Weird Slutty Sisters(Incest Sex): Ep20

Book:Crazy Sex Adventures(Erotica) Published:2025-2-6

“So, how was the drive? You must be hungry… I swung by my father-in-law’s place the other day and he gave me tons of venison. He hunts elk in this woods, you know. We have elk steak, elk burgers, and some kind of sausage too. I think it’s boar, or deer, maybe, but not elk, weirdly enough… Oh well, whatever it is, it’s delicious!” Amanda concluded, shrugging, which made her epic mommy-tits wobble heavily before my saucer-like eyes. “Anyway, I already defrosted some steaks, and the grill is ready to go, so…”
“Yay! Elk barbeque! Whoo-hoo!” Deb hollered from the water, raising her fists in the air and thus sinking down as she cheered, only to reemerge spluttering and laughing and making all kind of happy splashing noises.
“Sounds great, yeah… Yes, absolutely, I’m in the mood to cook up some meat,” I replied, smiling at Deb’s mom and managing to look her in the eyes, which were a greener shade of hazel compared to Deb and Dana’s, while her hair was a darker brown and was currently arranged in a long braid. As I wondered, not for the first time, if that dark chocolate hue was Amanda’s natural hair color, I nodded in agreement to her suggestion of grilling up some elk, reiterating: “Yeah, that’s really a great idea. And very thoughtful too. Thanks, Amanda.”
At that, Deb’s mom sighed and pursed her lips while giving me a mock-stern yet maternally benevolent look. She rested her perfectly manicured hand on my shoulder and, somehow, even though we had always been friendly and she had always been nice to me, in that specific situation I felt a thrill at her touch.
“Jeff,” Deb mom’s said, her voice warm and tender, even though there was more than a hint of playful reproach in it, “don’t you think it’s time you started calling me Mandy already? Now you’ve even seen me naked!” she chuckled, raising her eyebrows for emphasis, making me smile in turn. “Amanda was how my mother called me. Please, just call me Mandy, okay?”
Before I could agree to it, Deb yelled out from the water: “He can’t, Mom! He’s embarrassed! It’s because Mandy Muse is his favorite pornstar! That’s why he calls you Amanda instead! Tell her, Jeff!”
“Jeez, Debs…” I sighed as I tried to glare at my naked girlfriend, failing of course, because she was just too adorable and goofy and hot, and her smile was enchanting and she was blowing me kisses as she swam naked beside the pier, giggling and hooting all the while.
“Aw, Jeff…” Amanda said, squeezing my shoulder and tittering softly at my speechlessness. “Don’t feel awkward, I don’t mind being associated with Mandy Muse at all. She’s a gorgeous girl, and I’d take it as a compliment to be likened to her.”
Shaking my head in total shock, I turned toward Deb’s mom, attempting to voice my many questions. Unfortunately, I could only say: “Whaaa? Seriously?!”
“Oh yes,” Amanda said, nodding and shrugging, once again sending her huge rack jiggling all over the place. “Since Debra recommended her to me, I’ve become quite a fan of Mandy Muse’s work. Alright then,” she concluded, patting my shoulder as she picked up her glasses, put them on and smiled tenderly at me, “I’ll go inside and whip up some marinade for the steaks! The grill is right around the corner of the cabin, that way. I already got everything ready, so fire it up at will, Jeff.”
As Amanda walked away humming a little tune to herself and Deb’s splashing and cheering and calling for me to join her in the water went on, I just stood there alone on the pier, mindblown to my core. Deb’s mom watched porn! And on Deb’s suggestion, apparently! I already knew that they were very close and talked about everything and anything, sure, but this?! What in the actual fuck was going on?
“Come on, baby, jump in!” Deb yelled once again, finally snapping me out of my daze. “The water is great! What are you doing just standing there? Hellooooo?!”
Taking a deep steadying breath, I finally blinked, shrugged, and gave up trying to make sense of things. For the time being, I figured, I might as well just go with the flow and do as I was told.
So I stripped down to my boxers, which were still visibly tented by my persisting boner, whose sight made Deb get even goofier and louder in her hooting, and then, hoping that the cold water would do me some good and help me start to figure out that whole massively weird situation, I jumped off the pier and into the crisp, clean water of the lake.
