Tanya could immediately see why her son would be intimidated by any of the three. Compared to his slight frame, all three were much bigger and stronger-looking. They looked more like men than high school boys, especially Jamal, the young black man. He was well over six feet tall, and Tanya couldn’t help but notice his broad shoulders and muscular pecs that shone through the tight white T-shirt he was wearing. His torso was V-shaped-like a swimmers-before his hips fed into what looked to her like powerful legs, almost tree-trunk-like. He turned to speak to the blonde boy and she noticed his jeans showed off a curvy backside, which like the rest of him, looked firm and strong.
The other two boys were white, with each of them being around six feet tall. Gunner, the blonde, had a similar build to Jamal, but on a smaller scale. Dark-haired Zeke was slimmer, but had a scruffy growth of beard that made him look older. All three of them looked pretty tough. Tanya paused as she looked at each of them in turn, and then spoke to her son. “These, these boys… they’re in high school? They’re in your classes?”
Elliott nodded. “I know. They look older, don’t they? But they aren’t. I asked around. I think Jamal’s 19, but the other two are 18, the same as me.”
Tanya nodded her head as she continued to watch the three boys talking. They were not quite what she had expected, but she plucked up her courage and decided to go through with what she had in mind. She slipped the car back into DRIVE. “Okay, here we go,” she muttered under her breath as she drove into the store’s parking lot and got out of the car. She nodded to Elliott, who got out of the passenger side and came around the car to join her.
Elliott saw the three boys stop talking and look over as his mother approached them. The look on their faces reminded him of a parched survivor lost on the dessert who just spots an oasis. They were almost drooling as they looked at his mother. Not that he could blame them. His mother was incredibly hot, and the way her huge tits and curvy bum were displayed in her colorful golf outfit didn’t leave much to the imagination. The boys stood straighter as she approached, and Jamal reached down and adjusted his package. Whether that was intentional or just the result of seeing a gorgeous woman approaching them, Elliott had no idea.
Tanya could see the three boys flick their gaze quickly to Elliott, and then back to her, sussing out who she was. They seemed perplexed by her presence, but she could feel them eyeing her intently, wondering what was going on. Elliott being there seemed temporarily forgotten and their attention was on her, just as she’d hoped. Taking advantage of their temporary confusion, she walked right up to Jamal and extended her hand. “You’re Jamal, right?”
The young man instinctively reached forward, swallowing up her slender hand in his big paw. “That’s right.” He cocked his head slightly, and Tanya could see he’d regained his composure after being caught off guard. “And who might you be?”
“I’m Elliott’s mother, Tanya Cox.”
Jamal paused before responding, his gaze travelling slowly up and down over Tanya’s curvy body. “Are you sure, you don’t look old enough to be his mother?” Gunner and Zeke exchanged smiles after Jamal spoke.
“Oh yes, I’m his mother,” Tanya continued, ignoring the grins on the boys’ faces. “And that’s why I’m here. There seems to be some kind of misunderstanding between you boys and my son.”
“And what would that be?” Again, Jamal answered. It was obvious to Tanya that Jamal did the talking for all of them.
Tanya gestured over her shoulder to her son standing behind her. Elliott could see her big tits wobble beneath her tight shirt as she moved-something that the three bullies definitely noticed. Three sets of hungry eyes were riveted to her chest. “Elliott was telling me you boys have asked him for some help with your school work, and I can understand that-but seriously-wouldn’t you feel better if you were able to do that school work yourselves?”
“Cox here,” Jamal said, and then paused. “Sorry, I mean Elliott. Well, he’s a top notch student. He’s even on the Academic Awards list. Isn’t that right, Elliott?”
Elliott heard the exaggerated pronunciation of his first name. It was the first time he’d ever heard any of them use his real first name. It was often something like, “Hey Smelliott, suffering from smallcox again?” they’d say, before breaking up laughing. In answer to Jamal’s question, he gave a shrug. “I guess.”
“See Mrs. Cox,” Jamal replied, holding his hand out towards Elliott, “we can never reach that level academically that your Elliott here is capable of.” He paused and gestured to his two friends. “Guys like us, we just don’t have the opportunities that your son has had over the years. That’s why we sometimes go to him for help.”
