An unpaid account leads to ecstacy.
I stop at the filling station to fill up my tank. Dean, the owner of the service station, sees me and comes walking in my direction. We have been very close friends for years.
“Hi!” he says. “I still owe you money, buddy. When am I going to get your account for those building plans you’ve done for me?” He is in the process of extending his house (or shall I say mansion) and I did the designs for him.
“What the hell, give me twenty grand and we’ll call it quits!” I reply, grossly exaggerating of course.
“Twenty grand?! Shit, in that case my wife will have to pay you with the body, because I do not have that kind of money…” he jokes back.
“Fine by me, but for twenty grand she’ll have to do it in quite a few installments.” I quip.
“OK, I’ll tell her. Just say where, when and how often!” he teases.
I laugh it off, pay the attendant and drive off.
On the way home I daydream about our conversation. What I wouldn’t give for it to come true! Lara, Dean’s wife, is an absolute goddess. She is an instructor at her own gym and her shapely body is testimony of how serious she takes her work. She is always one of the main topics in the bar at the country club after golf on Saturdays and needless to say, the subject of most men’s fantasies and I include myself. But through all the daydreaming and wishful thinking I am well aware of the fact that it will remain just that wishful thinking! She has a flawless reputation and it is very obvious that she absolutely adores Dean. And why shouldn’t she? He has got good looks, he’s a great sportsman, a loving husband and a very successful businessman.
A few days later, I phone the service station to make an appointment to have my vehicle serviced. Lara answers the phone.
“By the way, when are we getting your account for the building plans?” she asks. “We’d hate to keep you waiting for your money.”
“I take it Dean did not tell you about our little ‘arrangement’?” I tease.
“What arrangement?” she asks.
I tell her of my conversation with Dean.
“Oh, that? Yes, he did mention it to me.” she laughs.
“Well, there you have it!” I conclude.
“OK.” she replies.
“OK what?” I ask, a little puzzled.
“OK, I’ll do it. But Dean must not know about it.” she says.
“You’ve got one big mouth, lady! Talk is cheap, you know…” I counter.
“Well, your move..” she says and hangs up.
Now she’s got me totally baffled. Surely she can’t be serious? I wonder if she has any idea what she’s doing to me! Where do I go from here? Do I make the next move or is it going to blow up in my face? After giving it some thought, I decide that she is well aware of the effect she has on me and is just playing with me. I leave it at that.
A few days later I stop at the service again to fill up my tank. Dean sees me and walks up to me. I still feel awkward about the conversation I had with his wife.
“I hate having to ask you this, as I have not even paid your account yet, but I need a big favor.” he says.
“What can I do for you, mate? Spit it out!” I reply.
“I’m worried about the way my builder is interpreting your plans. Would you mind coming out to my place? I’d like you to have a look at the sun deck at the pool. I’m not sure whether the pillars he’s building would be sufficient to carry that heavy structure. I’d be much happier if you could come and check whether he is following your specifications” he explains.
“Well, unfortunately I will not be able to make it today. But tomorrow is Saturday, so it wouldn’t be a problem. What time would you like me to come? I ask.
“Damn! Tomorrow I am playing in the golf tournament. I’m going to be out on the golf course for the whole day. But Lara will be at home. So please pop in and check it out for me, will you?” he asks.
“No prob, mate. Enjoy the golf!” I say as I drive off.
I think about the conversation I had with Lara. Could this be the opportunity I have been waiting for..? I shrug it off as daydreaming.
Saturday after lunch I drive out to Dean’s place. It is about fifteen kilometers out of town. They own a smallholding in the Bushel on the boundary of the nature reserve. It has a spectacular view over the valley and it is not uncommon to drive past a few elephant or rhino on the way.
I stop in front of the house and run up the steps to the front door. It is open. I knock lightly and enter the hallway. I call Lara’s name, but no reply. Strange… She has to be here somewhere. It’s very unlike her to leave the place open and go off somewhere. Maybe she is in the garden.
I walk to the sliding door and look over the garden. Nothing. Then I see her! She is sun tanning next to the pool with a story book in her hand. Just as I am about to walk out onto the balcony and call her, it hits me between the eyes. She is tanning topless! Her bright blue bikini top lies next to her on the grass. That which the guys at the club can only dream about is displayed to me in all its splendor! Those firm, sun tanned boobs totally defy gravity even as she lies on her back. They are perfect, about 34C. With an erection straining against my pants, I take a few minutes to enjoy what is on display. Eventually I come to my senses, feeling slightly guilty about being a peeping tom. But how do I get her attention without her knowing that I’ve seen her topless..? I know! I’ll go back to the front door and ring the bell. Hopefully she’ll hear it, make herself respectable and come to the door.
While I am pondering the idea, she gets up and trots towards the house. Her firm breasts jump and jiggle with every step. I rush to the front door and as I reach for the bell, she comes around the corner into the hallway. She sees me and stops dead in her tracks. With a surprised look on her face she clasps her arms over her breasts. What a picture! Her blue bikini bottom is nothing more than just a little triangle covering only the barest of necessities.
“Oops! I’m very sorry…” she stammers and quickly wraps her arms around her bare boobs.
“My pleasure!” I quip. “You did say you were going to pay me with the body. I take it this is the first installment..?”
She blushes. “Wait. I’ll go and get my top at the pool.” she says and turns towards the pool. Wow! The view from behind is even better! The bikini bottom turns out to be a G-string!
“Can I come with?” I push my luck.
“Er… If you want to.” she stammers again, not really knowing what to say. She starts to walk down the steps towards the pool, her arms still folded over her breasts. I follow her sheepishly. My eyes are riveted to the sway of her hips and the movement of those bare sun tanned ass cheeks.
At the pool she bends down and picks up her top. She turns her back to me, holding the top over her boobs.
“Would you mind giving me a hand?” she asks.
“Is this really necessary?” I push my luck again. She does not reply and I take the two strings that are dangling by her sides and tie it into a bow behind her back. My hands tremble slightly as my fingers come into contact with the flesh of her back.
“Thanks.” she says as she takes the remaining two strings and ties it in a bow behind her neck. She turns to me.
“So when did you have the boob job?” I ask. I’m talking utter rubbish, of course, but I’m saying it just to provoke her.
“What on earth are you talking about? I never had any boob job!” she hits back.
“Come on! I had a good eyeful when you stormed into the hallway and I know a boob job when I see one!” I persist.
“In that case I don’t have to feel bad about what you saw, because it is obvious that there is something wrong with your eyesight. This set is still exactly as Mother Nature made them.” she replies.
“That you’ll have to prove…” I insist.
“Come on! I’m not blonde! Your feeble story of a boob job is just a hopeless attempt to get me to show you my boobs. I’m certainly not going to fall for that! Next time try to be more original.” she says with a smile. Her perfect white teeth form a stunning contrast with her tanned face. “Tell you what. Be a good boy now and I’ll go get us something to drinks. What do you say?”
“Now there’s a good idea!” I reply. “And while you’re busy I’ll go and inspect the construction work on the deck. That is after all why I am here.”
“You do that.” she says and trots up the steps into the house.
I climb up the half finished deck and check out the construction. Everything seems to be up to standard. The view from up there is phenomenal! I look over the valley and at the water hole not too far from the house I can see a few elephant and their calves wallowing in the mud.
I look towards the house and am just in time to see Lara close the front door and lock it. Interesting…