Busty Mom And The Bullies(Incest Sex):>39

Book:Horny Wives Revenge (erotica) Published:2025-2-7

Elliott did as he was told by Jamal and made his way to his room. He was both thrilled and disappointed at the same time. Thrilled that he’d gotten to not only lose his virginity to his mother, but that he’d gotten to service that beautiful pussy of hers with his mouth as well. Jamal had told him he’d give him that opportunity, and his bully had stayed true to his word. Elliott ran his tongue over his teeth and the inside of his mouth, still tasting the remnants of his mother’s juices, and all the boys’ cum, including his own. It wasn’t what he’d expected, but the taste of their cum wasn’t as bad as he thought it would be either. As long as Jamal allowed him to use his mouth on his mother, he’d be their Clean-up Boy for as long as they wanted.
He was disappointed too, for the obvious reason that he’d been dismissed. He’d been hoping to be allowed to stay, if even just to watch from across the room like he had been. But he didn’t want to get on Jamal’s wrong side in any way, so he’d obediently done as he was told and left, making sure his mother’s bedroom door was closed behind him, as instructed.
Elliott didn’t know what to do next, or when they might call on him, so he decided he should get dressed, just to be safe. He was just doing up the zipper on his pants when a sound caught his attention.
Her bed. Her treasured, old wooden bed was creaking rhythmically, and he could hear the headboard beating a steady tattoo as it banged up against the wall, BMMP… BMMP… BMMP. He’d only been out of his mother’s room a few minutes and he realized they were already going at her again. Figuring they’d be a while, he booted up his computer and inserted his new video game.
He got immersed in the game, while at the same time keeping one ear tuned to the sounds coming from his mother’s bedroom. That old bed was creaking in protest constantly, with some euphoric shrieks of pleasure coming from his mother every few minutes. He knew each time he heard it, she was coming, and he quickly lost track of how many times he heard those bliss-filled screams. Occasionally, he’d hear the low rumble of the boys’ voices in the background, but there was no way he could make out what they were saying.
Sometimes, there would be total silence, but it usually lasted no more than a minute or two, and then the squeaky bed would start up again.
After chocking up good scores to move up a number of levels in his new game, Elliott checked the time on his computer. It had been almost three hours since they’d ushered him out of the room. He was bored with his game by then, and getting hungry. He figured he’d go downstairs and make himself a snack, and maybe take a look at his schoolwork, as Jamal had suggested. If they were going to do this tutoring thing, he might as well be prepared.
He gathered up his books and his laptop and made his way downstairs, the EEN-EE… EEN-EE… sound clearer as he passed his mother’s bedroom door. He made himself a sandwich and poured himself a glass of milk before sitting down at the dining room table, the same table his mother had licked their cum off of the night before. To Elliott, it already seemed like ages ago, so much had happened. He looked up at the ceiling, the incessant groaning of the old bed seeming to pour right through the floor above, the squeaking sound now accompanied by a steady THUD… THUD… THUD… that came right through the ceiling as well.
But to Elliott, like everything else that had happened in the last twenty-four hours, the sounds of his bullies fucking his mother for hours on end was perversely thrilling. He looked up at the ceiling during one of the brief quiet interludes, and then found his young pecker stiffening up again as the creaking and thudding sounds commenced once more. He knew he was driving himself crazy wondering exactly what they were doing to her, so he opened his math book and ate part of the sandwich he’d made for himself, hoping that might take his mind off things.
A half hour later, he heard the door to his mother’s room open. He looked up as Zeke strode out leaving the door open a few inches behind him. The rhythmic creaking of the bed was louder, as were the moans and groans from his mother. It was obvious that with Zeke out of the room, Jamal and Gunner were still working her over.
“Hey Cox, how’s it goin’. Just comin’ to get something to drink,” Zeke said as he bounded down the stairs, his tumescent cock swaying heavily between his legs.
Elliott noticed that Zeke’s dick shone wetly, and there were streaks of bright red along the shaft and near the base, the color a perfect match for that new lipstick has mother had been wearing. “Uh, it’s going okay. How are things up there?”
“It couldn’t be better. Your mother is fucking amazing. You wouldn’t believe what she can do with that incredible body of hers. Yeah, fuck, there’s nothing like a sexy older woman to make you come good and hard. Which reminds me, how old is your mother?”
“Uh, she’s 40.”
