They were barely past a half hour into the movie Elliott had chosen before Tanya spoke. “Elliott, I just can’t get into watching anything tonight. I think I’ll just go up to my room and read. Do you mind, sweetheart?”
Elliott realized the visit from the three bullies was playing on his mother’s mind just as much as his. “No, that’s okay. I’m not into it either. I think I’ll just go on my computer for a while.”
“All right, good,” Tanya said as she got up from the couch. “It’ll be an early night for both of us.”
Elliott turned the lights out and followed his mother upstairs. The double doors to the master bedroom were closed as he made his way to his own room further down the hall. He liked that his room was the furthest from his mother’s. It allowed him the privacy he liked when he jacked off, the space between the rooms deadening any sounds that he didn’t want her to hear. He loved using Vaseline when he whacked off, and the sticky slapping sound sometimes got loud when he was really pounding one off.
He booted up his computer and was just about to open the bottom drawer of his desk to retrieve his jar of lube when his phone pinged. He looked down at the screen, surprised to see that it was a text from Jamal:
Hey Smallcox, what size bra does your mother wear?
Elliott looked at the screen, shocked by Jamal’s question. He quickly typed out his response:
I have no idea.
He stared at his screen after he sent it, noticing that Jamal was typing a response. After a considerable amount of time, a lengthy message appeared:
Don’t give me no bullshit about you don’t know. I saw the look in your eyes when you were scoping out her tits at dinner. I know you’re a fucking little perv, and if I had a momma like yours, I’d be whacking off about her every day. So cut to the chase and just give me the bra size.
Elliott stared at the message as he started to flush, realizing Jamal had seen right through him. As he sat there wondering what to do, another message popped up:
You don’t wanna make me mad, do ya?
Elliott sighed as he re-read the new message. He knew better than to fuck with Jamal. He’d tried that in the ninth grade one time, ratting him out to a teacher for picking on him. He still remembered the sore arm he’d had when Jamal almost tore it out of the socket. Elliott’s fingers went to his phone:
He hit the send button and waited. Jamal’s response didn’t take long:
See, that wasn’t so hard. You just keep helping me out like that, Smallcox, and we’ll be good friends. You’d be surprised the ways that I can help YOU out. See ya tomorrow.
Elliott had seen the way Jamal and the other two had been eyeing up his mother, like jackals ready to sweep in for the kill. He couldn’t blame them, and obviously Jamal had seen him looking at his mother the same way. He knew his mother was fucking hot. He didn’t like the idea of those guys coming around like his mom had suggested, but if they left him alone, he figured he might as well give that tutoring shit a try. Nothing else he’d done had worked. Maybe if they came over, sat through a few tutoring lessons while they took the opportunity to ogle his stacked mom, well, that wouldn’t be so bad, would it? They’d end up going home and jerking off thinking about his mom, just like he did. If his mom’s presence was able to provide them with a little eye candy, Elliott knew that could only be good for him. But what did Jamal mean when he said Elliott would be surprised by the way Jamal could help HIM out? What could he do for Elliott besides teach him how to hotwire a car, or something like that. He couldn’t figure it out. And then why did Jamal want to know his mother’s bra size? Just so he could think about that when he jacked off? What the fuck was that all about?
Thinking about her bra size had started to get Elliott excited, so he went to his closet and rifled around in an old gym bag he had stashed there. He pulled out one of her bras and the matching panties he’d taken from her laundry basket a couple of days ago. She usually did laundry on Sundays so he just had to sneak it back into the basket before then. The bra set was a royal blue one, with delicate lace trim around the bra cups. The built-in wire reinforcing showed the full shape of the substantial bra. He looked inside the big curving cups, seeing the whitish crusty stains from the four loads he’d already shot into it over the past two days while he’d been licking and sucking at the crotch of her panties. He’d add at least two more loads tonight.
He went back to his computer and opened a picture folder he kept hidden deep in his files. He opened the folder called ‘White’. It showed numerous thumbnails of his mother in a white bikini. She’d worn it last weekend and he’d taken the pictures from his bedroom window, using a zoom lens. The white bikini emphasized her huge tits spectacularly, and the tiny V-shaped bottom hugged her curvy bum teasingly. He set four of the pictures up side by side on his computer. Satisfied with his whacking material for this session, he pulled out his big jar of Vaseline, getting his hand all lubed up and ready to go. He looked over at her bra and panties he’d set down next to his computer, and then back at the pictures of his mother on the screen. Yes, that bra was going to get another nice pasting.
