Weird Slutty Sisters(Incest Sex): Ep1

Book:Crazy Sex Adventures(Erotica) Published:2025-2-6

When I heard the door slam shut, I stopped typing. In the six months since my girlfriend Debra and I moved in together, I had learned that you could tell what kind of day she had just by listening to the sounds she made in the first thirty seconds after she got home. So I saved the piece I was writing, sat still at my desk and listened.
The slammed door didn’t mean much in itself. In fact, it might even bode well for me. On many previous occasions, after that slamming sound, I had heard the clicking of Deb’s heels across the apartment as she strutted her way to my chair to hug me from behind, biting my ear and murmuring in a sexy voice that she had a lot of stress to relieve and could I think of a way to help her out? That would be a good bad day.
But today was different, as I realized when I heard the clinking sound of her keys hitting the kitchen table, hard, followed by the heavy thump of her bag falling to the floor. Finally, there was the tumbling echo of her shoes being kicked off to scatter in the hall. That, I had come to learn, was the ultimate bad sign. Okay then, I thought with a sigh, so it’s Dana again.
When I got to the living room, Deb was sitting on the couch with her legs tucked under her. Her dark pencil skirt had ridden halfway up her shapely thighs and she was nervously curling and uncurling her toes like she unconsciously does whenever she’s really upset. Under her white blouse, her heavy boobs were rising up and down in time with her angry, labored breaths. Her brow was furrowed and she was staring at the dark TV screen, her delicate oval face set in a gloomy grimace. She was fidgeting with her ponytail, restlessly twirling her hair around her slim fingers.
“Hey Debs,” I said, cautiously approaching the couch.
“I HATE her!” Deb spat, still staring straight ahead “I fucking hate her!”
I sat quietly beside her, careful not to unleash her wrath further. Then, ever so slowly, I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and just sat still, waiting.
Deb is the sweetest girl in the world, I swear. She’s kind, quick with a smile and very caring. As a rule, getting angry is just not her style. Sure, she does often shift into tigress mode during sex, letting out all her pent up craziness and channeling it into passionate fucking session. But that’s a good kind of angry, the kind that I get to enjoy. Outside of the bedroom though, the only thing that can make my girlfriend go berserk is a serious argument with Dana, her twin sister.
At a first glance, Debra and Dana hardly look like sisters at all, let alone like twins. Deb has a curvy, voluptuous figure to go with her gentle and warm personality. A former cheerleader, Dana has a slim body with perky tits and a taut little butt. At twenty three, Dana still acts like a bubbly, ditzy, flirty teenager without a care in the world. Deb and Dana have the same hazel eyes and light brown hair, but Dana’s are often dyed blonde or at least highlighted. Despite their very different characters, their frequent bickering and a constant undercurrent of sibling rivalry, I know for a fact that my girlfriend and her twin are very close. Ever since I met Deb, I can’t remember one single day when she and Dana have not spent time together or at least talked extensively on the phone.
Deb and Dana’s father was a fairly notorious painter whose work got quite a bit of recognition after his early death. Thanks to their Mom’s business acumen, their family ended up owning a small but well known art gallery. Both Deb and Dana work there. Deb manages the business end of things with their Mom, while Dana puts her charming flirtatiousness to good use in public relations. Reeling in potential buyers and sniffing out cool new artists is Dana’s specialty, while Deb’s is making sure that an actual deal gets closed at the end of the day. They make a good team, all things considered. But then, sometimes they do get in a real fight.
Strangely enough, their most bitter fights seem to revolve around small things between the two of them, stuff that anyone else would consider irrelevant. Honestly, their conflicts puzzle me. I don’t recall my siblings and I ever getting as mad at each other as Deb and Dana do. Then again, we are not as close as Deb and Dana are. Maybe it’s a twin thing: they love hard, they fight hard. As for me, I’ve learned that when Deb and Dana fight, the wisest move is to just wait it out.
And that’s exactly what I did that day. I sat beside Deb on the couch, patiently waiting for her fury to subside while I feasted my eyes on her generous cleavage exposed thanks to the undone top buttons of her blouse. After a long silence, she finally spoke.
“I hate her, Jeff,” she growled through gritted teeth. “God, how could she… This is so much like her, fucking Dana. I hate her!”
