Cara’s Pov
It seemed like all I do in my life was run -run from danger, from the past, from Luca. Whatever it was, I was always on the run and right now was no different.
My chaser was hot on my tail, gaining on me. My lungs burned, my stomach churned, my feet pounded against the ground as I pushed them forward like my life depended on it- it did.
Whoever was chasing me wasn’t doing it for funsies nor were they going to high-five when they caught up with me. They meant business, wicked business and I wasn’t going to find out what.
“Cara!” A familiar voice yelled behind me, almost freezing me in my tracks. My heartbeat took on a frantic pace as my knees weakened with fear.
No. He shouldn’t be here, how was he here?
Diego’s furious voice sliced through the night as he called out my name again, the single syllable dripping with venom that made my blood run cold. “Stop running, you little bitch!”
My legs ached, but I pushed harder, zigzagging through the narrow streets. Shadows flickered in the dim glow of streetlights, every sound amplified by my rising panic. Diego’s heavy footsteps echoed behind me, a relentless reminder that he was closing the distance.
My mind raced as fast as my feet. Why now? Why Diego? I didn’t have time for answers. All I could do was run for my life.
Ahead, the faint outline of a desolate property loomed-its windows shattered, walls chipping apart and streaked with graffiti, the gate hanging ajar. It was my only chance. With one swift burst of energy, I darted inside, my shoulders brushing the jagged metal edges of the gate.
I slipped behind a pile of rusted scrap, crouching low and pressing my back against the cold metal. My chest heaved as I struggled to steady my frantic breath, each gasp feeling impossibly loud in the suffocating silence.
Diego’s voice thundered outside, closer now. “I know you’re here, Cara! You can’t hide forever!”
My eyes squeezed shut, silently willing him to leave.
Go away. Please, just go away. But the sound of the gate swinging open crushed that hope.
Diego stepped inside, his boots crunching against broken glass and debris. The sound felt deafening, each step a countdown to my discovery.
“Cara!” he called, his voice oozing with malice. “You think I won’t find you? You’re not that smart.”
I bit my lip to stifle my breathing. My body trembled in the darkness, every nerve on edge. Diego’s heavy boots thudded against the floor, the sound growing louder as he searched the room.
“Cara.” He sing-songed mockingly, the sound twisting my gut. “You can’t be far. Come out, and maybe I won’t make this worse for you.”
I swallowed back a whimper, my hands shaking as I reached into my jacket for my gun. My body screamed at me to shoot immediately, but my mind knew better. Acting on impulse would be suicide. I still couldn’t tell where exactly the bastard was.
Diego paced through the room, his frustration mounting. “You really do think you can hide from me,” he spat, kicking at something. The loud crash made me flinch.
My mind raced as I silently prayed for him to leave or get close enough so I could shoot his bloody ass. Instead, a brief silence stretched in the room and my fear only grew. Diego’s frustration boiled over, and he began ranting.
“You’re so fucking useless, you know that? Couldn’t even get Luca to cough up his money.” He snorted derisively. “I should’ve known better than to rely on a dumb slut like you. What good are you, huh? Always meddling when you’re not needed, always ruining things! If it weren’t for you, Luca would already be dead, and I’d have everything I deserve!”
My breath hitched. Luca? Dead? The implications hit her like a punch to the gut. Diego’s hatred for Luca was no secret, but hearing it said aloud-his plan to kill him-left me reeling.
“If it weren’t for you…” He trailed off and barked out a caustic laugh. “I had it all planned out, everything lined up perfectly, and then you-you-had to ruin it!”
My heart jumped at the rage in his voice, the sound chilling me to my core. His fury was palpable, I could almost taste it on my tongue.
Slowly, I took out my gun, my grip tight. This wasn’t just about me; it was clear. Diego had been plotting against Luca all along.
“Doesn’t matter now,” Diego continued, his tone shifting to one of wicked glee. “I’ve got a better deal-one that doesn’t involve a measly sum of twenty-five grand. You’re nothing but a pawn I’ve outgrown.”
My heart leapt. What deal? What does he mean? But before I could piece it together, silence fell. The absence of his voice was more terrifying than his threats. My hand halted on the gun even as my pulse quickened. What was he planning now?
As much as I hated it and would love nothing more than to blow his brains out for ever conspiring against Luca, I needed him to keep talking. Needed him to yap about this new deal. Provide more information.
But the bastard kept mute and my thoughts began to spiral as the eerie silence clogged up the room. Was he leaving? Waiting? Watching? I couldn’t tell. The oppressive stillness gnawed at me, and then-
A sharp yank at my hair ripped me out of my hiding spot. I screamed as I was pushed to the side.
I held onto my gun like it was my lifeline, my instincts flaring as I twisted around to shoot.
I missed by a millimeter.
Diego dunked in alarm, his eyes widening at where the bullet grazed past his shoulder, leaving a tear in his puffer jacket. I didn’t wait for him to recover, I pulled the trigger the second time.
And completely missed.
Shit, shooting was much harder than I thought.
On my third attempt, Diego dashed forward and kicked the gun out of my hand.
I groaned in pain, immediately reaching for the discarded gun but the bastard kicked it even further away from me. Then he slapped me across the face, hard and twice.
“You stupid bitch!” He roared as he began choking me. “As if failing me wasn’t enough, you dare try to shoot me?” A cruel laugh filled the space.