A short distance down the hall, Tanya was lying on her bed, eight inches of black rubber sliding back and forth in her steaming twat. She’d already had one orgasm and the second was on the verge of following right after that one. Propped up against the headboard on a stack of pillows, she reached down with her free hand and slid it over her shaven mound, her fingertips reaching the protruding nodule of her sizable clit. She was happy that she’d been blessed with such a big clit, and an overly-sensitive one at that. And her nipples were just as sensitive, if not more. She’d found out when she was much younger that she was able to climax just as easily by having her tits sucked on as having her pussy stimulated. From talking with her girlfriends when she was growing up, she realized how quickly she could have an orgasm compared to everyone else-she was extremely sensitive where it really counted. And that wasn’t anything to complain about… not at all. Not only could she climax quickly, she found herself easily experiencing multiples orgasms, one right after the other. Her friends were envious of her, and it made her feel quietly special. One of her girlfriends back in high school, Jenny Monroe, had given her the nickname, “Trigger”, and it had seemed so appropriate that she liked it.
It was that sensitivity that had allowed her to have what she referred to as a ‘mini-climax’ when Jamal had been rubbing himself against her backside in the kitchen. Her mind had been sent spinning by his illicit behavior, and she’d become excited. Her aroused brain had taken hold of her trigger-like libido and set it off as she’d felt the protrusion of his big cock pressing against her bum. That “mini-climax” had swept over her, sending those delicious tingling sensations shooting through her body.
When she came to her room, she’d stripped off her clothes, feeling her huge tits breathe a sigh of relief as they spilled forth from her overflowing bra, the heavy spheres settling down and out over the full breadth of her chest. Her nipples were hard, and she knew it was from the kisses and the groping the boys had given her on the way out. She pulled off her panties and held them before her. Soaked-absolutely soaked. Her rich womanly scent drifted into her senses, inflaming her aroused libido even more.
She’d pulled out her black dildo, her hands running over the eight-inch length, knowing from what she’d felt pressed against her that Jamal was much bigger. She’d thrown herself on the bed and plunged the cock-shaped slab of rubber deep into her slippery trench. She’d come quickly, and now a second one followed on the heels of the first as she touched her swollen clit. The muscles on the insides of her thighs were quivering like plucked guitar strings as wave after wave of ecstasy flowed through her. Tanya gushed all over her hand, and knew she’d have to wash the sheets. It was typical for her to spray a lot when she came, and she’d found that this was another difference of which her girlfriends were jealous. She hadn’t realized it was considered sexy until they told her. She thought it was a dirty thing, but now she loved it. Every time she came, she looked at the wet sticky cunt-honey she sprayed as evidence of her pleasure.
With her fingers idly toying with her slippery pussy lips, she lay there wondering what Jamal had thought when she’d climaxed when he’d been pressed against her. He must have known. Her body was trembling and quivering beneath him as the little bolts of lightning pulsed through every sensitive nerve ending. He’d acted like it was nothing, but he had to have known… hadn’t he?
As the euphoria of her second consecutive orgasm subsided, she realized how silly she was being. These were just boys the same age as her son, for God’s sake. They were just being friendly when they thanked her by kissing her and holding her close. Maybe that’s just the way it was done nowadays. Elliott had so few friends around that she wasn’t used to that kind of behavior. Maybe the other moms were. She had no idea, but figured that her active mind had just gotten the best of her. Yes, that was it. She was just imagining they’d had other intentions. In reality, there was likely nothing to it. But at least they’d been nice to Elliott, which is what her idea had been all about. If it took her being nice to them too for them to stop bullying her little boy, she could easily do that. She’d do whatever it took to make sure her son felt safe and happy.
With her mind settled down, she took a shower. She loved her big en-suite bathroom, with the huge glass-walled shower with multiple shower heads. It was something she’d insisted on when they’d had this house built, and she never regretted the extra cost involved. Her husband had made a ton of money as an investment banker, and after the divorce settlement, she had no worries whatsoever herself. She was careful with her money, even if she didn’t need to be. She’d buy a few nice things for herself every now and then, but she never went overboard. Clothes, shoes, and lingerie were her weakness. Sometimes she thought she had more money than she knew what to do with, but it was nice to have that golden nest-egg in reserve.
Tanya stood under the shower, letting the hot stinging pellets rain down on her. She grabbed the big bar of soap and lathered her hands before washing her breasts, her foamy hands sliding all over the massive guns. Her nipples came alive under her fingertips. She made herself stop, knowing that with her level of sensitivity, she’d have herself overheated in no time. Reluctantly, she released them, sighing as her hands moved over the rest of her body.