I laid there in bed drowning once again in my thoughts about her as her scent wrapped around me like a warm blanket. The visions of her on the futon as she pleasured herself flooded my head. I couldn’t get her out of my mind. I turned to my side facing away from Carey hoping that would have helped, but it did not. The digital clock on my nightstand displayed that it was almost two in the morning. I was restless. But, I wasn’t the only one. I heard Carey shuffle about on the futon. I heard as she adjusted her blankets and even fluffed her pillow up quietly to find that right position. Was she just as bothered as I was? No. She couldn’t have been. I shut my eyes tightly as I tried to will myself to sleep. But, it was no use. I couldn’t stop thinking about her. My eyes shot open when I felt my bed shift.
I turned and found Carey slowly climbing into my bed, “What are you doing?”
“I thought you were asleep.” she said with her eyes wide open in shock.
“I wasn’t, but that still doesn’t answer my question.” I said as I turned to face her.
“I… uh…”
She continued to move onto my bed. “I wanted to sleep next to you.”
Carey pulled the covers about and slipped underneath them. “I’ve been sleeping next to you on and off for a few weeks now. You’re such a heavy sleeper, you never felt me climb in and out of your bed.”
“Come on, Matt, you used to let me sleep next to you when we were younger.”
“But, we were kids then.”
“So?” Carey asked as she settled into the spot next to me in my bed. “What’s the difference now? We are still family. You are still my cousin and I love you.”
“But…” I stammered as she pulled herself close to me. Her body was pressed up against mine as she rested her head on my shoulder. “… Carey, we aren’t kids anymore. I don’t think this is… uh… proper.”
“We can debate about it tomorrow.” She said. “I just want to be comfortable. That futon sucks.”
I shook my head as she pulled me back down onto the bed. I felt Carey huffed and moved about in bed. She adjusted herself and then moved my arm about until it wrapped around her. I was rigid with fear. What was she up to? What was going on? My thoughts slammed into my brain as my cousin was now pressed up against me. I felt a silky leg wrapped around mine.
“Carey…” I said looking down at her.
She looked up with her beautiful eyes and smiled warmly. She leaned in a bit and kissed my chin. “Sleep.”
“Isn’t this more comfortable?”
I nodded.
“Then stop fighting it.”
I nodded and tried to settle myself. My arm that was wrapped around her eased itself to the contours of her body. She was tiny in my arms. She was soft. She was warm and pleasant to have against me. My hand settled on the small of her back and found that her t-shirt had shifted about when she struggled to find the right position. My fingers touched her bare skin. It was like silk. My heart began to pound in my chest as I couldn’t control my hand. My fingers touched her back in a slow and soft circular pattern. Carey must have liked it. She pressed herself even closer and harder against me.
“That feels good,” she whispered.
My hand slowed to a stop.
She pushed her back into my hand and wiggled her perfect little rear end, “Don’t stop. It’s putting me to sleep.”
I continued my touches without giving it a second thought. I marveled at how smooth she was. My hand traveled slightly further up her displaced t-shirt and made long patterns on her back. I felt her drift slowly to sleep, but I was nowhere near slumber. My heart raced. I felt myself get aroused. I cursed myself. I hated myself. But, I couldn’t stop. My arousal fueled my misplaced bravado. My hand drifted back down to the small of her back. My fingers inched closer and closer to the fabric of her shorts. When they made contact, I waited for a reaction. There was none. Just gentle breathing from her as she drifted to sleep. I tried to control myself, but I couldn’t. My hand moved further and further down, a little at a time. My fingers traced the outline of her ass until I finally placed my palm on a perfectly shaped cheek. I was fully erect. I could not believe what I was doing. I was in bed with my cousin wrapped around me and my hand was planted on her rear end.
“Is that what you were looking at before?”
To my horror, she was still awake. My heart shot right into my throat. No words left my mouth. Even if they could, I couldn’t conjure anything to say.
“It’s ok, Matt.”
I pulled my hand away.
“It’s ok. You can leave it there. I am in your bed; I guess this is the toll I need to pay for comfort.” She said as she finally drifted to sleep.
I left my hand on her. Ashamed and finally being called out for what I had been pining for the entire night, my mind slowed its thoughts. I tired from worrying. I tired from all the thoughts. With Carey pressed up against me, I listened to her rhythmic breathing and soon fell asleep.
The autumn sun woke me. I sat up in my bed, rubbed the bits of sleep away from my eyes and looked around. Carey wasn’t beside me. A part of me was relieved, yet there was a part of me that wished that she was. The futon was made. Her bedding was neatly folded and put away. I found a note resting against the digital clock on my nightstand. I read it. Carey had taken some time to herself for a jog to clear her thoughts and still intended on us to spend time together. Clear her thoughts. That worried me as I got out of bed and lumbered through my morning routine. I stepped into the kitchen and made a pot of coffee. That would snap me back into the real world. As the coffee-maker bubbled and brewed the life giving nectar, I leaned against the breakfast counter and stared out into the living room. The sound of keys jingling at the front door snapped me out of my trance.