I clawed at his arms around my neck, but his grip was unyielding.
“Stop it!” he snapped, shaking me violently. “They want you in one piece, but keep acting like a wild animal, and I’ll make sure you look like hell when I hand you over.”
He let go of me with a push and I took open mouthful of air into my suffocated lungs, coughing from the effects of the choking. I could feel blood trickling from a cut on my upper lip. My cheeks stinged like hell.
“Who?” I rasped when I was able to speak. “Who are you talking about? Who wants me?” I had idea who it was but I wanted him to confirm it.
But the assh0le didn’t answer. Instead, he sneered and yanked me to meet his eye. “Doesn’t matter. All you need to know is that you’re mine to deliver. And if you keep acting up, I’ll make you regret it.”
Like hell I’d let him take me anywhere.
Summoning the last of my strength, I sank my teeth into his hand. Diego howled in pain, but his retaliation was swift and brutal. A punch sent me sprawling backwards, my side getting caught on a broken piece of glass. Following was a series of kicks to my stomach.
“You think you’re tough, huh? Let’s see how tough you are when I’m done with you.” he snarled as his boot connected with my stomach once more.
I groaned in pain, my hand stretching out on the floor, I felt around for it-the piece of glass that hurt me and was now about to be my weapon.
My fingers brushed it and I quickly curled them around the sharp edges. I swung hard, slashing Diego across his shin. He stopped kicking me, hissing loudly in pain.
I started to crawl away, but Diego, the fucking devil, recovered almost immediately. Almost like I hadn’t just attacked him. He lunged, grabbing my feet and dragging me back.
And then he punched me in the face, knocking the wind out of me.
Pain exploded through my head as I got punched a couple more times and I could taste blood on my tongue. I tried to block his blows with my arms, my vision blurring as fear and exhaustion threatened to overwhelm me.
I refused to black out.
“I see you’re hell bent on dying here.” Diego threatened through clenched teeth.
“Go to hell,” I gasped out, my voice barely audible through my bruised lips.
Diego suddenly stopped, his eyes full of hatred as he glared hard at me, chest heaving hard like it took great work to beat the shit out of a smaller woman like me. “Killing you sounds really enticing right now but as much as I want to do that, I need to deliver you to the Russians alive.” He rose to his feet.” Why they would even want you is beyond me. They must be as stupid as Luca to see any value in you.”
My head felt stuffed with styrofoam and I was beginning to see colors as pain burned in my left eye. I managed to come to a sitting position, barely able to process his rant. Yet, amidst the agony, one phrase stood out: the Russians.
With great effort, I managed a whisper. “The- the Russians?” My voice was so weak I didn’t think he heard. But he did, and his movie star face twisted with cruel delight.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” he sneered, crouching down to grab me by the hair again. His ash blond hair tickled my cheeks as hot breath fanned my face, “Keep your mouth shut, or I’ll make you wish the Russians were the ones beating you.”
My defiance flared, a foolhardiness kindling in my chest. “Fuck you,” I said, my voice hoarse. With the last ounce of my strength, I spat in his face.
Diego’s fury erupted like a storm. His fist drew back to land a blow. “You fucking-”
The deafening crack of a gunshot cut him off mid-sentence, shattering the moment. Diego’s scream of agony filled the air as his arm jerked back, blood splattering across the ground between us. I blinked in shock, my dazed mind struggling to process what had just happened.
Men poured into the room, their movements swift and calculated, their weapons drawn. Through my haze of pain, I recognized one of them immediately-Sergio. Relief flooded my beat up body as the men restrained Diego, forcing him to the ground.
Then another figure stepped foward and my heart got caught in my throat.
He was here.
He moved with deadly precision, his face carved from stone. He was a vision of wrath, his presence dominating the space, his dark eyes blazing with fury. Without hesitation, he closed the distance between him and Diego and unleashed a storm of punches, each one a calculated strike of vengeance, all landing with brutal force. Diego crumpled under the blows, his resistance gone as he went limp, his groans of pain fading into the silence.
It was ironic how he’d gone from my dangerous attacker to a bloodied heap on the ground-completely knocked out- now that Luca was here.
Luca straightened, his arm pressing against his side in a way that had me instantly worried irrespective of my own condition. He turned to face me, his chest heaving as his eyes locked on mine at once.
Instantly, the rage on his face melted into something softer, something achingly tender-concern, guilt.
He hurried over to where I was lying halfway on the floor. “Cara,” he said as he dropped to his knees beside me, his voice rough but laced with worry, his hands hovering as if afraid to touch me and cause more pain. “What did he do to you?”
My vision blurred again, this time from the tears that sprang to my eyes. Despite the pain wracking my body, the sight of him elated me. He was here, alive. If not for my current state, I would have jumped with joy.
I wanted to ask if he was okay, if his injury still hurt but I couldn’t let out a word. My lips parted, but no sound came out.
Luca’s concerned gaze remained locked on me, The tenderness in his grey eyes was a balm to my battered soul. A familiar warmth spread throughout my entire body and it was enough to soothe my frayed nerves, enough to make the pain feel distant.
I let out a shaky breath, releasing the tension, and slowly I succumbed to my exhaustion.
“Cara, stay with me.” Luca was saying, his voice music to my ears.
I tried to smile, to reassure him that everything was fine now but my body was already shutting down. In just a handful of seconds later, the world went dark.