Busty Mom And The Bullies(Incest Sex):>19

Book:Horny Wives Revenge (erotica) Published:2025-2-7

Elliott’s attention was diverted as the boys all looked towards the house. His mother came into view, her body wrapped in a floral bathing suit cover-up. The piece of colorful fabric was tied behind her neck and reached to her knees, leaving only her shoulders and arms bare. She approached the boys and stopped, tossing a towel she was carrying onto a chair near theirs.
“Did the bathing suit fit okay?” Jamal asked. Elliott could see all three of them looking at her hungrily.
“It fit perfectly. And it’s so pretty. Thank all of you so much.”
“You’re very welcome. Like I said, it’s our pleasure,” Jamal replied. Elliott could see that all three boys were anxiously waiting for her to strip off the cover-up, but he could tell that Jamal knew the situation was somewhat awkward for her, with her knowing she was being watched so closely.
“Well guys, let’s go in. It’s getting pretty hot out here. I’m sure Mrs. Cox will join us when she’s ready.” He gave Zeke a shove, who lost his balance and fell in with a splash. The other two dove right in behind him, the three of them laughing as they came to the surface.
“Oh man, the water feels fantastic, Mrs. Cox,” Gunner said as he wiped the water from his face. “Come on in, join us.”
“Okay, I’ll be right in,” Tanya said as she reached behind her neck and started to undo the cover-up. “You boys have to promise not to splash me, okay?”
“We promise,” Zeke replied, the three of them ducking down to their shoulders as they waited for her.
Elliott moved closer to the window, his camera at the ready. He was watching his mother with just as much anticipation as the three boys in the pool. His mother flicked her head to the side, her blonde hair flowing in a teasing wave as she undid the knot at the back of her neck. She drew down the colorful wrap, and is it came away from her body, she tossed it aside onto one of the chairs.
“Oh, fuck me,” Elliott muttered to himself. He felt dizzy as he took in the view he had of his mother, her lush curvy body looking absolutely fantastic in the new bikini. The royal blue color was perfect for her, and he knew it would look amazing with her blue eyes. The bottom of the bikini barely covered the mound of her sex, the top of the front panel curving downward in the middle, as if inviting the viewer to slide their fingers down beneath the beckoning edge of fabric to explore in that direction. It was easy to see that she was cleanly shaven down there, Elliott thought. From his view of her in profile, he could see the back panel of the bikini bottom covered about half the breadth of her nice round bum-cheeks. It didn’t go into her like a thong, but it looked appropriate for a woman of her age, but still dead sexy. The slender blue ties attached to each corner of the panels tied high on her hips, emphasizing her wide motherly hips and slender waist. With the ties that high, it also made her legs look tantalizingly long. The bows dangling from the top of each curvy hip seemed to be crying out, crying out for someone’s fingers to reach forward and pluck the strings, allowing that sexy piece of fabric to fall away, exposing the delicious treasure lying beneath.
But it was the bikini top that drew Elliott’s eyes like a magnet. He couldn’t believe how big his mother’s tits looked in it. He’d always known they were huge, but they looked incredible in the nicely-formed bra cups. A thin strand of material connected the two big cups between her breasts in the front, with a slender tie that was fastened in the middle of her back. Two other ties lead from the top corners of the cups and rose to her shoulders, where he could tell they were fastened at the back of her neck. Even from his bedroom, he could see those two supporting strands of material were stretched as taut as bridge cables, straining under the heavy load they were carrying. Elliott had to take a breath, his heart pounding in his chest as he looked down at his mother’s enticing body.
He noticed that the top edges of the formed cups barely covered her areolae, while the reinforcing wire deftly hidden beneath the seams pushed the voluptuous mounds together and up. The result was breathtaking. Her cleavage was long and deep, the enticing line as dark as midnight. The ample mounds of titflesh seemed to swell over the edges of the confining cups, as if wanting to burst forth. Elliott gulped as he looked, wondering if he’d been right about his mother getting bigger up top. It sure looked that way, as if the bra size he’d given Jamal was fighting with all it’s might to contain the massive spheres.
“Well, I think that bathing suit fits you perfectly.” Jamal’s words broke Elliott out of his trance, for which he was grateful. He whipped his camera up and starting taking pictures, even as he felt his pecker stiffening in his pants.
