“I’m cumming!” she screams. “I’m fucking cumming!” Her body shivers as she frantically bucks her hips and squeezes her friends’ arms. Her pussy spasms around my cock, triggering my over due release and I shoot what feels like a gallon of cum into the last condom.
I watch Sam’s face as Angie pushes their heads away from her bright pink nipples. Sam and Jenna are both breathing hard and their faces are flush with excitement, or maybe arousal. Angie is gasping for breath as her pussy quivers around my spent cock. I know it’s rude to pull out too quickly but I’m not sure what Sam is thinking.
I don’t want to kiss Angie or hold her through her post orgasmic tremors but I also don’t want to do anything that might upset Sam. I almost feel like a fucking teenager again still trying to figure out the opposite sex.
“That was… again…” Angie huffs as her body settles back down on the bed. I look at Sam but she’s intentionally not looking at me. Fuck! It’s hard to know what that means. I pull out of Angie’s soggy pussy and stagger slightly as I stand up. Shit, I haven’t fucked so much in years. Nice problem to have, I chuckle to myself. As Angie and Jenna fall into each other’s arms, I head to the bathroom to dispose of the final condom.
I take another quick shower, wondering what my water bill is going to be this month. This is my third shower today and it’s not even dinnertime. Not that I’m complaining about the shower with Sam. Fuck! I wish she were in here with me now.
My head is spinning as I let the water spray over me and try to figure out what’s going to happen next. They’re meeting their boyfriends at six o’clock. Will Sam join them for dinner? If not, will she feel like resuming where we left off? How will she feel about what just happened with Angie? Will I have time to replenish the condoms? Will it even matter? No wonder my head is spinning! Fuck!
I towel off and realize I haven’t brought any clothes into the bathroom. What the fuck, it’s not like they haven’t seen me naked. I walk out of the bathroom to find Angie and Jenna doing some kissing and heavy petting on my bed. Their hands seductively roam all over each other as their entangled tongues muffle their provocative moans. Sam is nowhere in sight. I pick up my shorts and shirt as I step over by my desk to put them on.
Okay, maybe I am a pervert but as I’m getting dressed, I discreetly press the record button on my MacBook. The webcam will pick up the girl on girl action on my bed. Maybe they won’t take it any farther but at least I’ll find out. I go off in search of my granddaughter.
“Hey, Sam,” I say, finding her back in the living room, sitting in my easy chair and flipping channels again.
“Hi Grandpa,” she smiles radiantly. “Thank you for doing that,” she says. “I know you were frustrated that they interrupted us.”
“Weren’t you?” I ask, leaning down for a kiss. Sam glances at the hallway before deciding whether to kiss me on the lips. “They’re occupied for a while, I think,” I assure her.
“I was very disappointed,” Sam says, grabbing the sides of my face and pulling my lips to hers. Her tongue probes my mouth as her hands caress my head and neck. The fire is reignited instantly and my cock stirring really surprises me this time considering how hard I just came.
“They’re leaving in another hour,” Sam pants, breaking the kiss and letting me stand up. Her eyes glance to the bulge in my pants and her luminous smile returns. “You better have saved some of that for me,” she teases. Thank God, she’s not upset.
“I’ll go run some errands,” I tell her cryptically.
“What?” she asks as I mime rolling a condom onto my cock. “Oh! Yeah, please. That’s a good idea!” she laughs.
“Your friends seem to have gotten pretty intimate,” I tell her, crooking my head towards the bedroom.
“Who’s fault is that?” she chuckles. “You’re the one who made us practice bisexuality on each other’s nipples.”
“I think they’ve taken it a little farther than that,” I laugh as I gather up my car keys and kiss Sam on the cheek. “I’ll be right back.”
“I’ll be waiting patiently,” she smiles.
“Really?” I mockingly ask.
“No!” Sam says, shooing me out the door.
When I get back, the’re all dressed and trying to convince us that we should all go to dinner together.
“I agree with Sam,” I say, setting some bags of snacks on the kitchen counter. “I think it might be kind of awkward.” Jenna and Angie look at me like they don’t understand why.
“Come on, girls,” I admonish them. “Think about it. It’s one thing for us to do everything we’ve done here this week but for us to go out with your boyfriends and pretend none of it happened is just asking for trouble. You guys go have fun. Sam and I’ll hang around here.”
“Will you be back tonight?” Sam asks, trying to sound nonchalant. We both wait anxiously for their answers. Jenna and Angie look at each other then at us.
“Probably not,” Jenna says. “I think we’ll spend the night with the boys.” Angie nods her enthusiastic approval of Jenna’s decision.
“Okay, text me if you change your mind and we can come get you,” Sam says, hugging her friends. “You guys have fun!”
“You’re sure you won’t join us?” Angie begs.
“No, we’ll be fine here,” Sam says. “I’m kind of tired anyway.”
“Thank you again, Granddad,” Angie says, hugging me and pecking me on the lips. “You’re the best!”
“He sure is! Thank you!” Jenna says, following her friend’s lead and pressing her ample bosom against my chest as she pulls me into a tight hug. “I’d love to do it again sometime,” she whispers just before she lets me go and gives me her infamous sexy smile.
“Anytime,” I wink and she’s still laughing as they walk out the door.
“Do you think they’ll be back tonight?” I ask.
“I don’t think so but either they’ll text or we’ll hear Matt’s car so I think we’re okay,” Sam says. We stand in the living room staring at each other. I hope we’re thinking the same thing.
“I’m not really tired,” Sam smiles.
“Me either,” I say, taking a step towards her.
“Did you get the condoms?” Sam asks, looking at the floor as a blush works its way up her cheeks.
“Uh-huh,” I nod affirmatively.
“Then, what are we waiting for?” Sam says quietly, unbuttoning her shirt as she turns around and walks toward my bedroom. I pull my shirt over my head and follow her down the hall, both of us stripping off our clothing. Fuck yes! I only hope we can recapture the passion that we had earlier.
Within seconds of reaching the bedroom we’re both naked and I find that I needn’t have worried about reigniting the fire. Standing by my bed, Sam reaches out her arms and I step into her embrace. Our mouths meet as her arms encircle my neck and sparks fly as soon as our tongues touch. Without conscious movement, we’re soon lying on the bed in a tangle of arms and legs, kissing with the same feverish intensity as before.