One thing was for sure, I pondered while looking with lewd optimism at my raging dong silhouetted against the backdrop of the window and the lake view outside: one way or another, I was going to tap some sweet ass sooner rather than later today.
Breakfast was great, and not just because of the fresh blueberries in the pancakes. Even before I stepped outside and sat at the table that Deb and her mom had set on the porch, so that we could enjoy the morning breeze and the sight of the lake shimmering in the warm summer sun, I was in a great mood, and no wonder.
Once Deb yelled that breakfast was ready, I immediately got up and put on some clothes, very eager to see how the day would play out. I left the bedroom grinning with anticipation, and expecting to find Deb and her mom in the kitchen, but, as I walked down the hall, I could already see that they weren’t there. Perplexed, I slowed my pace. As I approached the kitchen area, I heard their voices. They were outside on the porch, setting the table and bringing the food out.
I was about to step into the kitchen, make my presence noticed by bidding Mandy good morning and walk outside to join them, but what I heard made me think twice. In fact, it led me to stop and hide behind the corner to listen in.
“So, did you jerk off or not? Come on, Mom! Tell me!” Deb was saying, her tone giggly and teasing, which probably meant that, in the short span of time she had spent with her Mom making breakfast, Deb must have already asked that naughty question repeatedly.
Sighing, and thus confirming my suspicion, Mandy rolled her eyes as she looked at her daughter and said: “Jesus, Debra, again?”
“Just tell me, Mom! What’ the big deal?” Deb persisted, elbowing her Mom just as Mandy reached for the pot of coffee, thus preventing her to get her caffeine fix just yet. “You said it yourself that it was super hot listening to Jeff buttfucking me for hours last night! Is it too much to ask if we inspired you to do stuff with your dildo? Or should I say, dildos? I mean, if you’re anything like me, you must have brought more than one… All the big ones, for sure, I would guess… Right?”
Sighing again, yet smirking in silent complicity (or so it seemed to me from my unseen vantage point inside), Mandy finally poured herself a cup of coffee, took a nice sip and then, smirking, replied.
“Fine. Yes, I did masturbate last night! Happy now?”
“Yes, thank you very much, Mom,” Deb answered, nodding and chuckling as she poured herself some orange juice. “But I’m gonna need more details about that. Like, which part turned you on more and made you cum, which dildo you were using and how hard you were pumping it up your ass!”
Instead of scolding her sassy daughter, to my delight and slight surprise, Mandy just laughed along when Deb broke into a peal of impish giggles. Admittedly, I shouldn’t have been surprised at all by that conversation, given what I had already overheard the previous day, but still it was a lot to process. As was the rest of that dialogue.
“So,” Deb resumed, stabbing a few pancakes and bringing them to her plate, “I guess it’s settled, right? You’re gonna let Jeff buttfuck you today.”
It was a good thing that Mandy almost choked on her coffee and nearly spit it all out in Deb’s face, because my girlfriend’s nonchalant question also made me gasp out loud: if Mandy’s coughing and spluttering hadn’t drowned out my surprised gasp, my cover would have been totally blown. Luckily though, neither woman noticed me, due to the brief commotion that Deb’s words caused.
Once she stopped coughing and Deb stopped giggling, Mandy finally addressed her increasingly naughty daughter with an expression that I honestly couldn’t read. She was baffled, sure, but it wasn’t just that. She seemed also exasperated, and not just by Deb’s persistent interest in getting me to fuck her MILFy bubble-butt. Maybe I misread her facial cues, but Mandy seemed to be fighting to contain her desire to give in to the pressure. Or maybe it was just an aftereffect of having a big gulp of coffee going down the wrong pipe.
“Debra, honey… I…” Mandy began, only to stop and linger there, uncertain as to what to say next.
Weirdly enough, instead of pushing her more, Deb just sat there, perfectly still, fork and knife hovering above her pancakes, eyes focused on her mom. Not a word left her tumid lips in that most critical of critical moments.
I held my breath, sensing the importance of the next few heartbeats. This was it. Was she going to…
“Fine, yes,” Mandy finally said, shaking her head and looking up at the sky in resignation even as she let the words out. “I give up! Happy now, you naughty brat?! Yes, I’ll do it. I certainly can’t handle another night listening to you two going at it and leaving me high and dry… Alright, honey, you win! I’ll let Jeff fuck my ass.”
The squeal that Deb let out once again offered the perfect cover for another irrepressible and even louder gasp tumbling from my slack mouth. What the fuck!? Did I just hear that right? Was it really happening? Apparently yes, it was happening, because Deb almost knocked the breakfast table over as she leaned across it to give her mom a big celebratory hug!
