“I’ve always wanted to come on her tits,” Elliott said to himself as he looked at her painted chest, the ribbons and wads of semen looking like a road map of China as they crossed every which way. He was too far gone, and as a clumpy gob dripped from her nipple onto the sheets right next to him, he went off. He couldn’t believe how hard he came, his spunk rifling out of his throbbing boner, the white rope splashing heavily over both her tits. He kept pumping, and his prick kept shooting as he flooded her chest with cum, adding to the milky mess already there. His eyes flicked back to her face for a second, but she slept on peacefully, totally unaware as her young teenage son jacked off all over her. Just the thought of that made Elliott’s dick throb, and he continued to spray her gorgeous body with his seed, totally unloading all over those big, heavy, perfect Mommy-tits.
Deliciously spent, he sat back on his haunches as he recovered, looking down at his mother as she slept on, unaware of what he’d just done. With his perverse desires temporarily satisfied, Elliott started to feel guilty. He carefully backed away and got off the bed, putting his underwear and pants back on. His mother continued to sleep, unmoving, that strand of semen still connecting the corner of her open mouth to the sizable puddle on the sheet beneath her cheek. He raked his eyes over her entire body, and then over to the discarded bustier, and then to the sheets all around her, and finally on the empty glass, with the filmy residue of someone’s spunk still clinging to the side. Jamal’s final words came into his mind, “And remember, you’ve got a lot of cleaning to do up there, and I’ll know if you don’t do it the way I like.” He wondered how Jamal would know. Surely they hadn’t set up some kind of nanny-cam in his mother’s room. No, that was ridiculous, he assured himself. They’d only had their jeans on when they’d come into the room. That answer became clear to him-Jamal would simply ask his mother. And he knew that under Jamal’s imposing glare, she’d feel compelled to tell the truth. And Elliott didn’t want to put her in that spot. And he also didn’t want to disappoint Jamal. So far, this had been the most exciting day of Elliott’s life, and he wanted it to continue.
With those thoughts running through his mind, he decided he’d better attend to his duties. But where to start, there was so much cum everywhere. He looked down at one of the big gobs of his own jizz, the swirly clump of seed gathered at the top of her dark line of cleavage and sliding slowly into that enticing valley. He figured his own cum was as good a place as any to start, so he climbed back onto the bed and moved closer, leaning over her body with his tongue extended. He slid the tip into the cloudy mess and licked upwards, sucking in at the same time as he drew the syrupy mass into his mouth, and then swallowed. With the first wad safely in his stomach, he slid his tongue right into her cleavage and licked for more.
He continued licking, his lips and tongue busy as he lapped up the numerous strands and gobs of boy-juice plastered all over her tits. He knew he shouldn’t, but he felt himself getting aroused again as he licked up wad after wad of teenage seed, knowing Jamal would be pleased with his work.
With her big tits now glistening with his drying saliva, he shifted slightly to the side, attacking the shiny gobs clinging to her stomach. As he licked at her warm flesh, he noticed his knee felt wet. He sat back and raised his knee, seeing a damp stain on the denim of his jeans. He hadn’t noticed one of the big clumps of daddy-sauce next to her body, the milky cum difficult to spot against the white sheets. Realizing that was now one of the ongoing hazards of his new job, he went back to work, leaning over his mother’s lush body on his hands and knees and licking her stomach clean.
He glanced down at her seeping gash, a slow steady trickle of white cock-honey still oozing from her overflowing snatch. There was something so wickedly alluring about it that he decided to save that for last. He glanced up to her pretty face, knowing that was where he was going next. He carefully shifted himself upwards, and then leaned over her. He spotted one huge ribbon that ran right up her cheek from her jaw into her hairline. A shiver of anticipation tripped down his spine as he pressed his tongue softly against the side of her jaw, and then ran the flat paddle of his tongue upwards, gathering up the sizable strand of liquid protein. He gathered up another gob that clung to the side of her nose and ended just below the hollow of her eye. Her warm soft skin felt sinfully delicious beneath his tongue, and he closed his eyes as he carefully drew the creamy cock-juice into his mouth and swallowed, loving the feel of the now-familiar masculine discharge sliding down his throat. “Mmm.” Elliott couldn’t suppress the purr of satisfaction that emanated from his throat.
He felt his mother move beneath him and drew back. Her eyes flicked open and looked at him. She went to turn her head and speak, but he noticed she quickly became aware of the mass of spunk in her mouth. She instinctively swallowed, and Elliott thought it was incredibly erotic to watch the muscles in her neck contract as she drew the sperm-laden pool of semen into her stomach.
