“That would be fantastic. I love pizza,” Gunner said. Zeke chimed in his approval as well.
“Do you have to call your parents and make sure it’s okay?” Tanya asked.
The three boys all looked at each other, sharing a quiet smile. “Uh yeah, we’ll do that,” Jamal said, pulling a cell phone out of his back pocket. “But I’m sure it’ll be fine. Being Friday night and all, our parents won’t mind.”
“Well that’s great. Like you said, it’s not far. I think we can all fit in our SUV.”
“That’s okay, Mrs. Cox. My van is right over there.” Jamal gestured to an older-looking panel van parked a few spots down from her car. It had an elongated cab, the type that had two rows of seats before the storage area at the rear. “We’ll follow you.”
“Oh, okay,” she said as she strode towards her car and got in. She started the car and then poked her head out the window as the three young men started towards the van. “Don’t forget to call your parents.”
They gave each other another shared look before Jamal spoke as he held up his phone. “Absolutely, we’ll do that right now.”
“Good, I’ll wait for you to follow me.”
“Mom, I don’t know about this?” Elliott said once Tanya backed out of the parking spot and Jamal had the van underway.
“It’ll be fine, Elliott,” Tanya replied as she reached over and patted her son on the leg. “You just worry too much. I bet these boys will be on their best behavior. You’ll see.”
Elliott just shook his head and looked out the window, wondering what he, and his mother, were in for.
It only took a few minutes before Tanya hit the button for the garage door and pulled right in. Jamal pulled the van into the driveway behind them. They stepped out of the van, and Tanya noticed the envious look on their faces as they looked at the big house.
“Nice crib,” Jamal said as they followed Tanya and Elliott to the front door.
“Thank you, Jamal. We like it.” Tanya opened the door and the entourage followed her inside. Tanya decided to be safe and stashed her purse in the front hall closet before walking further into the house. “Well, this is it.” She gestured to the open concept of the main floor, the large great room, kitchen, and dining area combined into one elegant space, with a portion of the family room soaring two storeys high. A fireplace in a stone wall rose impressively at one end of the room. A large bank of glass on the back wall looked out over a large pool that was surrounded by a board fence, which was barely visible behind mature landscaping that looked comfortably inviting, while at the same time providing a high degree of privacy. The houses in this well-to-do area were spaced well apart, and not one neighbor’s house was visible beyond the lush landscaping and tall fencing.
The three boys looked around, Gunner and Zeke with their mouths gaping open as they looked at the tastefully decorated home and magnificent backyard. Jamal turned and faced Tanya. “Yes, this is a very nice house you have here.” He paused for a second, his eyes blatantly drifting down to her heavy set of tits, wondrously displayed in her tight-fitting golf shirt. “There are so many things here that the three of us would never see at home.” Tanya flushed under his gaze, but at the same time, she felt a tingling shiver go down her spine. “Um, where’s MISTER Cox?” Jamal asked, emphasizing the ‘Mister’.
Tanya had a wry smile on her face as she shook her head. “There is no Mr. Cox. We divorced a number of years back. It’s just me and Elliott now.”
With this valuable tidbit of information, the boys looked at her differently now as they exchanged a knowing glance between the three of them. “Oh, that’s too bad,” Jamal said, his eyes boring into her curvy body. “I’m sorry to hear that. You two here on your own in this big house, with no male Cox to help you with everything you need.”
“Well, there is Elliott, and he does what he can.”
Jamal looked at Elliott, and then back to Tanya. “But we all have our strengths and weaknesses. We all know that Elliott’s main strength is his brain, and that’s why we’re here for his tutoring help. I’m sure Elliott can do a number of things to help out, but when it comes to more strenuous physical things, well, I think you have to admit, Elliott is kind of a small Cox. For those things that Elliott is just not big enough to handle, that’s what I mean when I say it would be nice to have some big male Cox around. I’m sure when Mr. Cox was here, he’d help to fill your needs that way.”
Tanya felt herself flushing, both under the boys’ ogling stares and Jamal’s provocative use of her last name. “Umm… well, like I said, we do just fine.”
“Oh, I’m sure you do,” Jamal said, shrugging his shoulders as he gave her a charming smile, his teeth blazing white as he lightened the discussion. “I’m just saying that if you find you have a job that is too much for Elliott, me and the guys would be more than happy to lend a hand and provide you with all the male Cox that you’re lacking.” He paused as he let his gaze wonder longingly over her smoking-hot body, his eyes lingering on the prominent shelf of her tits. “Yes, we’re quite willing to give you all the male Cox that-whether you realize it or not-that I’m sure you need.”
