“Now Elliott, if this idea of the boys coming over here for some tutoring is going to work, I think you need to stop thinking of them as bullies. They just need a little understanding is all. Do you think you can do that for me?”
As his mother looked at him with those caring blue eyes, Elliott couldn’t help but give in to her wishes. He nodded in agreement.
“Good boy. Now, why wouldn’t this be appropriate?” Tanya asked, all doe-eyed innocence as she looked down at her pretty yellow dress.
“I don’t know, it’s just… just kind of… revealing,” Elliott stammered out, feeling embarrassed as his gaze ran up and down over his mother’s curvy body, his recently-jerked prick giving a little twitch.
“Nonsense. It’s a beautiful sunny day and this dress just seemed like the right thing to wear. I’m sure those boys won’t even notice.”
“Fat chance,” Elliott thought to himself, looking at the way the stretchy material of the bodice seemed to mold itself to her big tits. He knew those three guys would be eating up that same view, especially after what she’d done for them last night.
“Now, let’s eat our breakfast before it gets cold,” Tanya said as she gestured to Elliott’s spot at the table.
They engaged in idle chit chat over breakfast. Elliott helped clean up and once they were done, he went into the family room and started playing video games. After a few minutes, he noticed his mother go to the front window and look out through the sheer drapes, her eyes looking down the street in the direction that the boys would come from. She sat down across the room from him and flipped through a magazine, but he could see that she didn’t even seem to notice what she was looking at. She seemed somewhat anxious, and distracted. She tossed the magazine aside and stepped over to the window once more. She made a bit of a face and then made her way back to the kitchen, where she started making some noise with some pots and pans.
“What are you doing, Mom?” Elliott asked as he looked over his shoulder from his spot on the couch.
“Well, I’m not sure what time the boys will be here to go swimming, so I just thought I’d make up some pasta salad in case they got here early and hadn’t had lunch.”
“You’re going to feed them?”
“It’s just pasta salad, Elliott. And you know yourself what their home life is probably like. It’s probably pretty hard for their parents to take care of them, and their other children. And it’s not like a little pasta salad is going to break us.” Tanya gestured to the opulence of their home, which shut down any more objections from Elliott.
Elliott quietly turned back to the TV, becoming absorbed in his game as his mother busied herself in the kitchen behind him. A couple of times while she was cooking, she ventured over to the window, her eyes turned down the street.
“There, all done,” she finally said, coming back into the living room as she dried her hands on a tea towel. “It’s in the fridge and should be ready for lunchtime.”
“What if they don’t even turn up?” Elliott asked as he put his game on pause.
“You think they might not come?” his mother replied. He could see the look of near despair on her face as the idea registered.
“These guys aren’t the most reliable, Mom. They skip school all the time. They might just skip out on this.” Elliott was torn. Half of him wanted the three lugs to blow off the whole thing, while the other half of him wanted them there, just to see how they’d treat his mother after she’d jerked them all off last night.
“Oh well, hmm, maybe you’re right. There’s nothing to say they actually have to come over.”
Elliott could see that his mother actually looked quite sad at the prospect of the boys not turning up. She looked down at her dress, and the look on her face was as if she was wondering if she’d put it on for nothing. Like he’d thought earlier, he knew now from that look on her face that she’d put it on for their benefit. He figured maybe he’d played his hand a little too hard with his comments. “But then again, maybe it’s just too early for them. It is the weekend and I bet those guys like to sleep in. Maybe those dates they had last night went late and they’re just tired.” After making that suggestion, he could see the smile returning to his mother’s eyes, and he knew she was thinking about how those ‘dates’ had ended up, with her jerking off all three boys and getting a bellyful of cum for her trouble.
“You know, that might be it. Maybe whatever they did last night took a lot out of them.” As his mother paused in her words, Elliott thought about what she’d said and almost smiled, knowing she’d been the one who’d taken a lot out of them, a lot of thick milky boy-cum. “Well, if they come, they come. If they don’t, they don’t.” Once again, Elliott was shocked at his mother’s words, ‘if they come’. They came all right, in buckets, all over the table.
His mother got up and strolled over to the window once more. He thought she looked fantastic in the pretty yellow dress, the flouncy playful skirt giving him a nice view of her full thighs. He loved those thighs, often wishing he could spend hours on his knees between them, worshipping that pussy of hers with his mouth. He’d often fantasize about orally servicing her for hours on end, bringing her to one staggering climax after another, his tongue and lips numb from overuse. Those thoughts went through his head as she stood at the window, her eyes looking out as his roamed hungrily over those lush thighs and the rest of her curvy figure, his cock starting to stiffen.
