Cousins Fuck Each Other::>2

Book:Horny Wives Revenge (erotica) Published:2025-2-7

She looked over to me with an expression that I couldn’t make out. “Well, of course it would hurt my feelings. Come on, having someone tell you to ‘gtfo’ out of their room for a few days just so that he could jerk off in privacy is kind of insulting. It is bad enough that I transferred out here too late for a dorm spot and I have to invade the world that you and your mom have; now you want to kick me out of your room.”
“I’m not kicking you…”
Carey cocked her head with an arched eyebrow to confront me. “Oh? Then what are you doing?”
I rolled my eyes and huffed soundly, “Ughh, never mind.”
She leaned closer to me and placed her head on my shoulder. “Thanks, Matt.”
We sat in silence as we watched the host of the show display a poor attempt at making more candy. I took a deep breath and was washed away by the smell of Carey. She always smelled amazing. One of the bad things of having a nineteen year old girl in your room is that they would always bring an amazing smell of what a nineteen year old would smell like; sweet, flowery and a girl that verged on being a full grown woman. I could recall the dreams I would have when her scent perforated everything in my room as she slept on the futon I used as a sofa whenever my friends came over.
“You know…” I said as I got her attention, “I didn’t want to kick you out of my room because I needed to jerk off.”
“Just figured you felt uncomfortable sharing my room with me. You know… with me being a guy and all.” I said hoping that the words that left my mouth made sense.
Carey pushed against me a little more as she continued to munch on her vegetables, “Well, as you can clearly see, I am not bothered by you. In fact, I’ve never felt this comfortable around a guy.”
“I guess… thanks?”
“You’re welcome.”
“Oh… Matt?”
Carey looked up to me with an evil little smile, “Just let me know when you do want to jerk off, I will leave the room.”
I scoffed at her and lunged to playfully strangle her.
I finished drying myself coming out of the shower. I looked into the mirror and rubbed my thin and very patchy beard that I was growing out. I remembered the last girl that I had went out with remarked at how she really liked guys with facial hair. I didn’t have any at that time. Needless to say, the girl didn’t stick around for a second date. So, with the request of some kind of facial hair, I decided to try growing some out. What was on my face gave my normally boyish face a little edge, a little age. At twenty-five, I didn’t show it whatsoever, I looked like I had just turned eighteen. I guess that was the curse and blessing about being Chinese. We never look our age until we are seventy and then we look a thousand. I dressed and found that my clothes were fitting loser on my slightly less chunky five foot seven frame. I nodded and was glad that the constant diet of vegetables that my mother had put me on was actually paying dividends.
I stepped out of the bathroom and made my way to the kitchen to prepare dinner. The living room was empty. I heard sounds from my bedroom and figured that Carey had gotten bored with television and decided to keep herself occupied in my room. Well, our room. I pulled out a few things that my mother had left for us to eat. I tossed one of the containers into the microwave and tapped in a time before setting some rice into the rice cooker. Not knowing how much to really make, I decided that it might have been better to ask how much Carey wanted before having to waste any food.
I walked down the hallway of the ranch-style house that my mother worked really hard for. It wasn’t the biggest, but it was what she could afford. It was in a nice neighborhood and I met a lot of good friends because of where we were. As I closed in on my room, I noticed that the door wasn’t completely shut. It was ajar. I wanted to play a cruel joke on Carey, perhaps jumping into the room and yelling to scare her, but we were both too old for that. I walked up quietly to the door and was about to knock but stopped when I heard a dainty and muffled moan.
My heart stopped for a second when I tried my hardest to contemplate what Carey could have been doing. I reached a shaking hand to my bedroom door and pushed slightly. The door opened a little more, just slightly, but enough for me to see. Carey was laying on the futon with her back facing the bedroom door. My heart resumed beating and was now racing when I found her laying there with her tights that she wore earlier pushed down to her knees. I watched as her body wriggled and writhed on my futon. The noises that escaped her weren’t the loudest. She made sure she kept them as quiet as possible, but they were lewd and they were beyond anything I had ever heard from a girl. I wanted to leave. I wanted to leave her to her private moment that I had stumbled upon. I willed myself to leave, but my feet stood firm and planted.