Tanya was flushing beet red, but felt a nasty shiver run down her spine as she’d been listening to Jamal’s suggestive words. She felt the dampness between her legs get worse, and a little trickle of emulsion seeped out of her pussy. She was glad she was wearing panties. Jamal had a controlled hypnotic tone to his voice, and Tanya felt listening to him was like watching a swinging watch. She felt mesmerized as he spoke, every word going right through to the pit of her soul, as if he could read her mind. Realizing Jamal’s provocative words had almost lulled her into a trance, Tanya shook her head to snap herself out of it. She knew she had to change the subject to break things up a bit. “Would you boys like a cold drink?” She strode over to the fridge, three sets of eyes following her every movement.
“Got any beer?” Gunner asked. Zeke nodded next to his friend.
Gunner’s question caught Tanya off guard. They were too young to legally drink, but they did come from a questionable neighborhood. She realized she shouldn’t have been surprised. “Um, no. I’m sorry. I don’t care for beer myself, and Elliott’s too young. We have some soda, if you like.”
Zeke looked disappointed. “What about Red Bull? You got any Red Bull?”
“No, sorry. Just soda, juice, or water.”
“Just a Coke or a Pepsi will do. Whatever you have will be fine. Thank you very much. Right, guys?” Jamal replied, giving the other two a stern look. They caught his drift and nodded thankfully as Tanya passed Cokes all around. When she handed one to Jamal, he patted her on the back in thanks, his big black hand sliding down her back and off the curve of her bum. She looked at him, but he was already taking a swig of his drink, as if the movement of his hand had been purely accidental. Wondering if she was just imagining things, Tanya pulled out her cell phone and searched through the contacts list.
“We usually order pizza from Mario’s. Is that okay with you guys?”
“Yep, Mario’s makes the best,” Jamal said as the other two nodded in agreement.
“Is there any special kind that you’d like? Elliott and I usually get a deluxe.”
“What about Meat Lovers? Do you like a lot of meat, Tanya?”
Tanya found herself somewhat flummoxed by Jamal’s suggestive question, but did her best to avert her eyes as she responded. “Uh, yes. Meat Lovers will be fine.” She placed the order for two extra larges: one deluxe, one Meat Lovers.
As she’d been making the call, the three boys had wandered over to the bank of windows facing out over the backyard, taking in the view of their richly-landscaped yard and pool. “Wow, that’s a gorgeous pool, Mrs. Cox,” Jamal said once she’d finished her call. He pointed to the hot tub sitting to one side of the pool. “That hot tub looks fantastic too. And all those trees and bushes make it totally private. You’d never see anything like this in our ‘hood.”
“Well, thank you, Jamal. We like it.” She paused as she thought about what he’d just said, and what she was hoping to accomplish by having the boys come over, and that maybe they could get to know Elliott better. “The pool. How would you boys like to come for a swim sometime?”
The three boys shared a look before Jamal replied. “That would be wonderful. That’s so kind of you.” He looked at his two buddies. “How about tomorrow? Does that work for you guys?”
“Works for me,” Gunner said.
“I’ve got nothing on the go,” Zeke piped in.
“And it’s perfect for me too.” Jamal turned back to face Tanya. “So, tomorrow then?”
Things were happening a little faster than Tanya expected, but if this was going to be part of her plan, she figured the sooner the boys got to know Elliott, the better. “Okay. Great. Tomorrow it is.”
“That’s fantastic.” Jamal stepped back across the room and stopped at the big dark dining room table. “And maybe, if Elliott doesn’t mind, we could start in with those tutoring sessions this weekend as well.”
“Elliott?” Tanya turned and looked at her young son, uncertainty written all over his face.
Elliott gulped as he looked from his mother to the three toughs, and back again. “Uh… I… I guess it would be okay.”
“I think this is going to work out just fine.” Jamal ran his fingertips over the surface of the dining room table. “I guess we’d have those tutoring sessions right here. There’s lots of room on this table.” He paused as he looked at Tanya’s tanned legs before his eyes rose to hers. “Yeah, lots of room on here to spread out, if you know what I mean.”
He had that licentious tone in his voice and Tanya felt herself tingling through every nerve as she saw him look her up and down. He finally diverted his eyes back to the table. “It’s a beautiful table. What is it, walnut?”
“Uh, yes. Black walnut,” Tanya said.
“Very nice. I love the color. It feels so nice under your fingertips. Do you like to feel the rich black color under your fingertips, Mrs. Cox?”
Tanya felt a lump in her throat as the young man traced his fingertips suggestively back and forth along the top of the heavy wood table, his fingers travelling about a foot in each direction over the lustrous black surface. “Yes, the color and feel of it was the main reason I picked it out.”
“You have excellent taste, Mrs. Cox. The color is so rich and luxurious, and the surface is so hard and yet so smooth, I can see why you’d like to touch it.”