“Oh! They’re coming up the street!” His mother turned to him, a big smile on her face before she looked back out the window, her hands smoothing down over the front of her dress. Seeing the somewhat surprised look on his face, Elliott’s mother composed herself as she gave a little cough, purposely taking the smile off her face. “I mean, I think that’s Jamal’s van. Oh yes, they’re pulling into the driveway, so I guess that’s them.”
Elliott stayed where he was on the couch, but he noticed his mother stop in front of the mirror on her way to the front door. Her hands came up and she brushed back a stray lock of hair, and then he saw her quickly adjust her boobs, pushing them up and together. Apparently satisfied, in the reflection, he spotted that innocent smile come back over her face before she turned and made her way to the door just as the bell rang.
They were out of his sightline now, but he heard the rumble of their voices as his mother let them in. Elliott paused his game, expecting them to walk right in. It took longer for them to come into the room than he thought, but when his mother led them in, he noticed she was pushing back another feathery strand of hair, and then she wiped the back of her hand across her mouth, which looked wet. Her face looked a little flushed too. He wondered if they’d kissed her when they came in, just like they did before they left last night. If only they knew how she’d sluttishly lapped up their cum after they’d gone.
“The boys are here, Elliott,” Tanya said as the three big youths filed in behind her. Elliott noticed each one had what looked like bunched-up swim trunks and a beach towel in their hand, while Jamal carried what looked like a shopping bag of some kind in his other hand. Elliott noticed the boys eyeing up his mother in her form-fitting dress, their eyes checking out her massive tits.
“How’s it goin’, Elliott?” Zeke asked as he reached down to the couch and playfully tapped Elliott lightly on the arm.
When Elliott saw the boy’s hand start to come out towards him, he’d instinctively shrunk back, expecting the usual punch. He was shocked by the surprising tenderness of Zeke’s gesture. “Uh, it’s goin’ okay,” he replied, eyeing each of the boys suspiciously.
“I see you’ve brought your trunks,” Tanya said, nodding to the wads of clothing in the boys’ hands.
“Yes, it’s a beautiful day,” Jamal replied as his two pals nodded, “and that pool is looking might good.” He nodded towards the bank of windows as he spoke, but his eyes never left the MILF’s gorgeous body.
Elliott watched as his mother flushed under Jamal’s leering gaze, a demure little smile turning up the corners of her mouth. “I should have mentioned,” she said, “you didn’t need to bring towels. We have plenty.”
“Okay then. Next time we won’t,” Jamal said, emphasizing his words to make it clear that there would be a ‘next time’.
Tanya smiled as she replied. “Yes, next time.” She paused as Jamal nodded in agreement. “After your swim, did you want to start you tutoring sessions with Elliott?”
The three boys all looked at each other, Gunner and Zeke raising their eyebrows before Jamal turned back to Tanya. “You know Mrs. Cox, it’s Saturday, and really, nobody wants to do school work on Saturday, right?”
Tanya looked quickly at Elliott, who gave her a small nod. “Oh, okay.”
Jamal gestured to his two friends. “We were thinking maybe we could pop by sometime tomorrow and get started on the tutoring then, on Sunday. How does that sound? If it’s okay with you and Elliott, of course.”
“That sounds all right to me. Elliott?”
Elliott wasn’t looking forward to any of it, but he’d told his mother he’d give it shot. “I guess that would be okay.”
“Great,” Jamal said, finalizing things. “With that in mind, we’ve brought along a couple of things for the two of you.” He held up the bag he’d been carrying. He reached inside and pulled out a box wrapped with a red ribbon, and another package, about the size of a book.
“What do you mean? What’s that?” Tanya asked.
“As we mentioned yesterday, we can’t really afford to pay Elliott for his tutoring, and we feel pretty bad about that. But me and the boys here chipped in and bought a gift for each of you. You know, as a sign of our appreciation for what you’re doing for us.” Little did Mrs. Cox know that they’d made a ‘delivery’ last night for Zeke’s brother, which had netted them some decent cash.
“Oh, that’s so sweet,” Tanya said as Jamal handed her the box with the ribbon on it. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“It’s fine. It’s our pleasure. We really appreciate what you did for us last night.” Elliott saw the look of shock on his mother’s face as her gaze flicked to him, knowing she was thinking about jerking off the boys late last night. Jamal spoke, breaking the tension hanging in the air, “You know, last night, having us over for pizza and ice cream. That was very nice of you.”
“Oh, of course, pizza and ice cream,” Tanya replied. Elliott noticed the look of relief wash over her face.