I stood there; watching and listening to my cousin touch herself. I watched her free hand reached underneath the button-down shirt that she wore and cupped a breast. She moaned a little louder as if she was seemingly more confident that she was alone. The pace of her other hand began to quicken. I stared at her. Her petite little body moved about sexually. I never saw her as a sexual being. I merely always viewed her as a nerdy little girl. But, here she was, with her almost naked ass on my futon pleasuring herself. My breathing got heavier. I felt myself getting aroused. I looked down at my basketball shorts and found my erection tenting the fabric. I cursed myself internally and told myself to turn away. But, I couldn’t. I tore my sight from myself and back to the dark pink thong that she wore and watched as her hand rubbed at herself furiously. Carey’s breathing became erratic. Her body stiffened as her climax rolled through her. She stiffened and loosened her body as it crashed into her like a tsunami. I smelled her sex fill my room as she slowly came down from her orgasm.
The food in the microwave ‘dinged’ loudly. Reality slammed back into my head as I turned around and quickly walked back to the kitchen being careful not to make a single sound as I crept back behind the counter. I took the food out of the microwave and stirred it trying to collect my thoughts.
“Smells good.”
Carey’s voice startled me. I looked up and found her standing on the other side of the breakfast counter of the kitchen. She had her usual pink towel slung on her shoulder and some undergarments tucked under her arm.
“What’s for dinner?” she asked innocently and completely unaware of what I had quietly witnessed.
“My mom made some curry chicken and potatoes for us tonight. I was about to ask you how much rice you wanted.” I said as my voice shook.
“A cup for me is fine.”
I looked up at her and nodded. I noticed that her face was still flushed from her climax. I decided to be bold and poke back in a little vengeance from when she had accused me of masturbation. “Are you ok? Your cheeks are bright pink.”
“They are?” She asked playing dumb. She patted them with the same hand that was in the delicate dark pink panties that she wore from moments ago. “I was doing some yoga when you were in the shower. I guess I went a little too hard?”
I nodded. “Dinner will be ready when you’re done with your shower.”
Carey winked at me and walked off to the bathroom. I watched her quietly as she walked off to the bathroom. My eyes were glued to her body. I never noticed her before, but I did now. I watched as her perfect little rear end moved about seductively as she walked. The tights she wore left nothing to the imagination. I subconsciously licked my lips as a sexual thought about Carey popped into my head. I immediately shook it out and was disgusted at myself. I turned my attention back to making dinner and only hoped that I could slip the tight bonds of taboo.
“Are you ok?” Carey asked as she took a bite of curry chicken from her bowl. She stretched her legs out and placed them on the coffee table. I never ate in the kitchen, especially when my mother wasn’t home. I hoped that Carey would have, but she decided to join me in the living room for dinner. When she had come out of the bathroom, she was wearing a tight t-shirt and tiny shorts. Those tiny shorts revealed two silky legs that were now on display. She looked over to me while chewing and cocked her head in confusion.
“Uh… I got a lot on my mind.” I said as I took a spoonful of food and shoved it in my mouth.
“Uh… yeah.” I said not convincingly.
Carey looked up to me and looked into my eyes. I felt uncomfortable under her gaze. It seemed like she was searching for something in me. She scooted over from her side of the couch and sat against me. She never broke her gaze. She leaned closer to me. My heart began to race as her face got closer and closer.
“What are you doing?”
“Don’t move.”
I sat still as Carey got closer and closer. She reached out slowly and pulled something out of my thin beard. She smiled and showed me a piece of rice that had lodged itself in the pathetic attempt at facial hair. “Thanks.”
Carey turned and went back to eating while watching television. Relieved that what she did was only something innocent, I continued to eat as well and tried my best to ignore what might go through my mind when it was time to go to bed. I glanced over every other bite of food. Carey would smile and laugh at the shows I watched. Through the absurd adventures of Rick and Morty we finished our meals. I set my bowl on the coffee table and let out a loud and thunderous burp.
“Ewwah!” Carey exclaimed as she punched me playfully on the arm.
“What do you mean what?” she asked as she stood from the couch. She pinched her nose and made a face, “I could smell that!”
“You were meant to.”
She shook her head, “Boys…”
Carey gathered the empty bowls and walked them to the kitchen, but before she got there, she let out a loud burp of her own. I laughed loudly and mocked her reaction to my burp. “Ewwah!”
She turned to look at me and smirked. She walked the bowls into the kitchen and cleaned up. I leaned back into the couch and took a deep breath. I decided to let the incident that happened early go. We after all were human and being in the confined space that was my room, we both needed some release. I picked up the remote and started surfing through the channels again.
“Anything good on?” She asked as she cleaned.
“Want to watch some Netflix and chill?” She asked.