“Yay! That’s so awesome! You’re gonna cum so much, Mom, you’ll see!” Deb exclaimed as she planted a big loving smooch on Mandy’s cheek, making her smile with that display of girly yet deeply lascivious enthusiasm at the big news. “Oh my god, I’m so happy for you, Mom! Jeff is gonna fuck your ass soooo good!”
“Okay, honey, I’m sure that’s true. You can calm down now, I said I’ll do it,” Mandy said, chuckling and smiling while patting Deb’s back, their massive and at the moment unfortunately clothed racks all the while remaining pressed together as they kept hugging affectionately. “But how exactly is this…”
“Don’t worry about anything, Mom!” Deb stated vehemently, interrupting Mandy and straightening up, beaming with joy, anticipation and lascivious determination as she sat back down. “I’ll handle Jeff and make this happen for you in no time. Leave the details it to me and by tonight you’ll be having the best buttsex of your life! Seriously, satisfaction guaranteed!”
“That much I believe, sweetie,” Mandy quipped, popping a blueberry into her mouth. “Based on what I heard last night, I’m sure I won’t have any complaints!”
Laughing and giggling, mother and daughter regained their composure and resumed their breakfast while inside the house I still struggled to believe my luck.
If somebody had told me just twenty-four hours earlier that I was going to be offered, and indeed invited, to fuck my girlfriend’s MILFy mom’s epic ass, I would not have believed it. If they had told me that it was going to be Deb herself who would set up the whole thing, and with her blessing, no less, I would have burst out laughing and called whoever suggested that crazy idea a nutcase. And yet, it was really happening!
The awesomeness of that situation was such that I didn’t pay enough attention to the rest of the conversation taking place outside, which I should have done, considering that I myself was the topic, or rather, to be more precise, my dick and its excellent ass-stuffing properties as purported by Deb appeared to be the actual topic. But at that moment my brain wasn’t exactly as sharp as it might have been, mostly because my blood flow had been heavily redirected to my dick, which was swollen and throbbing hard inside the confines of my boxers and pants.
“Alright, I’ll leave it to you, Debra. You know Jeff better than me, I’m sure you’ll find the best way to break the news to him.”
“Like I said, don’t worry about anything, Mom. Jeff will be all in, I promise. Just keep your asshole nice and lubed up, and stick a big buttplug up there. He’s got a really huge dick and it’s super thick, so you wanna be ready for it.”
“Oh, honey! After all that talk about buttsex yesterday, and the dirty thoughts you two crazy kids gave me with all that anal fucking last night, I already have my biggest plug stuck up my ass!”
That final line from Mandy and the peal of laughter that she and Deb shared after it managed to call me back to reality a little bit, while also making my dick even harder. Unfortunately, it was at that point that the two women noticed my prolonged absence.
“Maybe you should go check on him, by the way… He’s taking a long time to come out. Maybe he didn’t hear you calling.”
“Yeah, maybe he fell asleep again. He’s not a fan of mornings…” Deb mused, right before shrugging and yelling at the top of her lungs: “Jeeeeff! Get your ass out here before I eat all the pancakes!”
As Mandy chuckled and sipped her coffee, I took a deep steadying breath and got ready to make my entrance. Looking down at the bulge in my pants, I considered waiting a little longer, yelling something back at Deb to buy some time, maybe, but then again, why bother? After all, both women had already seen my cock (albeit Mandy had done so only through pictures, and I wasn’t even supposed to know about it) and they were both talking about it very freely. Indeed, they were now both explicitly interested in getting my dick up their sweet butts, so why should I hide it?
And so, smiling genially and acting like it was the most normal thing in the world, I stepped outside, sporting a blatant boner inside my pants, and sat down at the breakfast table, greeting the ladies as a gentleman should. As I thanked them and complimented them on the delicious-looking pancakes they had made and heaped a few on my plate, I acted (and indeed was) perfectly relaxed, enjoying the fresh mountain air, the warmth of the sun, the relaxing sounds of the lake and the birds, and, most importantly, the reactions that the quick but unmistakable sight of my bulge had elicited in my gorgeous table companions. Deb’s giggles were fun, as was the obvious desire twinkling in her eyes, but even more gratifying were Mandy’s sultry looks and the not-so-veiled and very promising smirks she flashed me whenever our eyes met.
Clearly, I thought as I ate with relish, the day was already off to a great start.