Fucking Jerk(Incest Sex):>2

Book:Horny Wives Revenge (erotica) Published:2025-2-6

She pushed herself closer to me. I felt her supply breasts pressed against my side. Her warmth she radiated was alluring. It may have taken a few moments, but my body finally eased its tension and relaxed. I listened to the sound of her breathing. It wasn’t a restful one, it almost seemed excited.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Is there something wrong with me?”
“Is there something wrong with me?” she asked again as she looked up at me. “Why can’t I find a nice guy?”
“Lily, you’re young. Give it time, ok? What’s the rush?”
She shrugged, “I see all my friends with nice guys in their lives. I want the same. All I seem to be able to attract are guys that just want sex.”
“Seriously, take your time. There is no need to rush, ok?”
“Well, what is wrong with me?” I asked echoing her sentiment. “As much as I am after sex, I want to find someone that is awesome and funny. All the girls I seem to find are the ones after my wallet.”
“They’re bitches.” She said with cute anger. “Next girl that does that to you, I will claw her eyes out.”
I chuckled, “Thanks.”
She sighed, “Maybe we’re just broken people.”
“Maybe.” I said as I kissed her head softly. “But, one day, we will find the right broken people to match up to us. Then we won’t be broken anymore.”
“That’s so cheesy.” She said as she giggled into my chest.
She nodded.
“Well, I guess I am cheesy. But, for what it’s worth, it is what I believe.”
“Hit me.”
She looked up at me, “Rub my butt?”
I shook my head, “I don’t know…”
“Lily… siblings shouldn’t do this.”
She reached back and took hold of my hand. She guided it slowly to her rear end. My hand touched her. She closed her eyes when she felt the palm of my hand cup the swell of her ass. She scooted about and wrapped her arms around me as she felt my hand stay in place. Lily always got what she wanted. Either she was going to nag a person to death or bat her eye-lashes until you gave in to her. No one escaped her charm or her wrath. I kept my hand where she had guided. Her rear end was perfect. It was soft. It was supple. It was amazing. My hand began to move about on its own. The shorts she wore left little separation. They had risen up leaving a generous portion of her posterior to be touched. As my hand moved about, I felt no panty line. She didn’t have any underwear on. My heart raced even faster. If she only weren’t who she was, I would have pounced on her. But, she is my half-sister. She looked to me for protection. She looked to me for guidance. I shoved the thoughts of taboo out of my head and tried my best to relax.
“It feels good.” She murmured sleepily.
She nodded. My hand slowed, but she shimmied her rear end in protest. “Don’t stop.”
“Is my butt nice?”
“Does my butt feel good?”
“I don’t think you should be asking me that.”
“Consider it a request to stem off my insecurities.” She said as she looked up to me. “Can you give me an objective opinion?”
I nodded. “Yes.”
“Yes to what?”
“Yes,” I said as I squeezed a perfectly shaped butt-cheek. “Your butt feels good.”
My hand drifted away from her rear end and made its way up to the small of her back. The silkiness of her nearly drove me over my limit. I moved about as I felt my cock stiffen to attention. As much as I wanted to hide my shame of the situation, Lily kept me in place, flat on my back with her against me. My hand drifted higher and higher on her back until I touched the clasp of her bra. I used my fingers and gently touched her in little circles and I drifted back down. She purred in delight. She pulled a leg across mine. I inhaled deeply as the taboo of it all was driving me mad. It was driving me to the point where I contemplated stepping over the line. Her knee brushed up against my swollen member. I gasped. She stiffened.
I sat up abruptly breaking the intimate bond we had with one another. I cleared my throat. “It’s late…”
“I think we should go to bed.”
She took my cues. Lily got out of bed slowly. I looked back at her as she adjusted her shorts and the t-shirt she wore. My eyes roamed about her body as I took her in with the aide of the low LED lights in my room. My eyes settled on her shorts. There was a slightly darker shade of gray between her legs. No. I must have seen it wrong. Lily offered a nervous smile.
“Thanks for hanging out with me.”
“Uh… yeah, it has been a while.”
She leaned over and kissed me softly on the cheek. She lingered. Her lips were hot and moist. I wanted to take hold of her. I wanted to kiss her deeply. But, I didn’t. I smiled and watched as she broke her kiss. She offered another nervous smile and walked out of my room. I sighed in relief. I got out of my bed and went to brush my teeth. My mind raced with thoughts. My heart fluttered from emotions beyond my understanding. I got out of the bathroom after my nightly routine and stepped back into my room. I put away my tablet and lay down. The smell of Lily lingered in my room. I picked up my phone to set an alarm and found that she had messaged me.
For what?
I shouldn’t have made you touch me.
I know.
Do you forgive me?
I do.
Ok. Thank you for a fun night. You made me feel better about my situation.
I smiled. You are welcome.
Mom and dad are heading out for some sort of dinner tomorrow with their friends. Do you have plans?
Want to hang out again?
I hesitated.
Only if you behave.
I promise.
Good night Rob.
Good night.
Love you.
Love you too.
Like a cliche television show, everything was magically back to normal the next day. I sat on a living room couch and worked on a project due after the winter break. Our parents had been busy all morning with their friends. Some of them had come back to the house with them. They had coffee and talked about the things they used to do before they had kids. They laughed and joked. I looked up as Lily walked down the stairs from her room. She said her greetings to my parents and their friends before coming into the living room. She was dressed in a pair of tight yoga pants and t-shirt. She nudged the coffee table away from the center of the room and looked over her shoulder at me.
“Am I in your way?” I asked.
She shook her head. “I’m just going to do some yoga.”
Lily took position in the middle of the living room. She took deep breaths and started her yoga exercises. I turned my eyes to my tablet and my papers. I did my best to not stare, but as she stretched and bent, my eyes wandered. I looked up as she bent straight down and touched her toes. The fabric of her yoga pants stretched to their limit. She wore nothing underneath again. Perhaps it was my imagination, but there was no sign of panties or a thong. She changed positions. I couldn’t tear my eyes off of her. She was lovely as the rays from the sun pierced into our home and splashed brilliantly onto my half-sister. Her bleached blonde locks fell past her shoulders and nearly touched the small of her back. I exhaled audibly when she turned about and stretched into another pose. She was facing me. Her eyes closed. She looked angelic. The sun played with her soft features. Her small pointed nose moved about as she tried to itch it without breaking her pose. I stared at her lips. They glistened from the lip gloss that she had put on prior to coming down to do yoga. They were luscious. They begged to be kissed. I closed my eyes and envisioned the kiss from last night, the kiss that I never wanted to end.
“Ay-yah, Lily!”
My mother’s voice snapped me out of my perverse thoughts. I looked over my shoulder and watched as my mother step out of the dining room and walked over to Lily. My mother stripped the hoodie that she wore and tugged it over Lily.
“It is winter. Do you want to catch a cold?!”
“No mom.” She said as she tried her best not to roll her eyes.
“Can you do your yoga later? We may want to sit in the living room.”