I relax my grip on her hips. She does not pull away. I still remain motionless. Then she moves slightly. Is she humping against me? Then she stops. I wait. Then, there it is again. She is definitely making a very subtle rocking motion with her lower body.
I take that as a sign of consent. I start fucking her with long, slow strokes. She moans and throws her head back, her eyes closed again. She meets my every stroke eagerly.
Then, suddenly and totally unexpectedly, she moves forward and stands up. My dick slips out of her sopping wet cunt. She turns to me. I feel a fair amount of guilt. I am somewhat ashamed of myself.
But there’s no anger in those emerald green eyes. No regret. No shame. A little fear perhaps, blended with lust.
‘We have to stop this right here…’ she says firmly. ‘I should not have leaded you on. I’m sorry.’ she says firmly. ‘This never happened, OK?’
‘No, no! It’s all my fault! I started all this. I’m the one who have to apologize.’ I say. She stands in front of me. For the first time I see her proud bare breasts, firm, flawless milky white orbs with very feint light pink nipples — the trade mark of a true redhead. I estimate them to be a size 34C, maybe bordering on 36. She makes no attempt to cover up.
My dick stirs again. I look down. It is still rock hard, poised like a cobra ready to strike. I pull her gently towards me. My hard dick pokes her in her soft underbelly. As her butt moves away from the desk, I notice her panties drop around her ankles. She bends down to pull them up, but I stop her.
‘Don’t…’ I whisper and pull her towards me, crushing her bare breasts against my chest.
‘John, we can’t. Please. Don’t pressurize me.’ she says firmly. ‘You know as well as I do that this is very wrong. There is no way I can make love to you.’
‘I’m afraid we already have.’ I say.
‘Have what…?’ she asks, somewhat surprised.
‘Made love. Even if it was for a mere few seconds, we did it. Nothing is ever going to change that. I can never pretend that it did not happen.’ I say.
She does not reply.
‘Whether we continue and finish off what we started or not, it won’t change a thing. It won’t make things more wrong than it already is. I have no regrets about what happened.’ I confess. ‘And, yes, I would like it to continue.’
She looks at me with uncertainty in those clear green eyes. I can see she is in two minds. Her mouth opens to say something, but she stops. I pick her up and make her sit on the desk. As I do so, her panties slip over her one shoe and dangles from the other foot. I take it off and drop it on the floor. She does not seem to notice. Her dress now covers her lower body to well below the knee. I sit down on the chair in front of her.
‘Do you realize the enormity of what happened here today? How am I ever going to look my husband in the eye? God, what on earth possessed me…? You must think I’m a total slut!’ Guilt is setting in big time.
‘Listen to me.’ I cup her face between my hands. ‘We’ve been great friends for years. You are a wonderful woman. I have been attracted to you for a long time. But, out of respect for you and your marriage, I have always tried to suppress it. Today… Well, it just boiled over. I couldn’t help myself.’ I confess.
Her face lightens up somewhat. ‘Really? I never realized you had feelings for me. And all this time I thought…’
‘Yeah..? Thought what?’ I push her.
‘Never mind…’ she whispers. She smiles and squeezes my hand. She leans forward and gives me a friendly peck on the cheek. I look at her. Her fully exposed breasts do not seem to worry her. Those roseate tips pointing at me become too much to resist. I flick her left nipple lightly with my index finger. It responds immediately. She looks down at the hardening nipple and suddenly seems embarrassed by it.
‘You’re a naughty boy…’ she whispers and pulls the sides of her dress over her breasts, still not making an attempt to button up. ‘And a very dangerous man!’
I smile at her. I move my chair slightly forward and position myself between her spread knees. I put my hands under her dress and move them all the way up the outside of her legs until they rest and her naked hips. She does not seem too uncomfortable with it. She pushes the dress down between her legs.
Then it hits her. ‘Oh, my God! My panties! What’s happened to my panties?’ she shrieks.
‘Relax. There they are. You don’t need them right now.’ I say as I gesture toward the panties lying in a crumpled bundle on the floor.
