Busty Mom And The Bullies(Incest Sex):>40

Book:Horny Wives Revenge (erotica) Published:2025-2-7

“Fuck, yeah,” Gunner added. “I was supposed to be home an hour ago to look after my brother and sister while my mom went out. I think she’s got a date with a new guy tonight that wants to fuck her.”
“What does your dad say about that?” Jamal asked, which caught Elliott by surprise as he’d heard that Gunner’s parents were still together. At first he thought Jamal had just said it as a joke, but neither boy was smiling.
Gunner shrugged his shoulders. “He doesn’t care, as long as she charges enough to allow him to partake in his daily habit.”
Zeke tossed each of them their stuff, and all three hurriedly pulled on their t-shirts and shoes. They barely paid any attention to Elliott as they gathered up their swimsuits and towels. They were just about to make their way to the front door when Jamal turned and spoke to Elliott. “Well, Smallcox, it’s been a pleasure, if you know what I mean,” Jamal paused as his buddies laughed along with him. “Your mom’s taking a rest right now. I think she’s a little worn out.” Again, Gunner and Zeke snickered. “I’ll leave it up to you, whether you want to go check on her, or let her rest. You might want to just go up and jerk off a load all over her, if you can find anywhere on that sweet body of hers that doesn’t have cum on it already.” This comment got a full laugh out of each of the two boys. “But based on what I saw earlier, I’m sure you’re anxious to do your job as our Clean-up Boy, and we’ve left you quite a bit to clean up.” Jamal nodded to his friends and gestured towards the front door. “So, we’ll be over tomorrow to start with those tutoring lessons. I’ll text you guys in the morning to let you know when we’re coming. Remember what your Mom said; if you do that tutoring AND SHE’S NICE TO US,” Jamal paused as he looked at his friends after emphasizing his last few words, “then we’ll be nice to you. Which, at the end of the day is what this arrangement is all about, and it looks to me like everybody wins. You’re good with that?”
“Yes. Yes sir,” Elliott replied, nodding his head in agreement.
A broad smile came over Jamal’s face. “That’s good, Kid. I think things are going to work out fine.” He turned on his heel as Gunner and Zeke were already making their way to the front door. “We’ll see you tomorrow then, and make sure your mother gets a good night’s sleep. I think she’s got another busy day ahead of her. And remember, you’ve got a lot of cleaning to do up there, and I’ll know if you don’t do it the way I like.” He gave Elliott a lascivious wink before turning and following his friends out the door.
As soon as they left, Elliott turned and looked up the stairs. They’d left the door to his mother’s room partially open, and not a sound was coming from the room. Not the endless creaking of her old bed that he’d been hearing for the last many hours, not her moans and squeals of delight. There was not even a little sigh or peep, nothing at all, the house was silent as a tomb. The intensity of the silence actually frightened Elliott, and the expression, ‘dead quiet’, came into his head. He assumed by what the boys had said that his mother was resting, maybe even sleeping. They wouldn’t have actually fucked her to death, would they? They’d been going at her for so long, and with the size of their cocks, he wouldn’t have been surprised if they had killed her-split her in two with those monstrous pricks of theirs. Shaking his head to get rid of the troubling thought, he made his way quietly up the stairs, not wanting to disturb his mother if she was sleeping. But he had to know, he had to make sure she was okay.
As he approached the door, it was the smell emanating from the room that hit him first. It was a deliriously nasty mixture of sweat, pussy, cock, and cum. Overall, it was the intensely erotic, animalistic smell of pure sex. It got stronger as he approached the door, the fragrance heady and sinfully exciting as it fired his senses.
Elliott approached the door and peeked into the room, spotting his mother lying on her back on the bed, her head turned away from him, unmoving. Again, fearing the worst, he stepped quietly into the room and made his way towards the bed. The dishevelled sheets caught his eye first. They were pulled up at each of the four corners and were twisted and tangled beneath her. A number of the pillows that had been stacked against the headboard were everywhere. Some littered the floor while others were strewn about from the top of the bed to the bottom, making him wonder exactly what they’d done to her. He noticed one pillow on the floor in front of the foot of the bed, and his eyes picked up the two indentations on the surface of the pillow, each dent about the size and shape of his mother’s knees.
