Holly stood in my bedroom. She must have picked another outfit while I was showering. She stood in a short skirt and a tight blouse that showed off her perfect little breasts. “What do you mean?”
I rolled my eyes, “You know what I mean.”
“Oh you mean seeing you naked?”
Holly waved me off, “Nicky, stop being a prude. It is natural when siblings have a curiosity about each other.”
“Holly.” I said firmly.
Holly took a deep breath and looked over to me with her face flushing into a bright red. “I used to peek in on you when you showered at home. There were a few times when I would look into the keyhole lock to your bedroom when you changed. Ok? It was something I just wanted to do then. I guess it was something I never grew out of.”
Holly shrugged.
Holly rolled her eyes, “Because I thought you were hot. I still do! Look at you! You never lost that attractiveness. You were always working out. You were always out with your buddies playing ball. Sure, it has been years since then, but you still look amazing. Ok?”
Her answer shocked me. I stood there half naked with a towel around my waist. Water from the shower was dripping off me. She walked up to me and started to wipe me down with the towel she had been using.
“I found you attractive. Honestly, I still do.” Holly said as she wiped along my broad shoulders and then my arms. “I used to steal glances at you all the time. I didn’t hang around you and your idiot friends because I found it so stimulating; I did it because I wanted to be with you.”
Holly moved the towel slowly to my chest. I reached up and held her hands in place. “When did this start?”
Holly smiled as she broke my grasp on her hand. She began to massage my chest with the towel, “Long before you even had a clue.”
“I didn’t… I mean, I never…”
“I know.”
Holly wiped away the moisture on my chest and looked into my eyes, “I never found any other man as acceptable for me than you. Ever since I was able to tag along with you and your friends, I was in love with you. I didn’t know what that love was when I was a little, but as I got older, I knew. I knew what my feelings were. You were my match. I know what is going on in your head before you even do. Just as you know exactly what is going on in mine. I knew what I felt wasn’t right, but as long as I didn’t act on anything, it wasn’t wrong.”
“So standing here with your brother half naked as you dry him off isn’t wrong? There is a difference between fantasizing and actually acting on it Holly.”
Holly took a step closer to me. The perfume she wore wrapped around us like a warm seductive blanket. She was so close that her breast touched my body. I looked down at the neckline of her blouse and can see two perfect B cups held up by a lacey bra. I swallowed hard as she stood on her toes and kissed me lightly on the lips. The touch of her lips sent a rush of emotions through my body. I wanted to grab her and toss her onto my bed. I wanted to show her that I felt the same about her as she does with me. But, I stayed still. Holly’s lips parted from mine. She stood back down and started out of my bedroom.
“See? I acted on it.” Holly said. She stopped and turned to look back at me. She spied my growing erection from under my towel, “It didn’t seem wrong to me.”
* * *
I sipped the latte that Holly had ordered for me. She sat across from me at an outdoor cafe looking through a catalog from a local shop that she had planned to visit. I leaned back in the plastic seat and watched her quietly. Holly sipped from her own cup and looked up at me. She smiled, “Are you going to be angry at me the entire time we are out?”
I shook my head, “No.”
“Lighten up?” she asked as she set the catalog down.
“How can I?”
Holly took another sip. She pursed her lips and ran a napkin at the corners of her mouth. “I know you’re not happy with what I did. But, you have to give me credit for being brave about it. I thought about telling you for years.”
“It doesn’t make it right.”
Holly shook her head, “No, it doesn’t. I just felt the need to tell you. The timing was right Nicky.”
Holly shrugged cutely, “If I didn’t need to crash at your place for a bit, I don’t think I could have ever gotten enough courage to tell you.”
“You would have kept it secret?” I asked.
She nodded. “Absolutely, something like that isn’t a common place topic that you share, especially when the topic involves your big brother.” She took another sip from her cup and looked up at me. “Did you ever think about me in that way? You know… more than just a sister?”
I shrugged, “I’m not so sure. I mean you were a kid that was always tagging along. It was fun and cool that you were just like one of the guys. But, when you… uh…”
“Started having tits?” Holly said playfully.
I rolled my eyes, “When your body started coming in and you became a little less like one of the guys. I actually stopped being friends with some of the guys that started hitting on you.”
“Were you jealous that I was flirting with some of them?”
I nodded.
“Why?” She asked.
“I don’t really know.”
Holly smiled, “Well, we can work on that later. I don’t want to push you anymore than I have already. I don’t need you being angry at me the entire time I am with you.”
I sipped the rest of my drink and sighed in defeat. I stood from the table and reached out with an open hand. “Come on; let’s go get some of that shopping that you planned done.”
