Luca’s pov
Grigori left to meet up with a local gang who had information on the car rental company Alexei rented from while Dominic and I retreated to my office.
As soon as Grigori found the rental company, we’d track down Alexei’s license plate and keep track of his movements around the city with the help of the police chief on our payroll. But more than anything, I wanted to know if my men had got him yet. I pulled out my phone.
“What’s the status?” I asked Santino as soon as the call connected.
There was a little rustling sound before he answered. “Nothing, Don. The target is yet to come out. I’d ordered two of our soldiers to inquire if he and the prosecutor dude are still inside and they confirmed they are but we haven’t seen any of them.” He stopped and sighed. “It’s been an hour.”
“An hour?” I repeated, my tone testy. Dominic sat up where he was lounging on one sofa, his full focus on me. I put the phone on loudspeaker so he could be privy to the conversation.
“And you’re sure they’re in there?”
“Yes, Don.” Santino reconfirmed.
I cursed vehemently. How many hours would the two fuckers need to eat sushi and discuss their plan?
“Keep being on the close lookout for them.” I ordered before hanging up.
“That fucking Alexei is definitely up to something.” Dominic said, standing up from the sofa. He came over to my desk and sat on the chair directly across from me. “I just know it.”
A dark smirk, devoid of any humor, curled up my lips. My dear pakhan was at it again-teasing his next move to throw me off. I opened my phone app again, tapping my finger impatiently on my office desk as I waited for who I was calling to pick up the phone.
The phone rang and rang for what seemed like an eternity before “Don Salvatore,” A raspy voice with a thick Russian accent said into the phone.
“I hope you have your men armed and ready at the Russian airport. I don’t need to go into details because I’m sure you already know how slippery your cousin is. We do not want to miss him. If he somehow escapes Chicago-which is unlikely-you have to take him out.”
“I know what to do, Don Salvatore. Be rest assured.” Mikhail promised.
“Sure we can trust him?” Dominic mouthed and I mused about the question for a second.
On a regular day I’d hate someone like Mikhail-someone who doesn’t hesitate on going against his family for power and position. It was basically what Rocco had tried to do by teaming up with Alexei. However, when that said family was the very bane of my existence and all that was important to me, I was more than willing to forsake that principle. I was a man with a lot to protect. Principles be damned.
And that’s why I didn’t feel revulsion at Mikhail’s next words, “My cousin is not getting past my men if he somehow managed to get through yours.”
“Good,” I replied the Russian and the line went dead.
I gave Dominic a ‘now we wait’ look because that was, in fact, all that was left to do- wait for things to go according to plan.
My phone buzzed in my hand, it was a text from Sergio. Cara was out visiting Diana at Salato. It was somewhere familiar, somewhere her bodyguards can easily surround and access. It brought a calm over me.
I couldn’t wait for Alexei to be dead so I wouldn’t keep having nightmares of her getting hurt. I was always going to fear for her life but at least I wouldn’t have to worry this much.
I allowed myself to envision our lives after today. Now that we had my father’s blessing, I would make everyone know she was mine, I’d get her to be with me forever, before God and man.
A streak of excitement shot through my veins and I had to keep myself from getting overcome by it. All in due time, for now, I had a human problem to eradicate.
“We’d get him.” Dominic said into the silence, his tone reassuring.
I nodded once, believing it myself. This war had dragged on for far too long. It was time to end things once and for all.
We retreated back into silence, lost in our own heads, waiting for the call that’d change everything. For good or for bad. And when it finally came, I dropped my phone in my rush to answer.
“Tell me he’s dead.”
“Don,” Santino started, sounding unusually hesitant.
My throat cinched up tight with tension. “Spit it out.” I snapped.
“They finally came out of the restaurant but… but-” He paused to curse and I wanted to roar like an incensed bear. “It wasn’t him.”
Dominic and I exchanged perplexed looks. “What do you mean it wasn’t him? Wasn’t he with Chandler?” Dominic asked.
“A man was with Chandler alright, blond and young but it wasn’t the Russian evil boss.” Another dreadful pause passed. “We killed an innocent man.”
Silence ensued after that, holding on for a full minute, cloying my lungs and eating away at my chest, then I let out a furious “fuck!”.
A ringing sound started out of the blue from somewhere distant and it took me a few seconds to realize where it was coming from. I reached for my bottom desk drawer and pulled it out, glaring hatefully at the single black phone I knew I’d find. I snatched it off and from Dominic dilated pupils, I knew he’d also realized who was calling.
“Mikhalov,” I growled into the phone.
“You tried to kill me.” The bastard tsked, sounding twistedly excited. “I’m very hurt by this.”
Just like I’d done with the previous calls, I put this one on loudspeaker. “I sure did. Where the fuck are you, Mikhalov?”
He laughed and it sounded like sharp metal against glass. “Why? So you can come kill me for real this time? Not a chance.”
“You know what? I don’t need you to tell me. I WILL find you and once I do, I will fucking end you.”
“Cocky now aren’t we?” The bastard chuckled, “I wonder if you’d still be if you know who is currently with me.”
There was a little noise like the phone was being passed around before a new voice came through. “Luca,” my father’s voice traveled down my ear, freezing my blood, my eyes flew to Dominic, wide and alarmed. “Whatever he asks you to do, don’t”
The phone was passed around and again and Alexei was back. “Old men, they sure love to yap a lot, don’t they?”
“You fucking”
“Now, now Salvatore. Tone down on the aggression or I might get upset and your poor father will have to suffer the consequences.”
I saw red. My hands shook, rage threatening to spill out of me like a volcanic eruption. “If you fucking hurt him, I’ll make you rue the day you were born. I will gut you open and empty you of your innards.”
Alexei chuckled devilishly. “You and your creative threats. Unfortunately, threatening me is all you can do right now. The sooner you realize that, the better for your father.” His dark, teasing voice turned deadly serious. “I’m beginning to lose my patience.”
I glanced at Dominic again and his sharp shake of his head was telling me to keep calm. He wanted me to take on a bargaining tactic. I’d rather chew on thorns but my father’s life was on the line. “What do you want, Mikhalov?”
I could hear his smug smile spreading across his stupid face. “An exchange. Bring me the girl and I’d give you your father.”
It was so ludicrous, I had to laugh. “You must be out of your fucking mind.” My tone turned murderous, “You’re NOT getting Cara.”
Alexei snickered. “Then your father dies. I’d be considerate and give you two hours to mull over it. If I don’t get a response by then, you can start the funeral preparations for your old man.”
The line went dead.
I slammed the phone to my desk, sweeping all the contents off. I kicked back my chair and began to pace like a mad man, steam puffing out of my ears.
Something dangerously dark and vengeful settled in my chest. That bastard had backed me to a corner for real this time and I was filled with an overcoming desire to have his head on a stake.
“Sergio,” I said to Dominic, my breath heavy with rage. “Call Sergio, I need Cara back at my mansion now. I don’t care what she’s doing, get her back to my place safely.” I almost yelled. I was too out of it to find my phone and make the call myself.
My whole body shook with hot, blinding fury, my throat itchy with the thirst for murder. For the first time since dealing with foes, I was in a state of helpless turmoil, one that endangered the lives of the very people I wanted to protect.