We had to sleep in our underthings, the girls in their slips and me in my boxer shorts, which was odd, but also slightly amusing in our off-balance state. It was certainly an unexpected detour on the road toward getting to know Sierra’s parents, (one of them at least) as we padded around the room in our undergarments before settling in.
I felt an awkward tension as I climbed into bed with Rose’s daughter, mentioning that perhaps I should call room service to bring up a cot or something instead. Sierra wouldn’t hear of it however; we were all adults after all.
When it was time to climb into our respective cozy nests, I offered to sleep by the nightstand between the two beds, in case there was a call in the middle of the night. Once we turned out the lights and said goodnight my nerves began to slowly abate, as the three of us lay quietly in the dark.
After some time had passed, Sierra leaned into my ear and whispered how exciting it would be to get naked under the covers. Hmmm, that would be exciting, although potentially awkward if one of us had to suddenly get up in the night. I eventually eased my boxers down and pushed them off with my feet, feeling the lavish bedding up against my nakedness. Sierra covertly followed suit and then snuggled her bare warm breasts into my side for the night. Heaven.
It had been quiet for a long time and I was almost asleep when Sierra gently rolled to her right, taking most of the downy comforter with her. I suddenly found myself left in the moonlit room with just a thin sheet covering my totally naked body. Great.
Thankful the sheet hadn’t disappeared as well, I closed my eyes again and drifted off. A short time later Sierra rolled back, but of course the comforter hadn’t made the return trip.
I was about to reel it back in when Sierra put an arm over my chest and nuzzled into the nape of my neck, holding me in place. She sighed into my skin and started softly kissing my ear, which felt wonderful, but eventually caused the sheet above me to inflate into the unmistakable shape of a bulging cock! Shit.
I quietly lifted my head to peek around the bedside lamp toward Rose, and in the dim moonlight I could faintly see her facing in our direction with her eyes thankfully closed.
All I could do was lie back quietly while Sierra continued to softly kiss my neck and ear, steadily building my appetite instead of letting me sleep. She was delicately sliding her naked breasts along my arm as I felt her hand snake its way under the thin white sheet and down to my totally naked cock.
Mmm, yes! . . . wait, NO!
I glanced over at Sierra and could see she had her eyes directed toward her mother’s bed as she mischievously rubbed along the top of my hardening cock under the silky sheets. It was extremely apparent what she was doing under there as the outline of her hand rubbed softly up and down my enlarged shaft. She was keeping her “undercover” movements to a minimum, but with the moonlit sheet outlining every bump, I felt as if I was lying naked in front of her own mother.
The dead silence was unnerving as stroke after stroke of my swollen cock was turning me on more and more. It was impossible to tell if Rose was sound asleep yet or not, and I found myself willing her into a deep coma so I could enjoy this. I was trying to push back the image of Rose’s piercing eyes snapping open suddenly and catching her daughter blatantly rubbing on my ridiculously hard cock in the next bed.
What the hell was this girl thinking? How far did she think this could possibly go?
A bit farther I guess as she wrapped her sexy fingers completely around my solid erection, encasing it in the warmth of her soft grip. It felt sexy and delicious for the briefest of moments. Then, to my utter dismay, she hoisted my rigid mast straight toward the ceiling, the sheet over us stretched out like a sail in the night! She couldn’t have been any more obvious as the thin sheet pulled tight across the head of my cock, tenting over my body! Come on!
She started leisurely pulling the skin of my shaft up and down beneath the shroud of linen. OH MY GOD! This was insane! Her mother was right there in the room while my cock pressed obscenely upwards into the sheets! The outline of Sierra’s hand was only visible when she reached the engorged head to give it a rub, then quickly descended down into the erotic big top once again.
I suddenly pictured Rose springing from her bed in a flash, demanding that I leave their room immediately . . . but for now there was just the screaming silence.
In fact, the only audible signs of life in that room were the whispers of sliding sheets and soft breathing. Dim light peeked through the blinds and subtle moon rays shone upon the less than subtle movements beneath the obscene white canopy erected over my abdomen.
I looked at Sierra again, and she glanced up at me and winked with a devilish grin. What the hell?? Was she simply pushing me past the limits of exhilaration and embarrassment for fun? I could only guess, but not knowing for sure whether Rose was asleep or not had me going insane!
Then Sierra picked up the pace of her masturbating me, from a slow seductive tease to a more deliberate sexy stroking. My GOD, what the hell was going on? It was one thing to agree to sneak my shorts down with her mother in the adjoining bed, but this situation was careening quickly out of control!
Sierra’s hand moved up and down my shaft like a sexy piston . . . up and down . . . bumping the sheet every so often when she would reach the top . . . up and down. Otherwise all that was visible was a stark linen teepee and its indecent support pole framed in the dark.
My eyes were becoming used to the light, and once I realized how well I could see Sierra’s blatant fondling, I knew how well Rose would be able to see as well, if she were simply to peek her eyes open!
My mind was torn, because my hard cock was singing with the pleasurable sensations it was receiving. Sierra’s breasts cradled my arm in their bare-skinned valley, softly caressing me while she pumped my cock. I dared not utter a sound of pleasure, as I heard neither snoring nor deep breathing from Rose’s bed, and the last I looked she had been facing in our direction.
My mind reeled as I thought about the reality of the situation. My impossibly hard cock was being stroked under the sheets by my girlfriend while her mother slept in the next bed! Rose’s head was pointed directly at her daughter’s naughty hand, pumping steadily on my throbbing erection just three feet away!! I was paralyzed. I could only hope for the sweet sounds of snoring to break the unnerving silence that hung in the air.
Instead, my heart jumped into my throat when suddenly the sheet, which up to that point had been thankfully hiding my hard-on from direct view, started to creep slowly toward Sierra’s side of the bed!
“NO!! Please don’t do this!” my thoughts screamed . . . She was doing it. Slowly as her right hand moved up and down on my hard cock, the soft sheet slid inch by inch across my naked body.