillows, he stacked them against the headboard for now.