We crushed the wings. I ordered three dozen thinking Holly and I would have never been able to finish them, but we did. The four beers that she had grabbed turned into eight. We sat blissfully fading into a food coma as we watched some international movie that was on Netflix. I leaned back deeper into the couch and threw a quick glance at Holly. She was sitting with her knees pulled up to her chest almost. Her legs looked increasingly silky and smooth as I suckled on another beer. The fabric of her shorts was pulled past her perfect ass cheeks and now almost exposing her rear end completely with her sitting position. I took another deep swig of beer as I could have sworn that I could make out the shape of her pussy. I averted my gaze when she looked over at me and smiled.
“Isn’t this movie awesome?” she said, “I watched the other ones before it and they all rocked!”
I nodded sipping my beer. The movie was pretty good. It was about a girl in Europe that had fallen in love with her brother and was forced to live a life of shame. It would have been alright, if it weren’t peppered with so many sex scenes.
“Are you following the story?”
I nodded, “It is pretty good.”
“The girl is kinda hot too. So, that’s a plus.”
Holly laughed. She grabbed a throw-pillow that was between us and smacked me across the head with it. “Jerk!”
I grabbed the pillow from her hands and smacked her back lightly. Holly giggled and grabbed the pillow out of my hands. She looked at me and smiled sheepishly.
“Scoot.” Holly said cutely.
Holly tossed the pillow aside and moved closer to me on the couch. She reached out and pushed me back into the couch. She slowly moved closer and closer as if crawling to me at a snail’s pace. She looked into my eyes as if she was searching for some reaction from me. I stayed as still as I could with as blank of an expression I could muster. Holly nudged me about and settled against me. She reached up and pulled my arm around her like how we used to sit and watch scary movies together. I felt her fold herself into the position that made her feel comfortable and sighed in delight.
“Are you all better now?” I asked.
“Are you sure?”
“You don’t mind do you?” She asked while she looked back at me.
I shook my head. “No, but are you sure you want to sit this close to a jerk?”
Holly giggled. “I want to watch a scary movie like we did back in the day.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah.” She said as she searched the Netflix library for something that she wanted to watch.
Resigned to the fact that I was not going to escape being so close to her, I settled down into the couch as well. I relaxed my arm that was around her and held her close as I watched her select the movie. She pulled my arm down closer to her. My hand hung dangerously close to her chest in the position that she had situated us in. Holly wiggled a bit more against me and took hold of my hand and brought it down. She brought it to her lips and kissed it softly. I almost gasped as her moist lips touched my skin.
“I love you, Nick.” She said casually as the movie began. “If I was going to be stuck anywhere and with anyone, I am glad I am stuck here with you.”
I leaned in and kissed the top of her head. My heart pounded against my chest, “Love you too.”
Holly tried again to pull my hand closer to her chest. I tried my best to resist, but she turned to look at me again, “Relax, Nick.”
I did as she ordered. My hand and my arm relaxed as she finally pulled it to the position she liked. Her body was pressed up against mine. I felt her breasts pushing up against me. My arm was wrapped around her tiny frame. Her hand kept mine in place on her chest. I could feel her heart beating. It was racing like mine was. I took a deep breath and relaxed. Perhaps it was the beer that aided in my decision to let what was happening continue or maybe it was because that it felt right being this close to Holly, whatever the reason at that moment, I felt comfortable. I felt at ease. I relaxed my hand further. My palm settled on the swell of her breast.
“I missed you.” Holly said in a whisper.
“I missed you too.”
* * *
I woke up. My mouth felt as if there had been monkeys shitting in it the entire night. I looked around and saw that my television was still on. There was a Netflix prompt on the screen asking if I was still watching whatever show I had left it on. I stretched out and found that Holly was still sleeping. She was no longer sitting against me, but was lying on the couch with her head on my lap. She was sleeping soundly with a delicate snore escaping from her every so often. I moved slightly to try to get off the couch and her eyes opened up.
“Hey.” She said sleepily.
“Was I sleeping on you?” she asked as she sat up.
I laughed and nodded.
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s all good.”
Holly stretched where she sat. Her arms reaching for the ceiling of my apartment, her shirt rode up her body exposing her flat stomach and stopped short of her bra. She giggled in embarrassment as she tugged her shirt back down into place. “Oops.” She said as she fluffed out her long silky black hair. “What a night!”
I got up from the couch and quickly walked over to my kitchen. I started my coffee maker and tried to keep my distance from her. Holly stood from the couch and walked over to the duffel bag of clothes that she had. She zipped it open and looked through it. She pulled a few articles of clothing out and fished a pair of pink panties out before she stood up and watched me clean up the mess we created.
“Do you care if I hop in the shower first?”
“No, go ahead.” I said as I picked up the empty bottles of beer. “I got some cleaning here to do. Maybe we can get out and do something.”
Holly smiled, “That sounds good.”
I watched with bottles in hand as she disappeared around a corner and into the bathroom that was attached to my bedroom. One of the things I liked about my apartment was that the bathroom had two entrances. Whenever I woke up from a night of drinking, all I needed to do was just go and avoided the need to leave my room to figure out where the bathroom was. I closed my eyes trying to imagine what Holly would look like in the panties that she had pulled out of her bag. But, the moment the thought had entered my mind, I cursed myself into reality. I walked the bottles into the sink and began to clean around my apartment. I couldn’t take her playful flirtatious nature as anything but innocent. Yet, being so close to her the other night sparked a lust that I had never felt within me.
I cleared out the mess that we made and decided the apartment was clean enough for me to gather my things for a shower. I walked into my room and froze when I found that the bathroom door was half opened. My body froze when I heard Holly coming out of the shower. She was humming a tune as she toweled off. My curiosity began to win the battle inside my head of what was the wrong or right thing to do. I took a step back and leaned up against my bedroom wall to peer into the partially opened door. A glimpse of a silky smooth leg made me gasp. I heard Holly move about the bathroom. I held my breath when I saw a generous portion of her naked rear end appear as she pulled on the panties that she had picked out. She was stunning in them confirming my vivid imagination from earlier. Holly must have felt my eyes on her body. She stood erect, half naked and still glistening from the shower, and looked over to me. She smiled cutely and covered herself with her towel slowly making sure that I got a good look at her breasts.
“Was I taking too long?” She asked as she walked out of my bathroom.
“Uh… no.”
Holly giggled, “Just wanted to steal a glance?”
“No!” I exclaimed. I grabbed my things and charged into the bathroom hoping that she didn’t see the partial erection that she had caused.
I tore off my clothes and quickly got into the shower. Hoping the hot water would wash away everything I was thinking. I was angry with myself. I was angry that I was turned on by Holly. I was angry that I found my sister attractive. I was disappointed that I had a moment of lust for her. I scrubbed and scrubbed myself as hard as I could to try to get her out of my head. My erection subsided; I felt safe enough to get out feeling a little more cleansed than when I entered. But, as I got out, I found Holly walking into the bathroom.
Holly stood and smiled, “I left my things in here.”
“You could have waited!” I yelled as I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my waist.
She bent down to grab the clothes that she had left behind in the bathroom. When she stood, I felt her eyes roam my body for a few moments. “It is fine, Nick. It isn’t as if I’ve never seen your naked body before.”
Holly turned and began to walk out of the bathroom, “We’re even now.”
I chased after her, “What did you mean by that?”