Fuuucck Work: Ep1

Book:Crazy Sex Adventures(Erotica) Published:2025-2-6

She can’t stop thinking about it…
Enjoy reading..
I can barely remember a day I wasn’t utterly aroused. Mornings are the worst, and today is no exception.
Still in bed, my eyes unfocused, I can already feel the hunger building.
Last night was fun. I still remember the story I was reading about the insatiable man. Yes, the forever-ready rabbit making his way through town, pussy by eager pussy.
Mmmm, pussy… she calls to me again.
I feel her whispering breath beneath my sheets, coursing through my bloodstream.
“Becca,” she urges, “Beccaaaaahhh. Psst, down here… Last night was fun, right? Gaahd, we came so hard… how many times? Six? You fucked me sooo good Becca… Do me again, please? Fingerrr me.”
“I have to work today,” I moan in one-part truthful urgency and one-part childlike begrudging.
Softly she whispers, “fuuuck work…”
I know I won’t win. My nipples are already scrunching with excitement from the drama unfolding between my legs. “She’s going to do it,” they cheer in unison, “she’s calling in sick!”
“I am not calling in sick,” I say aloud, reminding my sex organs who’s in charge of the feet around here.
No one cares. My naked hips slither against the satin sheets as my lower lips scream for attention. “Jesus Christ, I think I really am sick… in the head.”
I lift the covers to look… and my pale, nude body stretching out beneath the silky red sheets makes me want to jill myself silly. Barely visible between my breasts, my bare mound sings up to me, tempting my fingers downward.
Maybe a light graze…
I already know where any kind of rubbing leads, and it’s a slippery slope toward getting nothing done and humping everything in my house… the back of the couch, the rim of the tub, that wonderful wooden chair with the rounded knobs that fit so easily in my…
Fuck! How did my hand get down there? I’m god damn soaked! Aren’t libidos supposed to ease up occasionally, maybe let a person have a break every once in a while?
I should see Dr. Gavin. But what would I even say?
Um, so… Doc. I have this, issue, where I can’t… stop… well, masturbating. It’s like I can’t control my urges anymore. Is there even a prescription for that? Like maybe a thick stethoscope you can recommend. Looks like you’ve got what I need right here in your pants, actually. Show it to me doc, come on. Pull it out. No, I’ll do it… that’s it. Oh Doctor, it’s so… firm. What’s got this doc-cock all hard anyway, that extra-thorough inspection of my body perhaps? Good thing you suggested I be nude under this paper gown. Let me bend over this table for you… so you can get a good… ohhhh god, push it in!
Fffffffuuuck! I’m in biggg trouble…
Even as I hear my fingers squelch between my legs, I see the rest of the day play out in advance. Every person I see, hear or come into any contact with will arouse me. I won’t do anything about it as usual, but that won’t stop me from picturing them pressing me up against a wall with their hand in my pants.
Okay, maybe not every person, but everywhere I go it seems there is at least one…
Like yesterday at the market:
I make out the pear shape of her ass through her tight skirt as she lowers a bulging bag of apples into her cart. A single zip of my fingers and her skirt crumples to the floor. She moans like a desperate mother of three as I bend her over the cart and curl my fingers between her legs.
Then again at the bank:
Stanley leads me into his office and closes the door behind us. I’m willing to do anything to get this loan at a decent rate, even drop my panties and take his thick cock from behind.
And especially at the salon:
I’m slunk low in my cape, cautiously touching myself as my hair dries. Okay… lately that part has been true. But then I imagine the classy woman across the way notices my movements. Her hand disappears beneath her own cape as well, traveling like a prairie dog to a den. My eyes imagine her cape removed and her legs spread wide. Oooh yeah, her bare beaver is neat and trim. I lift my own cape, and she sees my fingers going to town… fondling my pussy… twisting my nipples, churning my hips… grinding… pressing… oh my GOD, she’s watching me as I… I… UUUUuuuunnnnhhhhhh FUUUUCKK!!!
Yep. Big trouble…
My flesh quivers as I come down from another glorious O. It’s so easy now. Just diddle, diddle, diddle, and I cum, cum, cum! Why?
It’s not like I did anything to get this way, not on purpose anyway. I was just minding my own business on the train that night when… god, don’t think about it.
They were young and cute, clearly University students or interns or something. She was thin, with straight brown hair, shimmering when she laughed. Her dress was thin, flowery, but short. Too short, I thought, unless you’re him.
His height was his most appealing feature. His hair was basic, his clothes the same. But he was tall, and she came up to his lips. Oh yeah, those too… She looked up as they talked, their bodies swaying with the rhythm of the train. I sensed an unspoken tension.
It was late. They were the only two remaining passengers, standing near the exit on the long journey to the last stop on the Green Line. I was in the back reading a book.
He was trying to keep her attention, but she kept glancing my way. It made me feel like a third wheel, but I was just heading home like they were. I don’t know what came over me, but I caught her looking again… and I winked; why?
At first she was surprised. I could see it in her deep brown eyes, but she didn’t look away. She stared. I smiled in a way I hoped wasn’t creepy, and she smiled back with a twisty grin. She made sure I saw her raise a hand to her companion’s neck and pull his lips down to hers. My eyes dove back into my book as he wasted no time devouring her mouth in front of me.
I glanced again to see their heads fused together, his neck bent low and she on her toes. His hands barely touched her waist, perhaps cautious about being on a public train. His head disappeared as he kissed her neck, her chin lifted as her lips froze in that “oh god” position.