“And it’s not just about last night,” Jamal continued. “We think that idea you had of us working with Elliott is great, and we’re looking forward to what he can do to help us.” Jamal paused as he blatantly looked Tanya up and down. “And we’re looking forward to what you can do for us too, Mrs. Cox.” Elliott saw his mother flush again. He could see Jamal notice it too, and was grateful the young black man didn’t leave her hanging out there twisting in the wind too long. “You know, in case we need a mother’s opinion on something. We can’t get good advice like that at home. Our moms are all too busy to have time for us.”
Elliott could see the relief on his mother’s face again. “Of course, Jamal. I’ll be happy to help if you need some motherly advice.”
“Great. That’s what we hoped you’d say.” Jamal gave Tanya a big smile as he stepped over to the couch. “This is for you, Elliott.”
Elliott looked at the small package. It was covered in Star Wars gift wrap, and wrapped poorly. The paper was crinkled and there were spots where it appeared tape had been pulled off before.
“Yeah, sorry about the wrapping job,” Gunner said. “All we could find was some wrapping paper from my little brother’s birthday last weekend. Go ahead, open it.”
“Uh, that’s okay,” Elliott said, his eyebrows furrowed, wondering what these guys would get him as a gift. He popped open the tape at one end and reached inside the wrapping. He pulled out what was inside and looked at what he was holding. “Wow! I didn’t think this was even out yet!” His eyes had opened wide as he looked at a video game. He’d had his name on a waiting list for the game. It was brand new and wasn’t supposed to be available for another week.
“Hey, we know a guy,” Jamal said as he shrugged his shoulders.
“That’s great. Thank you,” Elliott said, figuring their ‘guy’ had probably stolen it from some warehouse or something. But Elliott didn’t really care-having the game was the important thing.
“Great. We’re glad you like it,” Jamal said before turning back to Tanya. “Go ahead, Mrs. Cox. Open yours.”
“Well, all right, although you really didn’t have to do this,” Tanya replied as she happily undid the ribbon.
“Don’t worry about it. It’s our pleasure.” Elliott saw the Gunner and Zeke meet Jamal’s eyes as they all smiled and nodded as Tanya set the ribbon aside and opened the box. Elliott observed that shared look and wondered what that was all about. Curious, he watched as his mother lifted back some folded tissue paper to look at the gift inside. Her eyes opened wide and her hand went up to her throat for a second before she looked up, a shocked and surprised look on her face.
“Wha…” was all she was able to stammer out.
“It’s a bathing suit. We figured since you have this big pool, you could always use an extra bathing suit.”
“Well, I… I don’t know what to say?”
“Take it out. See what you think.”
“The color is gorgeous,” Tanya said as she reached into the box and pulled out part of the bathing suit. Elliott could see that it was a beautiful royal blue color. What she held was the top of a bikini, with two triangular formed cups which looked heavily reinforced, connected by a thin string of material. He knew now why Jamal had sent him that text asking what his mother’s bra size was.
“We thought the color would look nice with your eyes,” Jamal replied, which made Tanya blush again. As Elliott’s mother held the bikini top up, he thought the big bra cups seemed to be begging to be filled. She turned it around, looking at the little tag on the inside edge of one cup.
“How… how did you know my size?”
Jamal shrugged his shoulders. “I took a guess. I’m glad I got it right.” He turned to Elliott and gave the boy a little wink.
Tanya put the bikini top back in the box and pulled out the bottom. “Oh my,” she gasped.
Elliott had to take a breath too. The bottom was made up of two tiny triangles of material with long thin ribbon-like ties coming from each corner. He could see that it wasn’t a thong, but there wasn’t a lot of material there either. He knew that the idea of the skimpiness of the garment was what had caused his mother to hesitate.
“We saw it on a mannequin in the store and we thought it would look good on you. Right guys?” Jamal said, turning to his pals, who both nodded lecherously as they looked at the tiny pieces of fabric dangling from Tanya’s fingers.
“Well, I don’t know what to say,” Tanya said, placing the bikini bottom back in the box. “Thank you.”
“No problem,” Jamal replied. “Now, that pool looks awful inviting. I think it’s time to go in.”
“Okay, you boys can go out and get changed in the cabana. Feel free to use the hot tub, if you like.”