“40… yeah. Perfect age for a hot MILF like that,” Zeke said as he opened the fridge and pulled out three cans of Red Bull and the jug of milk. “Hey, man, where do you keep the glasses? Your mother wants some milk.”
“Uh, they’re up in that cupboard, right next to the fridge.”
“Thanks, man,” Zeke said as he retrieved a glass from the cupboard and started to fill it from the milk jug. “Yeah, I don’t know if she wants the milk to soothe that throat of hers, or if she just wants more white stuff in her belly.” He looked up at Elliott as he shoved the jug back into the fridge, smiling at his own little joke.
“Uh, yeah,” Elliott replied, smiling weakly, wondering how much ‘white stuff’ they’d already fed her.
“What are you doing?” Zeke said as he stood next to Elliott, looking down at the math book open before him.
It felt weird to Elliott to have a naked boy standing this close to him, his big dick hanging out in front of him, but he could see that for Zeke it was no big deal. “Uh, I was doing what Jamal told me to do. Getting something ready for those tutoring sessions we talked about.”
“Math. Great. I suck at math. Hey, you don’t mind, do you?” Zeke asked as reached down and picked up the half sandwich Elliott had left on his plate. He took a huge bite, most of it gone before Elliott even had a chance to say a word.
“Uh, no… that’s okay.”
“This is great, thanks. Well, I’ve gotta get back. Keep working on that lesson. If I don’t pass my mom’ll kick my ass. Hey, did you hear that? What a fucking poet I am.” He stuffed the other part of the sandwich in his mouth and then gathered up the drinks, his hands full with the cans of Red Bull and the glass of milk. Elliott watched him mount the stairs and re-enter his mother’s bedroom, pushing the door closed behind him with the back of his foot.
A couple of minutes later, the rocking of the bed stopped. It was quiet as a church, and Elliott figured the boys were fuelling up with Red Bull for the next go round. He was proven right just a few minutes later as the thumping sound from above came through the ceiling again.
Elliott gradually grew tired of trying to sort out what to do for a tutoring lesson, figuring he’d have to sit down with each of the three boys to see exactly what they needed help with. Obviously, fucking wasn’t going to be one of the things on their list of what they needed help with, as if he could do anything about that anyway. With the erotic sounds coming from above him, he closed up his books and made his way to the couch. He found a movie to watch and settled in, hoping they’d be finished soon with his mother. Not only was he worried about her, he was also anxious to see if they would call on him to perform his clean-up duties.
Two hours later, the movie reached its conclusion, and yet the squeaking of his mother’s bed and the repetitive thudding sound continued to come from above. He was amazed that the boys hadn’t run out of steam. He was halfway through another movie and feeling pretty hungry when the sounds ceased. He’d gotten so used to it that the silence from above was deafening. He muted the TV to make sure his ears weren’t playing tricks on him. He twisted around in his chair and looked up the stairs, just as the door opened and Jamal strode out, Gunner and Zeke right behind him. Elliott could see the beaming smiles on their faces as all three stood at the top of the stairs, doing up their pants.
“Yo, Elliott. What’s up, my man?” Jamal said as the three of them bounded down the stairs, shit-eating grins on their faces. Elliott noticed that the impressive physiques of all three glistened with a fine sheen of perspiration, as if they’d just finished a strenuous activity-which he knew involved his mother taking their cocks in some way or another.
“Uh, nothin’,” Elliott replied. “Just watchin’ a movie.”
“Zeke, can you go outside and grab our stuff?” Jamal said, gesturing towards the pool. Zeke made his way outside, gathering up their t-shirts, bathing suits, and towels as Jamal turned back towards Elliott. “Sorry to have been so long, but we were all getting right into it, and I guess we kind of lost track of time there. And I guess when I say ‘we were getting right into it’, you know who I’m talking about getting into. What time is it, anyway?”
Elliott’s eyes flicked to the clock on the kitchen wall. “It’s uh, it’s almost seven-thirty.” Listening to the sordid sounds coming from the bedroom above him, Elliott had lost track of time himself. He backtracked a little in his mind and remembered that when they’d come in from the deck after having lunch and gone up to his mother’s bedroom, it had been just about twelve-fifteen. They’d been fucking his mother for almost seven hours straight!
“Seven-thirty!” Jamal said, his eyes following Elliott’s to the clock. “Shit! We gotta fly.” He turned to the patio door, just as Zeke was coming back inside. “Zeke, bring our stuff over here. It’s fucking seven-thirty already. We’ve gotta go. “