A brother gets a surprise roommate for a few weeks…
I moved away years ago hoping to break the tight grasp of my family. It was a move that I thought I would have never made being that my upbringing was basically under a microscope. Every move, every decision, every choice was either made or provided for me. So, being on my own was the most amazing experience I could have afforded myself. I spent my days in my tiny NYC apartment doing whatever I wanted. I ate whenever I wanted. I did whatever I wanted. I fucked whomever I wanted. It was life away from a traditional Chinese family that I finally got to taste, and it was exhilarating.
Yet, it wouldn’t be a traditional Chinese family if they didn’t try to extend their reach of control around me. Several weeks ago, they announced that my younger sister was going to NYU. They had packed her bags and sent her off, but the building she was to be staying in was infested with bed bugs. Thusly, she was going to stay with me until the building was free from pests. I tried in vain to protest and even offered hotel stay for my sister, but her arrival at my apartment door in her bags negated any chance to get out of the unwanted trouble and guest in my life.
Holly was five years younger than I was. She acted like the girls her age. She talked like the girls her age. She dressed like the girls her age. I was surprised at how my parents being strict on me as a child would let her express herself as freely as she did. Holly stood a petite five foot two with shapely legs and an adorable face that can melt people’s hearts if she wanted to so. I surmised that this was how she got to be as free and expressive as she wanted to be. My father was always a sucker whenever she batted her unnaturally long eye lashes at him whenever he tried to be strict,
I sat on the couch as I held my Xbox controller. I was pushing my squad of four operators through the latest tactical shooter game that I had purchased. Holly sat near me as she was munching away on some dried fruit snacks that I had made. I could see from the corner of my eye that she was watching me slaughter an entire base of drug dealers. She made a face as my character ran up to an unsuspecting thug and snapped his neck.
“Did you really need to kill him?” Holly asked. “He was the only one left and you basically finished the mission.”
“He needed to die.”
“Needed to?”
I nodded as the game flashed the mission completed message across the screen. I set my controller down after saving the game and looked over to her, “Sometimes people just need to be killed off. If I let him live, he could have called in reinforcements?”
Holly took another bite of dried fruit and rolled her eyes, “I will never understand the games you play.”
I smiled, stood from the couch and started towards the kitchen. “Do you want a beer?”
“Dad would kill me if I did.”
“Dad isn’t here Holly.”
Holly smiled, “Sure, I would like one, as long as you don’t tell him.”
I grabbed two beers from the refrigerator and walked back to my spot on the couch. I popped the tops off of them and handed her a beer. She took it cutely and took a sip from it as I sat back down. “Listen, this is my sanctuary away from home. You can see it like Las Vegas, what happens here stays here. I won’t share any of your misdoings with our family.”
“Misdoings?” Holly asked as she laughed, “You are so cheesy.”
I took a large swig of my beer and set it down on the coffee table. “Yeah, I know, but you love it.”
Holly took another sip of her beer and stretched out. She was wearing a pair of gym shorts that rode dangerously high on her thighs and a tight t-shirt that showed off the bosom that I never knew that she had. She stretched her toes out and let out a deep sigh as she settled into the couch and took another sip of beer. “So, Nick, what have you been doing since you moved out?”
“I found a job at a good construction firm. It is a junior position, but I am helping with designs and stuff. Occasionally, I get to be on site with the construction crews and help them put designs into action.” I said as I found myself taking in how silky and shiny Holly’s legs were. I turned my gaze away to make sure she didn’t catch me looking. “You know, living the Chinese requirements of being Chinese.”
Holly giggled a dainty and delightful laugh, “Doctor, engineer, lawyer or accountant!”
I nodded. “Yeah.”
“So, what do you do for fun here?”
I shrugged, “I don’t really. My job keeps me pretty busy. I normally work seven days a week and fifteen hour days. I haven’t gotten a chance to even go out to hang with some of the guys from the neighborhood. It has been project after project. The only reason I am home is because the firm is in between contracts and I have two weeks to just bum around.”
“That sucks.”
I nodded. “Yes it does. I am basically a hermit now. No woman. No fun. I just sit on my couch and play videogames.”
Holly sipped her beer some more and set it down next to mine on the coffee table. “I heard mom and dad talking to their friends about setting you up with some girl from Jersey.”
I turned to her in shock, “What?”
“Dad said something about you not being with anyone yet and they were worried about you.”