After I was treated to that very intense first impression of the cabin, things took an easier turn.
The dip in the water helped, as did the smooches that Deb peppered all over my face. Goofy and playful and giggly, her mood was great and she looked truly thrilled to be there. She really hadn’t exaggerated when she had told me that the cabin was one of her favorite places in the world.
The grilled elk steaks were great too. As we ate Deb and her mom talked about Deb’s grandpa, her uncles and the rest of the family on her father’s side. Apparently, most of them still lived in various small towns around those mountains, and they regularly went hunting in the woods, which Deb’s dad used to do too, bringing along Deb and Dana as well sometimes. It was odd hearing Deb and her mom reminisce about relatives I had no idea about, and remembering past trips and vacations at the cabin, and all the adventures and the fun times that Deb and Dana had as kids wandering in the woods near the lake.
As they talked and talked, I mostly just ate and soaked in the spectacular landscape all around. In truth, I was used to listening quietly as Deb and her mom chatted on and on: that was standard procedure for them, they were just so tight and they tended to feed off each other’s talkative side when they were together, but usually their conversations were centered around work and the gallery and that kind of stuff. Still, it was nice to hear Amanda laugh as she brought up stories from Deb’s childhood, and Deb herself was positively buzzing with simple genuine happiness all the while.
During lunch the ladies were wearing clothes, so I did manage not to have an aching boner, for the time being, which I considered a plus. I had a permanent half-chub, due to the buzz of arousal that still lingered inside me, thanks to the images of naked Deb and even more naked Amanda still flashing in my head, but that was manageable.
Of course, the dress code went totally out the window later in the afternoon, when Deb and her mom decide to lay out on the pier again to catch some rays, which they naturally chose to do fully naked to avoid tan lines.
As for me, I didn’t join them. The two of them might be on vacation, since the gallery was temporarily closed, but I was still on the clock: I had a couple of commissions to finish up whose deadlines were nearing, so I did need to get some writing done if I wanted to keep up with my work.
And so, while Deb and her mom rested in the sun, naked and beautiful and uncannily similar (so much so that they looked like a past and present iteration of the same big-titted and round-assed beauty), I stayed inside the cabin and sat at a big wooden desk by a window that overlooked the lake. Of course that meant that I had a direct line of sight on the little pier where the ladies lay chatting and giggling away, gorgeously naked. I had to summon all my focus in order not to stare out the window, but, after inserting my earbuds and starting my usual dorky background library sounds, I managed to immerse myself in the story I was writing and got to work.
After an hour and a half or so, during which I got a surprising amount of stuff done, I finally started losing focus, big time. Obviously, I hadn’t kept my eyes fixed on the laptop screen all the time, but a few passing glimpses at the two gorgeous naked ladies outside had been all I had allowed myself up until that point. But now, right while my inner drive lost most of its power, Deb and her mom started putting on a real show, something I simply couldn’t ignore.
Sitting up in their recliners and chatting away between smiles and giggles, mother and daughter were reapplying lotion to their curvaceous naked bodies, and, to my salivating joy, right when I glanced up they were actually oiling up their massive tits!
The sight of my beautiful Deb cupping her own huge jugs and massaging them gently as she coated them in a sheen of slick, shiny lotion would have been more than enough to give me a raging boner, but, on top of that epic sight, her mom was doing the same thing too, at the same time! In fact, the way Amanda held her giant mommy-melons and carefully greased them up was even sexier somehow, because she was very slow and languid and took great care to really get all her abundant boob-flesh lathered in oil, leaving no spot untended. From her puffed-out pink nipples to the depths of her bountiful cleavage and back up the heavy, round jutting slopes of her monumental milkers, Deb’s mom made me sigh and groan and caused my stiff dong to flex with aching desire as she meticulously lubed up her rack. It was such a hot spectacle that I was almost drooling, literally!
At that point, my train of thought had been irreparably derailed and there was no way I could get back inside my head, so I just saved my work, shut down my laptop and pulled the earbuds out. And that’s when I was treated to the true super hot surprise hidden in the deceptively innocent yet super steamy mother/daughter boob-pawing scene I was witnessing. As soon as I could hear what Deb and her mom were saying, my boner flexed with arousal and my eyes widened even more.