“Hey.” Carey greeted me as she walked into the house.
I looked over to her and offered her a smile. “Hey.”
She walked into the living room and stretched her legs out. I looked her over and was stunned into awe. She was wearing pair of tight yoga pants and a hoodie. In her stretching, Carey pulled the hoodie off and tossed it onto the floor revealing that she only wore a sports bra underneath. Her skin was shining with a sheen of sweat.
“Making coffee?” she asked as she bent down to place both her palms onto the living room floor presenting her ass to me. I wasn’t sure if it was intentional or not.
“Enough for two?”
“Enough for five.” I said groggily. “I’m a bit slow today.”
“Didn’t sleep well?” she asked as she bent down even further to the point where she looked back at me from between her legs. There was a smile on her face. Was she tormenting me?
“Uh… kind of.”
She stood from her stretch slowly and started on her yoga exercises. “I slept great.”
I turned to smirk out of her vision and grabbed two mugs from the cupboard. I stared at the coffeemaker and wished that it finished brewing. “I’m glad you slept well.”
“I wasn’t troubled with thoughts.”
I looked over to her. She had switched yoga poses. “You didn’t have any thoughts?”
She took a deep breath with her eyes closed as she held her pose. “We all have thoughts, Matt.”
“They didn’t bother you?”
Carey shook her head slowly. “No.”
“Why?” I asked and was thankful when the coffeemaker signaled that the coffee was done. I quickly poured the life-giving fluid into my mug and took a deep breath from it. The smell alone made me feel a little better.
“We are only human.” She simply answered and changed poses. “Thoughts that I think you were having come to us all. My thoughts were a little different, but nonetheless, they didn’t bother me enough not allow me to sleep well.”
“Then why the note?” I asked as I finally took a sip from my mug.
She changed poses and shrugged. “A girl can still analyze those thoughts,” she said simply. She looked up to me, “Can’t I?”
I nodded. “Sure.”
“Are we still spending time together today? Or do you need to be alone with your thoughts?”
I shook my head in disbelief. She was ever feisty and quick-witted. “We can. I have to check up on the things I said I needed to, take a shower and then dress for whatever you want to do.”
“Ok.” She said.
“Should I dress nicely?”
Carey scoffed, “I’m not some high maintenance bitch. Dress in what makes you comfortable, Matt.”
I nodded and drank some more of my coffee before I walked back to our room. I picked up my tablet and switched it on. I looked through some of the emails and was glad that I had a few days off before I had to go and work on a grueling project. Satisfied with my work docket, I gathered some clothes and went off to take a shower. I glanced down the hallway and saw that Carey was done with her yoga. She leaned against the breakfast counter of the kitchen and was sipping on a mug of coffee. My heart skipped a few beats as I took her in. She remained in nothing but just her yoga tights and the sports bra that she wore. She was off in her own world, oblivious to my staring. She sipped from her mug. I watched as her sensual lips touched the mug as she slowly sipped. My eyes ran all across her body. Her sports bra struggled to keep her firm and supple B-cups in check. Her yoga pants accentuated all the curves, angles and firmness of her legs. I drank her in. I couldn’t pull myself away. The final straw was when she reached up and pulled apart the ponytail that she wore. Her silky black locks fell and rested just past her shoulders. She shook her head about and fluffed her hair out. My breathing was labored. I couldn’t handle it anymore. I quickly stepped into the bathroom.
I stripped off my clothes and hopped into the shower. I was fully erect. I dialed in the temperature of water that I liked and switched on the shower. As the hot water drenched me, I stood there in the shower stall staring down at my cock. It was unyielding. I was disgusted at myself. I had never been turned on by any other girl that I had dated the way I was turned on by my own cousin. Why was Carey turning me into this? Why can’t I control myself? I soaped up and washed hoping it would help. But, it didn’t. As I tried my best to cleanse myself, I remained firmly erect. My body wanted her. I wanted her. But, she was a forbidden piece of fruit that was only meant for display. I couldn’t… no, I shouldn’t touch her. I shut the water off and stood in the stall. The bathroom was filled with the steam of the hot shower. I slid the shower stall door back and heard the ‘click’ to the bathroom door. I froze. Had I not shut the door all the way? I stood in perfect stillness as I heard the creaking of steps go away from the bathroom. The creaking lead away from the bathroom to what I thought was our room. I stepped out and dried off. Did Carey peak in? I dressed quickly and stepped out of the bathroom.