Holly looked up smiling. She reached out, took my hand and walked away from the outdoor cafe with me. My day with my sister was what every romantic movie would have been. We walked from store to store. I watched as she tried on outfits. She laughed when I tried on the outfits that she had picked out for me. We walked arm in arm through Manhattan. With the fear that someone would judge us, I tried my best to make it look as if we were just siblings and nothing more. Holly on the other hand did her best to make it look like we were a couple. But, when you live in a city as large as New York City, no one really cares. No one cared that we were siblings. No one cared that Holly and I shared an intimate kiss. No one knew.
We got back to my apartment with handfuls of shopping bags. Holly tossed the ones in her hands into the corner of my apartment where her duffel bag was residing. She walked over to my couch and flung herself down onto it with a dramatic sigh. She laid there flaunting her legs after her skirt had ridden dangerously up her thighs. Holly stretched out and unbuttoned a few of the buttons on her blouse.
“Oh gosh it feels good to get those buttons undone. I felt like I was holding my breath the entire time we were shopping!” She exclaimed as she kicked off the heels she wore.
“Why wear something that tight at all?” I asked as I set the bags I was carrying next to the ones she tossed. I walked over to my kitchen to grab a couple of beers. While walking past her, I did my best to avoid looking at her shapely legs and the fleeting glimpses of the panties that flirted with being completely visible from underneath the skirt.
“I wanted to look cute.”
“That’s stupid.”
“You’re already cute. You don’t need to go that extra mile.” I said as I popped the tops of the beer and set one in front of her. I took a big sip of the beer and winced as the near freezing beverage hit the back of my throat. “You don’t need to be attracting that kind of attention from the momos walking around here.”
Holly grabbed her beer and sipped it. “I didn’t do it for them.”
I looked over to her puzzled but bracing for her answer.
Holly sipped her beer again and set it down onto the coffee table. She got up from the couch and moved her way over to me. She sat down next to me and pulled my arm around her, “I did it for you. I wanted you to look at me like you would look at any other girl.”
I took another giant gulp from my beer, “So, did I?”
Holly shrugged as she snuggled into me. “Maybe.”
“So, you didn’t know if all the effort was worth it?”
She looked up at me, “Any effort for you is worth it.”
I laughed, “You called me cheesy? You’re so cheesy!”
Holly screeched in laughter and tickled me furiously. I juggled my beer around not wanting to waste a single drop while fending her off with one hand. I set my beer onto the table and grabbed her with both hands while she struggled and squirmed in my grasp. I lifted her off the couch and slammed her back onto it flat onto her back. She gasped as I pinned her arms down and dominated her. Holly held back her laughter as she looked into my eyes. I looked down at her. Her hair was now a mess after her frantic tickling. Her face was still perfectly done up with the minimal makeup that she had put on. I took her in slowly. Her breasts swelled from her bra and peeked through her blouse that she had unbuttoned. My heart was racing. My hands trembled with fear, anticipation and lust as I held onto her. I leaned down slowly. Holly moistened her lips anticipating what I was about to do. She craned her neck as I leaned further in. Closer and closer I moved. I could have sworn that I heard our hearts both racing loudly together. I paused as our lips barely touched. My heart yelled at me to go ahead, but my mind began to fight me once again. My rationale yelled at me. Holly looked into my eyes. I saw something in them that I had never realized before. There was love in her eyes. Not a sibling love, but something more than that. I shut my doubts and leaned in. I kissed her lips softly. Our kiss was open-lipped. I felt her tongue dart into my mouth quickly, but I quickly met her tongue with my own. It was just a simple touch. I broke our kiss and got off of her.
Holly sat up and straightened her blouse. She tugged her blouse back into place as her face was completely flushed by our kiss. “Wow…”
“I’m going to take a shower and head to bed.” I said as I walked towards my room. My heart was racing. I could hear my own heartbeat in my ears. My hands began to sweat profusely. I wanted to kiss her more. But, I had to show control. I wanted her. I wanted my own sister. Everything she said before started to make sense. There was a reason why I couldn’t make it work with any of the other women I was with. But, with her, she knew exactly how to make me laugh. She knew how to make me smile. She knew exactly how I wanted a woman to dress and look like. Holly was an amazingly perfect match for me. She was a sinful, taboo filled match.
“Did you want to watch some Netflix?” Holly asked.
I shook my head, “Probably not tonight, Holly. I am kind of beat.”
“Oh.” Holly said sadly as she patted her cheeks to get rid of the flush she still had. “Well, go get some rest then.”
I nodded. “Good night.”
“Good night.”