Tanya knew what she was hearing was partially a load of crap, but she also knew with the backgrounds these boys came from, Jamal was right about not having had the advantages that an upbringing like Elliott’s would have given them. She thought about what her son had said about the boys, that some of their closest relatives were, or had been, in prison, or were involved in drugs. “I’m sorry to hear that. And that’s kind of what I was thinking and why we’ve come here today. I wonder if there’s a better way to help you, a way that would make everybody happy.”
Elliott watched Jamal and the other two look his mother up and down. From his vantage point to the side, he could see her nipples thrusting out against the front of her shirt. He’d seen what kind of shadows those big nubs were capable of casting on her shirt. He knew from straight on, his bullies were getting an eyeful. As their collective gaze seemed to centre on her chest, he thought they looked like raptors from that dinosaur movie, like they would move in on her in pack formation and eat her alive, given the chance.
Jamal finally drew his eyes away from Tanya’s tits and stood tall. He cocked his head back as he crossed his big arms over his powerful chest, a devilish twinkle in his eye. “Come to think of it, there might be a way. That is, of course, if you agree, Mrs. Cox.” He paused, waiting to see what Tanya would say.
Tanya felt a little thrill go through her as Jamal spoke. At least they were talking, and seemed to be making progress. And now, he had some kind of suggestion. Maybe things would work out for Elliott after all. “What… what are you thinking of?”
“Maybe Elliott can tutor us?”
Elliott’s eyes opened wide and his jaw dropped. That was the last thing he’d expected.
Before either Tanya or Elliott could say anything, Jamal continued. “Yes, I think that could work out nicely for everybody. You guys don’t live too far from the school, right?” He paused as he pointed down the street in the direction of their house.
“Uh, that’s right,” Tanya said, her head swimming as she thought of what Jamal’s suggestion would entail.
“Yes, I think it just might work out fine. Elliott could tutor us at your house. We could do it after school, or on weekends. What do you think, guys?”
Gunner and Zeke were quick to nod in agreement, big smiles on their faces. Jamal turned back to Tanya and looked her in the eye, that devilish twinkle and sly grin sending a shiver right down her spine. There was something compelling about this young black man, and she found herself turning red and feeling flustered under his gaze. She shook her head to break herself out of it. She turned to her son. “Well, Elliott, what do you think?”
“Uh, I… I don’t know, Mom.”
Tanya thought this might be a way out for her son from this bullying. There was no way these boys would torment and bully him right under her nose in their own home, would they? “I think Jamal has a good idea there, Elliott? Maybe, maybe we should give it a chance. See how it goes.”
“That’s exactly what I was thinking,” Jamal interjected before Elliott could even respond. “We could give it a try-let’s say for a week-and if it doesn’t work out, we can just stop there. No harm, no foul.” Jamal held his hands up and shrugged his shoulders, giving Tanya a look of innocence she was surprised to see. “I’m sorry, but we can’t really afford to pay him for his time, but if he was willing, that would really help us. All three of us want to graduate and hopefully go to college, if any of our parents can scrape together enough money.”
“Oh no,” Tanya said, shaking her head. She was genuinely a caring soul deep down, and once again, her heart went out to these misunderstood boys, wondering what kind of lives they had at home, and the hardships they must have faced over the years. “You don’t have to worry about paying him at all. It would just be… it would just be nice if you could all get along.” She paused as the three boys nodded. “What do you think, Elliott? Shall we try it for a week? Would you be willing to help tutor these boys?”
Elliott knew he couldn’t win this one. He knew Jamal could be charismatic when he wanted to be. He’d seen him work it at school not only with girls, but with teachers and counsellors too. And this time, he’d turned on the charm with his mother, and it had worked. He didn’t really trust the three of them, but at least if he gave it a try, he figured he’d have a week where they weren’t using him as a punching bag. He figured they’d get bored with the tutoring and stop coming, but maybe they’d end up leaving him alone, which was what he was praying for in the end. “I uh… I guess we could give it a try.”
“Well, that’s great,” Tanya said as she turned back to the three boys, another idea coming into her head. “And to celebrate, how would you boys like to join us today for some pizza?”
Elliott was shocked by his mother’s invitation, and he stood there unable to even speak.
“That sounds perfect, doesn’t it, guys?” Jamal replied, now grinning from ear to ear.