“Elliott, wha… where are the boys?” she asked, her eyes flicking around the room. As she turned her head, he could see that the side of her face that had been lying against the sheet was smeared with cum too.
“They left a little while ago, Mom. You’ve been sleeping. Are you… are you all right?”
She seemed to relax, having come more awake and realizing it was just the two of them. She listened to Elliott, and a dreamy look came over her face as she answered, “Yes, baby, Mommy’s fine. I’m a little sore, but I’m fine.”
He noticed she referred to herself as ‘Mommy’ again, and he felt a little jolt of excitement go through him after she said it.
“What about you, sweetheart?” she continued. “Are you okay?”
“Yes, Mom, I’m fine too. And I’m glad to see you’re okay.”
“What were you doing while the boys were… while the boys…”
Elliott could see his mother was having a hard time trying to phrase what she wanted to say, so he helped her out by speaking up. “I played my new video game for a while, and then I worked on a couple of tutoring lessons for those guys. And then I watched a couple of movies.”
Tanya’s eyes opened wide when it dawned on her how much time must have passed while the boys were fucking her. “What time is it?” she asked as she turned her head to look at the clock on the bedside table.
“It’s a little after eight,” Elliott replied.
He saw the surprised look on his mother’s face as she realized it was close to eight hours since they’d first come into her bedroom. “Oh my. Are you… are you getting hungry?”
Sitting so close to her, Elliott noticed the scent of cum on her breath, and wondered if his breath smelled the same. He shrugged his shoulders as he answered, “I’m okay, I had a sandwich earlier.” He figured there was no point in telling her that Zeke had taken half of it. “What about you? You must be pretty hungry after all this time.”
“I am, a bit. But I don’t feel as hungry as I should be. Strange…”
Elliott figured she didn’t feel all that hungry since she probably had a belly full of ball-juice.
Tanya propped herself up on her elbows and looked down at her body, spotting the river of cum oozing out of her cunt and the big puddle staining the sheets beneath her. Her eyes flicked over to the bustier lying next to her, milky clumps of nut butter staining that as well. “Oh my goodness, I’m a mess.”
“It’s okay, Mom. It was worse earlier.”
“Jamal wanted me to clean you up. I was trying to be quiet and let you sleep while I was doing it, and I’m sorry I woke you up.”
“Cleaning me?” she asked, clearly puzzled at first, which was quickly replaced by a knowing look as it dawned on her what Elliott must have been doing. “How were you…?”
Again, she didn’t need to complete her question before Elliott started nodding. “Like he asked me to do before.”
Elliott saw the licentious look in her eyes as she looked at his mouth, his lips still glistening with a coating of the spunk he’d licked up just moments before. “Are you okay with that, sweetie? Are you okay with doing what they tell you to do? They didn’t hurt you at all before they left, did they?”
He could see two things in her eyes, both arousal and concern. He knew because he felt the same way himself. He shook his head from side to side. “No, Mom, not at all. They didn’t touch me or even say anything mean to me.” He paused as he saw a look of relief on her face, hoping he could phrase what he wanted to say next in the right way. “I… I think it… I think it might be best if we agree to do as they say. I’m okay now with the idea of tutoring them. If it makes my life easier at school, I’ll do it. Wha… what about you, Mom? What do you think?” Elliott was almost fearful as he waited for her answer, afraid she might take away the opportunity for the most exciting things he’d ever experienced.
“I think you might be right, Elliott. I think it’s best if we do as they say,” his mother responded, her words causing a wave of relief to wash over him. “I don’t think you know how much I’ve worried about you when you go off to school every day, knowing that those boys might choose any reason to pick on you. And I agree, if you are willing to help by tutoring them, and if I can help in my own way just a little bit, as long as you’re safe, I’m willing to do whatever it takes. Okay, baby?”
Elliott knew that her ‘little bit of help’ consisted of letting them fuck her every which way but loose, and he felt a titillating thrill inside that she was just as eager as he was to allow them to continue, to use her in any way they chose. And he knew from what Jamal said, as long as they got what they wanted, he’d let Elliott get his fair share too. Elliott couldn’t wait. “I think that’s best, Mom, and I’m so glad we agree.” His heart warmed as his mother gave him a loving smile. “And I’m just glad you’re okay. Are you sure they didn’t hurt you in any way?”