Sex Lessons From Grandpa++ 15

Book:Crazy Sex Adventures(Erotica) Published:2025-2-6

Their chests are heaving as they gasp for breath. I gently roll them towards each other as I slip off the bed. Their bodies still trembling and yearning for comfort instinctively reach out for each other. I smile as their arms and legs entwine and they begin a slow passionate kiss.
I watch for a minute before ducking into the bathroom to wash their scent off my face and hands. Walking naked into the living room, I find my shorts and pull them on before heading down the hall to see Sam.
I find her in her bed, flipping through a magazine. Her swimsuit pieces are tossed casually on the floor beside her bed and she’s wearing one of my t-shirts. Laying on her back with her knees pulled up, the t-shirt stretches over her knees but doesn’t quite cover her ass. My cock tries to respond even before I notice that the v-neck leaves half of her right tit exposed.
“Hey,” I say as I enter the bedroom.
“I borrowed one of your t-shirts,” Sam says without looking up from her magazine.
“I noticed,’ I smile. “It looks better on you than it does on me.”
“How come you’re not in there with them?” she quips, nodding her head towards the next room. “It sounded like you were having fun.” I hadn’t thought about how thin the walls are in this place. Sam probably heard every squeal and moan from her two friends.
“Are you upset with me, Sam?” I ask as I sit on the bed next to her. “Because I seem to remember you almost begging me to do this.” I say, taking the magazine out of her hands and laying it on the nightstand so she’ll have to look at me.
“I’m not upset,” she sighs. “It’s just… I don’t know… it just all kind of got out of hand.” She sits up and wraps her arms around me, leaning her head against my chest. “I thought you’d give Angie her orgasm, we’d all see how you did it and that would be it. I didn’t expect Jenna to jump into it and everything.”
“I’m sorry, Sam,” I tell her as I pull her into a tighter hug and feel the warmth of her body through the thin t-shirt.
“It’s not your fault,” she says. “Are you going back in there,” she asks, pulling away from me so she can look at my face.
“Huh-uh,” I shake my head no. “I’ll sleep on the couch and let them have the bed.” I hadn’t really thought about where I’d sleep until just now.
“No, you don’t have to sleep on the couch, Grandpa,” Sam says. “If you’re not going back in there, please sleep here next to me.” As she says this, she scoots over to make room for me to lie down. I’m still wearing just my shorts. I lie down next to Sam and she cuddles up to my side as I wrap my arm around her.
“Just a second,” Sam says, sitting up and pulling the t-shirt over her head. “I can’t sleep with this on, okay?” Without waiting for an answer she tosses the t-shirt on the floor and snuggles up next to me completely naked. Oh fuck! The warmth of her tits against my side sends erection messages to my cock.
“Are you sure, Sam?” I ask, tentatively putting my arm back around her as she squirms around getting comfortable. “I think I’ll leave my shorts on,” I tell her as I try to find a place for my hand that isn’t on her ass cheek. The problem is my arm is just long enough to rest against her ass.
“Really, Grandpa?” Sam laughs. “I watched you fuck my friends, I put a condom on your… um cock,” she says, smiling sheepishly. “And now you’re worried about me seeing you naked?” She has a good point but I don’t think that’s what I’m worried about.
“I’m just worried… never mind,” I kiss the top of her head but I leave my shorts on. We lie there quietly as I try to think of anything except the contours of my granddaughter’s naked body hugging mine. After a few minutes, Sam breaks the silence with the most unexpected announcement.
“Grandma called while you were… um… busy,” she says quietly.
“Yeah, and I… um… kind of… um… you know… told Grandma what you were doing with Jenna and Angie,” Sam says quietly.
“What?” I almost yell as I jerk my head up.
“She actually guessed!” Sam says, pulling her head back to look at me. When she does I have a clear view of her breasts as they hang deliciously from her chest. “I was telling her about Angie’s problem and Grandma said it was too bad that you couldn’t prove to her that it wasn’t her. When I didn’t answer, she guessed that you probably had.” Sam is almost sitting up now with her eyes locked on mine.
“What did Grandma say,” I ask as I try to process what she’s saying. I am so distracted by her nakedness that I’m having trouble concentrating.
“She said you were the… um… best… you know, pussy eater in the world and that Angie was lucky to have you helping her.” Sam tries a smile to see how I react. Damn! My wife and I have always had an adventurous sex life but I hadn’t intended to tell her about Sam’s friends.
“What else did Grandma say?” I ask, seriously considering whether I should suck her closest nipple into my mouth. Before I get a chance, she settles back down with her head on my chest and her tits squished against my side. I wrap my palm firmly around her ass cheek and pull her against me.
“She said she’d call you in the morning. She didn’t want to interrupt anything,” Sam answers as she wiggles her butt gently against my hand. Fuck!
“I’m sorry, Grandpa,” Sam says, leaning up to kiss me on my cheek. My mind is racing and my cock is feeling severely cramped inside my shorts.
“It’s fine, Sam,” I whisper, wondering if I’m going to sleep at all tonight. She settles against me and is asleep in no time at all. I keep my hand on her firm ass while trying to anticipate what tomorrow will bring.
I must have finally dozed off because when I wake up, Sam has her arm across my chest and her leg draped over mine in the most provocative manner. I remind myself she’s my granddaughter but the message doesn’t seem to make it to my cock.
The next time I awaken, Sam is gone and I hear a hair dryer in the bathroom. I’m just starting to wonder if I dreamt it all when she walks into the bedroom with a towel around her waist. Her beautiful white breasts are on full display and while I’m appreciating them, she drops the towel and comes over to the bed for a good morning kiss.