He looked up at his mother, and with relief noticed the slow steady rising and falling of her big tits. Knowing she was okay, he stopped and surveyed the rest of the lurid scene. Dusk was fast approaching, and he noticed the bullies had turned on the two lights on the matching bedside tables, bathing the bed, and his mother, in a warm amber glow. They’d even closed the drapes, making the scene of their gang-fuck appear intimate and nasty, as if they’d been fucking her in the privacy of a cheap motel room.
The three cans of Red Bull sat empty, two on one of the bedside tables, the other can sitting next to his mother’s empty milk glass on the other. Nasty traces of her bright red lipstick appeared like a sexy kiss on the rim of the glass. He spotted something filmy going partially through his mother’s lip-print and stepped closer. It looked like a wad of spunk was adhered to the rim at the top and had partially slithered down the side of the glass. Most of it was gone, but there were tell-tale traces left. He picked up the glass and inspected the pearly residue closer. The masculine scent of semen hit his senses, and he knew his guess was right-cum. He wondered which of the guys had jerked off into her milk glass and made her drink it.
Elliott looked at the bed, noticing the red satin bustier lying next to his mother. It had obviously been pulled off her at some point, and lay there like a discarded tissue, stained and wet with ribbons and gobs of jizz clinging to it. The bed was the same, the sheets damp and stained with blossoming wet patches and clumpy gobs of teenage boy-cum dotting the dishevelled mess.
Elliott followed the spreading trail of cum stains back to the source, his mother lying inert in the centre of the bed. With the bustier gone, all she had on now were her red strappy sandals. The stiletto heels looked sexy as anything as she lay there, fucked into a near comatose state. “Fuck me,” he muttered under his breath as he looked at her thorougly-fucked body. Like the sheets-but even worse-there was cum everywhere on her body. There were big gobs of the stuff spackling her stomach and thighs, and as she lay there with her legs blatantly parted, Elliott saw a steady rivulet of milky jizz slowly oozing from inside her puffy slit. His eyes drifted slowly up her curvy form, noticing more cum on her midsection, and then a number of ropes and glistening wads splattered all over her big round tits. Gobs clung lewdly to her rubbery nipples, while pearly strands followed the curvy contours of her breasts, some having flowed down the sides of the massive orbs, while other silvery ribbons dove into her deep cleavage.
He looked up to her face, which was a total mess of cum. The stuff was everywhere, from her forehead to her chin, with gobs plastered on the one cheek he could see. With her face turned sideways and lying flush against the sheets, he imagined the other side of her face had probably taken just as much abuse. Her hair lay on the sheet beneath her, the lustrous honey-blonde locks spread out like a halo. He noticed even her hair was clotted and splattered with jizz, and there were matted clumps of her hair clinging together in a nasty mess, as if somebody had grabbed handfuls of her hair and wiped their cock clean with it.
Elliott leaned closer to his mother, listening to her soft breathing as she slept peacefully, a quiet blissful look of serenity about her sleeping form. “Oh my God,” he uttered quietly as he looked at her mouth. Her face was turned almost totally to the side and he hadn’t noticed her mouth at first. Her lips were parted, with nearly all of her lipstick rubbed off. Her lips looked red and puffy all on their own, and he knew the boys had worked her mouth over pretty good. Fuck, not only was the evidence all over her face and body, it was right there for him to see, in her mouth! With the side of her face turned towards the sheets, a nasty gob of semen oozed from the corner of her parted lips, a sizable pool of the stuff spreading and staining the sheet at the corner of her mouth. Elliott leaned in closer and peered into her open mouth, seeing a massive puddle of the stuff lying in the hollow of her cheek. He couldn’t believe how much of the stuff there was, between the amount spreading out across the sheet and the amount still shimmering within her open mouth.
“Fuck me,” he said quietly to himself. “They must have all shot off in her mouth at the same time just before they left.” Just the idea of it had Elliott all revved up, and his cock had quickly gotten brick hard in his pants. He looked at his mother’s placid face as he listened to her steady, even breathing.
“Fuck, she’s so out of it, she’s not even gonna know,” he whispered quietly as he quickly shucked off his pants and underwear. He carefully crawled onto the bed and kneed his way over to her. He paused as he got close, his weight causing her turned head to dip down slightly, a gob of cum sloshing right out of her overflowing mouth. The sight of it turned Elliott on even more, and he wrapped his hand around his cock in a warm loving corridor as he started to jack it. He looked at her cum-soaked body, and tried to figure out where he wanted to put his own load. He looked down at her huge breasts. The nipples looked red and puffy, and it was obvious the boys had helped themselves to those mouthwatering tits as well.