“Yeah, I know, babe,” I said, hugging her tighter to me. Feeling her unwind a little, I added: “But you don’t really hate her, Debs. We both know you don’t. You guys get in these fights all the time and you always work it out. How is this any different?”
At that, Deb finally turned to face me. There was anger in her gaze, but she looked dead serious and a bit hurt as she said: “She had a buttplug up her ass all day, Jeff!”
“Oh,” I said, dubious but suddenly very intrigued. “And what does that have to do with anything?”
“Jeff, she broke our pact!” Deb practically screamed. Her eyes were all bugged out. “That bitch!”
I nodded knowingly, having no idea what my girlfriend was talking about. Still, the thought of Dana with a buttplug up her ass had taken root in my brain and I felt my cock stir. After a bit I cleared my voice and tactfully asked: “What pact is that again, Debs?”
She sighed and shook her head. Looking at me like a was an idiot, Deb explained. “Years ago me and Dana made a pact, about sex and stuff. The idea was that we would always do things when we were both ready to do them. Basically, we promised to wait for the other before we’d try stuff out on our own. Like, in high school, she wanted to have sex with a cheerleader friend of hers. But she couldn’t, because I didn’t feel like doing lesbian stuff yet and we had the pact, so she had to wait for me. When we decided to lose our virginity, we talked it through between us a lot and we finally did it only when we both felt ready. And that applied to anything new we wanted to try ever since.”
She exhaled and hung her head, looking sad. I pulled her tighter into my arms as she continued. “We always respected the pact, Jeff. It’s something we’ve stuck to since forever. It was our thing, you know? And then today at work she was all giggly and she kept squirming whenever she sat down and she walked around kind of funny. So I asked her about it and she told me that she had a buttplug up her ass because Rodrigo flies in tonight from Venezuela for the exhibit next week.”
“Yeah?…” I said, vaguely recalling Dana’s most recent boyfriend. Cocky, vain, supposedly cool artist on the rise pretending to be poor but actually from a rich family, he was Dana’s type alright.
“Yeah, and she’s decided that she’s gonna let him fuck her in the ass! Just like that, out of the blue! I bet she wouldn’t have told me about the buttplug at all if I hadn’t asked. And when I reminded her of the pact, she was all cool and dismissive about it, like it didn’t even matter! Stupid Dana! I had to wait till I was nineteen to give my first blowjob because she was grossed out by the idea of putting a guy’s cock in her mouth. I really wanted to try, I was sure I’d like it and I did, you know how I love giving blowjobs! But I waited for her. And this is how she repays me!? Fucking Dana!”
I just nodded, trying to sit more comfortably to accommodate my growing erection in the confines of my pants. This sounded exactly like the kind of weird stuff that Deb and Dana usually had going on between them, but so much hotter.
With her head resting in the hollow of my shoulder, Deb grumbled dejectedly: “And if breaking our pact isn’t enough, she will have another first on me now. Except for giving blowjobs, Dana did everything before me. First to kiss a boy, first to have a boyfriend, first to pop her cherry, first to have sex with another girl. She even got first facial, though she hated it. And now first anal too…”
Suddenly, a vision of my cock buried deep inside my babe’s plump ass flashed before my eyes. My hard-on twitched in my pants and the words were out of my mouth before I even realized it.
“You know, Debs, nothing’s lost just yet. It’s not like Dana’s gonna get Rodrigo to fuck her ass in the restrooms at the airport… They’ll probably go to dinner first and she’ll tease him to death as she always does with innuendo and stuff. When does he even get here exactly?”
“At 20:00 I think,” Deb said, looking at me quizzically “I can’t remember, Jeff… What difference does it make anyway?”
A big one, I thought to myself. I pondered for a moment. Even though I adored Deb’s round juicy bubble-butt, I never pressed her into trying anal. I guess I never felt the need for it. Her blowjobs were nothing short of masterful and she eagerly swallowed my cum like a good girl. Her big boobs were always available for a soft titfuck. Her hot wet pussy was incredibly tight and she could squeeze her silky folds around me so deliciously that, so far, anal was just a remote possibility that I never really felt compelled to pursue. But now…
“Jeff? Why do you want to know when Rodrigo gets here?”