“Oh god Becca, don’t,” she wails, “not yet. Just… stop… please stop, now. Everyone STOP!” She pries my fingers from her soaking flower and steps back, panting. “I’m sorry. This is too fast for me.” She sits back on the table behind her as Jason leans back into the couch.
I’m left standing bare-assed and ready to jump them both. I have to shake my mind back to reality like a goddamn dog.
“I’m sorry, Rebecca. Please sit. Please.”
I do, and my bare ass on their leather sofa has me thinking they might need a mop later.
“Sorry guys,” I say, sheepish and embarrassed, “I’m really not like this.”
“No, no. It’s not you Becca. It’s just, I don’t know.” She puts her face in her hands. “Maybe I didn’t think this through. I saw my Jason with his face on your ass, and my jealous feelings came rushing back.”
“Jealous feelings?” Jason asks, “and what do you mean ‘came rushing back’?”
“I know, it’s dumb. When you first asked me to call Becca, I thought she was hitting on you. I was ready to lay into her, and instead we ended up talking sex and probably having way more fun than we should have.” She looks at her husband. “I told her about That Tuesday.”
“You… you did?” Jason asks, looking at me for the first time since I set my leaking pussy directly on their couch.
“Yes, I’m sorry. I should have told you, but we had a moment. It was innocent, and then… it wasn’t.”
“Don’t worry Jason,” I say, turning to face him directly, “your secret is safe. Your wife just helped me let off some steam, and we got carried away. The plus side is that I know all about that big cock of yours.”
I tried to lighten the mood, but Kara just groaned into her hands again.
“Come on you guys,” I try for some damage control, “I really don’t need anything like this from you. How about this, I pull my panties back on and we sit around and swap sex stories. Isn’t that a more productive use of this night?”
Kara looks up at me with a curious expression and I continue.
“Seriously. No sex. No kissing or fondling or anything other than maybe our own natural physical expression.” I look to Jason again, “that’s hard cocks, in case you’re wondering.”
“Kara,” Jason says, leaning forward to place a hand on her knee. “It’s no big deal. You get these romantic ideas in your head, but honestly I don’t feel comfortable with anything that you don’t.”
I stand up and tell Kara to switch places with me. “Sit next to Jason and help him out of those pants.” I grab my undies off the floor and pull them on. They’re sickeningly wet, and cold. The clammy crotch douses my smoldering heat immediately.
“Now, no apologies. None of us are experts here, and we all have each other’s best interests in mind,” I offer, pulling my mental head from between my legs. “Now sit back with each other while I tell you both what actually happened that night on the train.”
I relay the story to them, step by tantalizing step. Jason is out of his pants, and his briefs are pushing for the sky about halfway in. When the young couple on the train start actually fucking in front of me, my descriptions naturally become more lustful and graphic. Let’s call it… porno-graphic.
Even Kara forgets her inhibitions as her legs open. Without thinking, my mind is on the train again. My pussy throbs for attention. I set my hand across my crotch and try to press my way to relief. I know better than to think it will work, but I have to do something.
When I get to the part where I spread my legs and lift my dress, I do the same with my shirt. I watch my friend’s eyes focus on my panties. I push my hand inside and caress my pussy in front of them. The exposed feeling is the same as it was on the train…
I knew it would be…
I am sick after all…
I keep talking and rubbing, wiggling against my fingers and tilting my hips. Neither member of my audience can stop looking. I’m so ready for this.
When I get to the part where I showed them my pussy… I show them my pussy… Mmmmmm fuuuuck that’s nice… take a good long look, friends.
Kara’s eyes glaze over as she stares, and Jason’s eyebrows lift but his eyes seem to lick my slit. I decide to keep going. Without a sex act performing in front of me, it doesn’t feel right to start fucking myself like I did that night. I play with myself though, drawing large circles between my lips and watching their eyes follow my fingers up to my mouth and back.
That’s it, watch me play… this is exhilarating.
I get to the end and can’t help but tell the truth. The strange young man blows his cock all over me, and leaves me sitting there covered in cum while they disembark.
The silence is deafening as we sit there, looking at each other.
“Hoooly shiiiit,” Jason finally says, as Kara’s mouth hangs open. “I don’t know what to say Becca. I’m… sorry?”
“Don’t be. I loved it. Never knew I had it in me. I also never knew you had that in you either,” I say, gesturing to his towering man-tent.
Kara finally looks over, and laughs out loud at how pronounced it is.
“Jason! Is that from Becca’s story, or from Becca’s… storytelling?”
“Hell, I don’t know. A little of both?”
“A lot of both,” Kara says, “and I’m not one to talk. That was so hot Becca, I can’t believe it really happened.”
“I can’t believe your Tuesday really happened,” I admit, tucking my pussy away behind a thin layer of wet panty crotch. “Did you really tie her arms in the air?”
Having divulged so much of my own private story, I felt entitled to hear more of theirs.
Jason shakes his head but smiles. “She was barely attached, if I’m being honest. I just wanted her to feel controlled.”
“I definitely did,” Kara says, “that was some night.”
“Do you still let him take control?” I ask, knowing I’m getting right to the crucial point.
Blushing, Kara looks down. Jason replies for her.
“She does.”
Those two simple words let me know it was all true, and makes me want to bend over my chair and offer my body to him.
“That’s so hot Kara,” I say, trying to keep it in my pants, “It must be nice giving up control like that.”
Instinctively I play in the fire, keeping my attention on Kara while Jason tries to pull it from her. Kara is silent.
“Does Jason get to tell you where and when?”
“I do, actually,” he replies, but my eyes stay on Kara.
“Wow. Does he tell you what to wear,” I ask, poking the dominant bear, “or what… not to wear? Kara? You okay?”
“She’s fine Becca,” Jason says, a building thunder in his tone, “Kara, why don’t you show our dear friend how well you can listen when you’re told?”
My heartbeat punches my chest as the surface of their facade breaks in two.