Jamal had a perplexed look on his face as Tanya tucked the box under her arm. “Well, you guys are going to join us, aren’t you?” Jamal said. He gestured to Elliott as well. “That just wouldn’t seem right, us using your pool why you’re in here. It doesn’t seem like the polite thing to do.”
Tanya screwed up her face as she thought about what the boy had said. “I guess you’re right. It would seem kind of strange. I guess we could go in too. Elliott?”
All eyes turned on the frail 18-year old. He didn’t feel like having his scrawny form scrutinized by the well-built bullies, but more than that, based on what had happened between his mother and the boys last night, he wanted to see what they might try and do today. And if they didn’t have to worry about him being right there… well…
“I’d really like to try out my new game, if you don’t mind?”
“Are you sure, sweetie?” Tanya asked, feeling like a deer caught in the headlights as the boys all looked at her.
“That’s a great new game. Everybody’s been waiting for it to come out,” Jamal said. “That’s okay if Elliott wants to play it instead.”
Just as he’d thought, Elliott knew the boys would be just as happy not to have him around. “Yeah, Mom. You guys go ahead. I actually think I’ll play it in my room upstairs.”
“Oh, well, okay.” Tanya’s eyes flicked out to the pool, and then to the stairs. “I… uh, I guess I’ll go and get changed then. I’ll be out in a few minutes.”
“Okay, take your time. We’ll see you outside.” Jamal nodded to the other two, who followed him out to the cabana set off to one side of the pool deck.
Elliott purposely waited to follow his mother to the second floor, his eyes getting a close view of the backs of her creamy thighs as she bounded up the stairs, the flouncing hem of the skirt even giving him a teasing view of her panties. Yes, corn-silk yellow, just as he’d thought.
“You know, Mom, you don’t need to go swimming with them. They’ll be fine on their own,” Elliott said once they’d reached the top of the stairs.
“I know, honey, but I’m worried about what those boys might think if I don’t. I’m worried they might get angry with us, and then I’d just be sick if they took it out on you.” She leaned forward and gave Elliott a quick peck on the cheek, the subtle scent of her perfume wafting into his senses, the alluring fragrance sending a pulse of blood right to his cock. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. It’ll be fine. It’s just swimming after all.”
His mother disappeared into her room to change, while Elliott went into his own room and shut the door. He tossed the new video game onto his desk and pulled his camera out of the drawer. If his mother was going to wear that new bikini, he definitely wanted pictures of that. He was already envisioning using those pictures for the jackoff session he’d have after his bullies left. He moved to the window and slid it open as far as he could, wanting to make sure he was able to hear as much as possible. He then pulled the curtains partway across, but left a good-sized opening which gave him a perfect view of the swimming pool and deck area. He only had to wait a minute or two before the three boys came out of the cabana and tossed their towels across some of the deck chairs sitting around the pool. All three were wearing loose-fitting swim trunks, which hung low on their hips.
Elliott looked enviously at the bodies of all three boys, wishing he had some of that bulk and muscle. They looked even more intimidating with their bare chests showing, each of them with toned, well-defined pecs and abs. Zeke was the thinnest, but he looked tough as sinew, the musculature clearly visible beneath his skin. Gunner was broader and thicker, with powerful-looking arms and a barrel chest. Elliott thought he looked like someone who you’d expect to be playing linebacker for a football team.
But it was Jamal that made the biggest impression. Elliott found himself doing a double-take as he looked down at the youth’s imposing body. Although of a similar build, he was taller and all around bigger than Gunner. His shoulders were broad and thick, and like his arms, they were corded with muscle that seemed to flow from one side of his body to the other beneath his smooth ebony skin. His pecs looked like solid plates of armor, well-defined and nicely-toned. And he had a stomach to match. Even from his second floor window, Elliott could see the defined musculature beneath the skin. With that six-pack, Elliott thought Jamal’s body would be perfect for one of those ‘Abs of Steel’ ads he’d seen years ago. As the young black man turned to talk to his friends, Elliott noticed the way the soft fabric of his swim trunks clung to the curving spheres of his rear end, the boy’s buttocks looking firm and powerful. And his legs matched the rest of him. To Elliott, they looked like the solid trunks of trees, the muscles in his thick thighs and well-toned calves a perfect match for the rest of his impressive physique.