“Do you think so?” Tanya said, turning slightly from side to side as the three boys looked at her, Gunner and Zeke with their mouths gaping open.
“Yes, I think it looks fantastic, and the color suits you perfectly. Don’t you think so, boys?” Jamal had to elbow Gunner to get his attention.
“Yeah… it… it’s really… it’s really hot,” Gunner stammered out, his eyes roaming up and down over Tanya’s mouthwatering form.
“Now, behave yourself,” Jamal said as he gave his friend a playful shove, but he didn’t fail to notice the little smile on Tanya’s face as she blushed. “Come on in, Mrs. Cox. The water feels great.”
“Just let me put my hair up,” Tanya said as she pulled a medium-blue scrunchie off her wrist and started to whip her hair up into a ponytail. “I don’t want to get it wet.”
“That’s a good idea,” Jamal said. “We wouldn’t your hair getting in the way of anything. Oh, I mean, you’re right, it’s probably best if you don’t get it wet.” He gave Gunner and Zeke a knowing smile as they watched her tend to her hair.
Elliott was snapping pictures like crazy. He loved it when his mother raised her hands to tie her hair back, the motion causing her breasts to rise up on her chest, the upper swells threatening to spill right over the edge of the cups. She playfully tossed her head from side to side, making sure her ponytail was tightly fastened. Elliott noticed that the blue scrunchie was almost a perfect match for the bikini. He thought she looked gorgeous as she daintily stepped over to the end of the pool, her honey-blonde hair gleaming as darts of sunlight glanced off it. With her hair pulled back, it made her elegant face and long neck look even more attractive than he remembered, and the way that bikini fit her shapely body was beyond words. Elliott couldn’t take his eyes off her, and he could see the boys felt the same. Four sets of eyes were riveted in place as she graciously made her way down the steps into the pool, settling down with the water up to her shoulders.
“See, I told you the water was nice,” Jamal said as she came closer to them and nodded. “Mrs. Cox, on behalf of myself and these two, we just want to thank you for inviting us. I can’t remember anybody ever being this nice to us, and being in a pool like this, it’s… it’s something very special, and we won’t forget it.”
“Thank you, Jamal, that’s so nice of you to say. I’m glad you’re having a good time. And that was so nice of you to bring that game for Elliott. You didn’t have to do that, and I could tell it made him really happy.”
“Well, just being here and giving you two those gifts makes us happy too, right guys?”
“Fuckin right!” Zeke said as he leaned forward, trying to see down through the water to Tanya’s breasts.
“Hey! Watch your language!”
Zeke cringed at Jamal’s reprimand. “I’m sorry Mrs. Cox. I don’t know what came over me.”
“That’s all right, Zeke. It’s nothing I haven’t heard before and sometimes a curse word just seems appropriate, doesn’t it?”
“Fuckin right,” Zeke repeated, a little quieter this time and with a guilty smile on his face. His comment made all of them laugh this time.
“Get out of here,” Jamal said as he pushed his friend under the water playfully. Gunner dove after Zeke and Jamal followed.
Elliott watched as the three boys swam and chased each other while his mother paddled around in the same area. They’d come back near her and talk about nothing in particular, and then go off for a more vigorous swim every now and then. Elliott was envious of the way all three moved fluidly through the water, their muscular bodies looking good as they swam effortlessly back and forth, diving down to the bottom and coming back to the surface time and time again. Elliott was hoping they’d get tired and come out of the pool soon. He wanted to get some more pictures of his mother. After about twenty minutes, it seemed the boys were thinking the same thing. They swam back near his mother and gathered around her. Jamal stood up next to her, his upper body totally clear of the water. Elliott saw his mother look at his toned physique, the water streaming off his muscular shoulders and pecs.
“This pool is amazing, Mrs. Cox. Would it be okay if we tried the hot tub?” Jamal pointed to the other side of the pool from where Elliott was watching from the window, the big hot tub sitting quietly ready.
“Uh, well, sure, if you like.”
“Great. Lead the way,” Jamal gestured to the steps at the end of the pool.
“Oh, all right,” Tanya said sheepishly as she made her way in that direction.