She looks at them. ‘Man, what are you doing to me…?’ she whispers. She puts her hands beside her on the desk. One side of her dress falls away, exposing a perfect, firm breast. That succulent, light pink nipple hovers inches from my face! Immediately my dick springs to attention again and protrudes through my still open fly. It is hidden from her view by her dress.
I lean forward and kiss her nipple gently and pull away almost immediately. I watch in awe as it hardens.
‘Let’s go home…’ she almost pleads.
I look into those green eyes. She can’t be serious… I lean forward and close my lips around her nipple. I suck it gently into my mouth. She moans softly.
‘Please… We can’t do this.’ she pleads.
I let go of her breast. ‘Relax. It’s not like we’re doing anything we haven’t done before, now, is it?’ I tease. She does not find it amusing. I immediate latch my mouth onto her nipple again while I stroke her naked butt under the dress. Her breathing gets heavier. Then I feel her hand on the back of my head, pulling me into her breast. I take my hand out from under her dress. I uncover her other boob. My hand closes over it and I fondle it gently while sucking on the other one.
She holds my head between both her hands and kisses me gently on the earlobe. It sends shivers down my spine. I have to get her out of this dress! I have to have her completely naked!
I let go of her right breast and slowly start unbuttoning the rest of the buttons. She seems OK with it. Only when I reach the buttons covering her crotch area does she stop me. I say nothing. I remove my hand and start unbuttoning the dress from the bottom upwards. Again she allows me to do that until I reach her crotch area. Again I stop. Her pussy area is now only covered by a piece of dress held together by two buttons. I decide not to push my luck
I focus on her breasts again, taking her one nipple in my mouth. Almost immediately I feel her hands pulling my head to her breast. She moans softly as I nibble on her breast.
I stand up and look into her emerald eyes. I take her head between my hands, running my fingers through those fiery red tresses. I lean forward and kiss her passionately on the lips. She returns my kiss. Her arms fold around my neck as her tongue slips into my mouth. I move my hands down and push her dress over her shoulders. She holds her arms back to assist me, not breaking the kiss. She starts undoing the buttons of my shirt. When she is done, I step back. I take off my shirt and put it over the chair.
I turn to her. She is stark naked bar for the two buttons holding the dress together over her crotch. She looks down at my hard dick pointing at her. She smiles.
I move towards her. She welcomes me by wrapping her arms around me. She spreads her legs slightly. My dick touches the softy inside of her thigh. For a moment I get impatient. I have to get into that paradise again! I reach down to my rock hard cock, wanting to thrust it all the way up her inviting pussy. Her fingers close around it before my hand gets there.
‘Slow down…’ she whispers and gently starts stroking my cock. I kiss her again. She unbuttons my pants and pulls it down. I slip my hand down between us and undo the last two buttons of her dress.
I step back again to take off my shoes and pants. I look at her. Her crumpled dress is forming a pool of pink around her exquisite naked body. My eyes drop to the junction of her half open thighs. She sports a full bush a bronze colored pubic hair, neatly trimmed along the bikini line and around her pink outer labia. The glistening pink inner labia peek shyly through the puffy outer lips.
I drop back into the chair and wheel it closer to her. I spread her legs, lifting her knees. She realizes what is coming. She lies back on her elbows and puts her legs around me, placing her feet behind me on the back of the chair. Her glistening pink oyster lies in front of my face. I can’t wait to taste her nectar. She throws her head back and closes her eyes in anticipation.
I blow lightly over her bare pussy. She shudders. I gently kiss the inside of her thigh, higher and higher. I feel her body tense up as I reach her pussy. Avoiding contact with her pussy, I drag my tongue down the inside of her other thigh. She sighs in disappointment. I repeat the process, teasing her, torturing not only her, but myself as well. I cannot wait to get stuck into those moist pink folds! It takes a lot of restraint to avoid that juicy pussy.
Then I can’t take it anymore. Without warning I latch my mouth onto that dripping oyster, forcing my tongue as far as it can go down her vagina. Delicious! She cries out in pleasure, pulling my face into her cunt, almost smothering me. I take my tongue out of her delectable womanhood and run it up and down her sopping wet slit. Then I focus my attention on the hard, pink protruding nubbin at the top junction of her inner labia. I gently flick her clit with the tip of my tongue. Her lower body jumps every time I make contact with the tiny organ.