I sighed heavily. My parents were at it again. Meddling and snooping in on my business has always been their forte. I couldn’t remember a time where they didn’t have a hand in shaping my life. I looked over to Holly, “Is she cute?”
Holly laughed, “She’s your type. I know former jocks like you are into that little cheerleader type.”
“She is a small girl with nice legs. I think she is cute, a little small for your tastes in the chest department there, big bro.” Holly reached over and slapped my leg playfully, “But, not every girl out there can look as cute as me.”
Shocked by what she said, I turned to her as she looked at me. For a few moments, our eyes connected. We didn’t speak a single word. For a few moments, it was nothing but silence. Holly had left her hand on my leg. She gave it a firm, but gentle squeeze. I smiled, “If they only were.”
Holly pulled her hand away. It wasn’t an action in disgust, but it was as if my verbal response was what she had wanted to hear. “If they only were.”
I felt a little uncomfortable with our exchange and decided to change the subject, “So, do you wanna get some wings and have some more beer?”
“Sure.” Holly said as she sensed my discomfort. “Whatever you want, Nick.”
I stood from the couch and went off to the kitchen. I hoped that the distance for a few moments would ease the tension that had built in the small space we shared. I thumbed through the menu and ordered wings for the both of us. When I got back to the couch, I took an enormous swig from my beer trying to drown out what had happened. “So, when do you think the dorm is going to be ready?”
“Already trying to get rid of me?” Holly asked as she sipped from her own beer, “I just got here.”
“Oh, I didn’t mean it like that.”
“Sure you didn’t.”
I laughed and shook my head, “You know I didn’t mean it like that.”
Holly crossed her legs seductively and looked over to me with the same intensity that she had moments before. “They told us it will be several days. I don’t have orientation for a bit, so I guess you will have to put up with me in the mean time. Is that alright? Do you think you can handle that?”
I nodded and scoffed at the idea of me not being able to handle her staying with me. “Please, I can use the company. It gets boring here.”
“I can leave whenever you have ladies over, Nick. I won’t be a bother.” Holly teased as she tried her best to stifle a snicker.
I rolled my eyes at her. We sat and talked. We were always close when we were kids. Some of my friends had always looked at her as a nuisance that followed us everywhere we went. But, Holly was always like one of the boys. If we did stupid shit, she had to as well. When puberty took place and I started going to college, I had to part ways with some of those friends that started hitting on her in front of me. Holly was my sister. But, as she matured and her body started taking shape, it became more and more difficult to take her places where my friends and I had wanted to go. Not only was having a little sister go everywhere you went difficult, it was also her habit to hold my hand even when she was a teenager. Some of the guys had remarked we looked more like a couple than siblings. I was nowhere physically close to how she was. I stood five foot eight with broad shoulders. I was heavy set, not fat, just solid from all the food my mother stuffed into me. My father had also remarked that my sister and I didn’t look like siblings either. As Holly and I chatted about memories, I finally felt at ease about the slightly awkward interaction we had. My apartment’s doorbell sounded and snapped us out of our journey through memory lane.
I got up, paid the delivery guy and walked back with boxes of wings. “Chowtime!”
Holly sat up and clapped her hands giddily. I handed her a container of wings and settled down onto the couch. She opened hers up and took a long whiff of it and smiled. “Wow, you got me honey barbecue!”
“You always did like honey barbecue.”
Holly held up several packages of bleu cheese that I made sure they included. “Bleu cheese too!”
I smiled as I took a bite of my own wings. Holly dug into her container of wings as well. I grabbed my beer and noticed that it was almost gone. She popped up to her feet.
“I’ll grab us some beers!” she said happily as she walked over to my kitchen quickly and almost with a bounce to her step. As she walked past me, I couldn’t help but watch her. Her ass was framed by her tight little shorts perfectly. My eyes couldn’t tear themselves away from the awesome sight if my life was at stake. I saw her cheeks peeking out from the shorts. They wiggled and shook as she happily walked to my kitchen. I pulled and averted my gaze when she came back with four bottles of beer in her hands. “Do you want to watch some Netflix, eat wings and get drunk?”
“Do you have plans for tonight?” She asked as she popped the top of my beer and handed it to me.
“I do.”
Holly cocked her head slightly, “You do? We don’t have to watch…”
“I’m going to watch Netflix, eat wings and get drunk with my sister.” I said smiling.
Holly rolled her eyes, “So cheesy!”