Sweet Tia: Ep8

Book:Crazy Sex Adventures(Erotica) Published:2025-2-6

April leaned up and whispered in her ear, “Let me help you decide, okay?” Katia nodded softly. “Climb over him, right now.” My heart collapsed as my sister got on her knees and swung a leg over my body. Stark frontal nudity was all I could see as my sister’s body hovered over me.
“Katia, please. Don’t do this,” I was shaking and furious, sure she wouldn’t go through with it, but horrified that she might and what that would mean about the level of damage I had done.
“Jerek,” my Sweet Tia spoke as innocently and sweetly as I’d ever heard her, and my mind leapt in joy to hear her voice, until she finished talking, “why did you leave me?”
My mind raced as I had no explanation for it. I didn’t even realize what I had done when I left. Dan and I joined the service together, and we made a quick decision to do it. There was barely time to pack before the bus to boot camp left without us, so we rushed into it head first, apparently without considering for a moment how it might affect the other people around us at the time.
“I didn’t mean to leave you Tia, honest I didn’t,” I tried to plead with her as she sat down right on my stomach, staring me down with a hollow look.
“But you did. You left us. You left me,” she said intensely, “You barely said goodbye and then you were gone, for good!” Her vocal tone was growing in volume and emotion. “You said you joined the Force on a dare. A DARE!” she snapped in my face, her eyes instantly ablaze. “How could you do that?? You CRUSHED ME JEREK! I HAD NO ONE!!” She was getting red in the face and my vision was blurring with tears.
Then she started punching me in the chest, left, right, left, right; angry punches that hurt only on the inside. Each one a powerful stab to my soul.
“A DARE!” she screamed in my face. “How COULD YOU!? You could have been killed! And now Danny’s DEAD! You selfish IDIOT!” Her yelling and punching stopped, but her infuriated look stared me down and she was shaking. Then all at once she collapsed. She threw her arms around my neck and started sobbing against me. I was breaking.
“Oh Tia,” I started, not sure how much I could take, and the words were choked with emotion as I uttered them, “I have never been more sorry about anything in my life,” and it was true. I started balling like a baby. I wanted to hug my little sister, but my goddamn arms were bound.
We continued to cry and April just lay next to us with her arms crossed, looking at the ceiling. Our nudity was forgotten, and we were just two siblings working out our differences in an utterly personal way.
After a few minutes, Katia started to regain control. She pulled her head back placed her forehead on mine, still sniffling with her arms around my neck.
She spoke to me so quietly I barely heard what she said.
“I’ve never been with anyone,” she breathed, “I’m still a virgin.” I swallowed hard at this and felt ashamed of the stark contrast to my own personal experience.
“Oh Katia,” I choked out, “I’m so sorry.”
“Quit being so fucking sorry and make it up to her,” said April in a huff.
I looked at Katia with such sorrow and remorse, but I could not be the one to do this, and I told her as much.
“I can’t be that person for you Tia,” I tried to explain, but her lips covered mine and that tender mouth melted my resistance. My logical mind had since been deflated, and a shameful shell of a man sat in my bed, tied up with a hard on, his little sister sitting naked on top.
April once again put words to the situation. “You are the only person who can do this for her Jerek. You’ll wreck her forever if you don’t. Quit thinking of your goddamn self for a second and really understand your sister for once!” She sat up in a huff, seemingly opposed to the solution, but resolved in its inescapability. “We could go through this again someday, or you can take your sister’s cherry right now.”
Those words were mountainous and frightful. There was no way I could do that to her. But seeing her body, bare and exposed, and then feeling her soul, bare and exposed, and understanding how this was the only solution that could possibly make her truly happy again, sent another wall of tears ripping through my body.
I couldn’t say yes. I couldn’t . . . Instead I gently nodded my forehead against Katia’s, and she put her head on my shoulder again as she hugged our bodies tightly together.
Sex had always been a goal of mine. Something to strive for, a fun game to play with satisfying treasures to be won. I enjoyed almost every encounter I’d ever had. This would be the first time sex would ever be a chore for me. Something that had to be done no matter how hard it was. Like pulling shrapnel from a comrade.
I felt Katia tip her hips into to me, and I was immediately aware that her wet vagina was against my muscled stomach. She barely moved it, but the slipping of damp flesh against me sobered my mind and sent waves of trepidation through my body. I had agreed to this, so I decided that making her take it from me was almost as bad as keeping it from her.
“Go ahead Katia,” I whispered through rough vocal chords, “take your time.”
Her face came back in front of mine, and for the first time that night I saw a light behind her eyes. She seemed to say ‘thank you’, but no words came out. I saw my little sister again, and welcomed her soft lips as they found mine.
We kissed with increased passion, and I felt a hand on my cock, softly pumping me up and down. April was paving the way for her friend. I felt her point me in my sister’s direction, and the tip of my cock touched her bare bottom.
Katia’s kiss slowed, but gained in depth as she felt the touch behind her. Her hips started tilting down, and I felt her body sliding lower to make the connection. I tried not to think about what was actually happening, instead I concentrated on my sister’s happiness and healing.