I towel off and step into my bedroom to get dressed. Angie and Jenna are still stretched out on my bed with their eyes closed. My cock stirs at the sight of their naked bodies. They both look well fucked but ready for more. I hesitate, wondering if I shouldn’t just join them on the bed for another round. Maybe later, I sigh. I slip on my shorts and go looking for Sam. Damn. Yesterday I was watching illicit video of these naked beauties and today… well shit, the day isn’t even over yet.
I find Sam in the living room, flipping channels on the TV.
“Hey,” I say, sitting down beside her. Except for a quick glance at my crotch, she ignores me.
“You okay?” I ask.
“Sure, why wouldn’t I be,” Sam answers with typical snarkiness for her age that can mean anything from, “I really am fine,” to “Get the fuck away from me.” I decide to ignore the complex innuendo or thinly veiled sarcasm and get right to the point.
“There’s any number of reasons I can think of why you wouldn’t be,” I answer as I notice how hard her nipples are, poking at the front of her bikini top. “That was pretty intense in there,” I offer.
“Glad you enjoyed it,” Sam says, staring at the TV. “I thought you three would still be going at it, maybe you can get them to eat each other’s pussies since you got us to suck Jenna’s nipples.”
“Are you mad at me, Sam,” I ask. Fuck, wasn’t all of this her idea? What did she have to be mad about? The silence stretches uncomfortably and I’m about to fill it when Sam turns her head towards me.
“You wanted to do me next, didn’t you, Grandpa?” Sam asks, looking directly into my eyes. Fuck! Why did she have to pick now to look at me? I’m sure there is no right answer to this but I take a stab in the dark.
“In the heat of the moment… yes. But only if you wanted me to, Sam,” I answer honestly. Sam goes back to flipping channels and I sit quietly, just watching the rise and fall of her breasts inside her skimpy bikini top.
“I don’t know…” she whispers barely audible above the sound of the TV. “If you weren’t my grandfather, I’d have been tearing open that third condom in a heartbeat,” she admits. “But that would be incest, wouldn’t it?”
“Yes, Sam, it would.” I answer. “And I would never want you to do anything you might regret.” I pull her into a very platonic embrace that is a lot more grandfatherly than I’ve acted all day.
“I’m not mad, Grandpa,” Sam says, snuggling into my arms and leaning her head on my shoulder. “I’m just confused… and horny!” she laughs. “I had to watch all that without joining any of the fun.”
“I understand,” I say and it sounds lame even as I say it.
“There you are!” Jenna says, bounding into the room with Angie right behind her. “We were getting lonely in there,” she smiles. They’re each wearing one of my t-shirts and the thin material is doing nothing to hide their exquisite charms. “We borrowed a couple of your shirts, Granddad,” Jenna says, twirling around like she’s showing off the latest fashion.
“What’s going on?” Angie asks, her eyes darting between the two of us and the TV.
“Nothing,” Sam spits out the word, making it sound like she’s disgusted that it’s true.
“Who’s hungry,” I ask, thinking I need to quickly change the subject.
“How about if I take the three most lovely ladies I know out to dinner?” I ask after they all admit to being famished.
“Um, I’m telling Grandma that you think we’re lovelier than she is,” Sam teases. Having broken the tension, I watch them talk over each other’s sentences as they offer restaurant and attire suggestions for the evening.
“I’m starved,” Jenna announces as the hostess at a local restaurant and bar explains the specials.
“I can’t imagine why,” Sam whispers and I wonder if I’m imagining the envious tone of voice.
“I can’t help it,” she whispers back after the hostess has left. “Sex always makes me hungry.” She winks and smiles invitingly at me.
“It never had that affect on me until today,” Angie says. “Thank you, Granddad.”
“My pleasure,” I answer with a broad smile.
“Mine, too!” Angie says, picking up on my ulterior meaning.
“And mine!” Jenna laughs but stops abruptly when Sam glowers at her two friends. Jenna just shakes her head and closes her menu. “I know what I’m having,” she says giving me that same lascivious look that started this mess.
We’re in a small seating area on one side of the restaurant which is separated into two distinct areas by an old fashioned wooden bar sporting a half dozen bar stools. There is a small dance floor on other side of the bar and I check out the jukebox as the ladies peruse their menus. I am pleased to find it stocked with a fine selection of the kind of soul songs that we used to call beach music.
We have a wonderful dinner and the conversation even includes a few non-sexual topics. When discussion gets around to the two guys who are arriving tomorrow both Jenna and Angie get overly animated about teaching their boyfriends how to pleasure a woman.
“I think we should do it together,” Angie says. “Like we did with granddad this afternoon.”
“They’ll have one hotel room with two beds,” Jenna says. “They’re probably expecting us to take turns letting each couple have the room while the other couple walks on the beach or whatever.”
“Do you think they’ll go along with doing it together?” Sam asks no one in particular.
“They won’t have a choice if they want to get laid,” Jenna announces.
“And they definitely want to get laid,” Angie laughs.
“Maybe we can set up a little challenge to see who can eat their girlfriend to orgasm first,” Jenna suggests excitedly.
“They are very competitive!” Angie agrees, her face flushing with excitement.
“What prize does the winner get?” I ask teasingly without any expectation that there will actually be a prize. Jenna shows me that seductive smile and leans over to whisper in Angie’s ear.
“OH!” Angie gasps. “Really? I mean… are you fucking kidding me?” she stammers a little louder than she should and quickly covers her mouth and lowers her voice. “Would you?” she asks Jenna.
“If you will,” Jenna answers without a hint of hesitation.
“What?” Sam asks. “What are you two plotting?”
“The winner,” Jenna says, pausing with a flair for the dramatic. “Gets both of us.”
“At the same time?” I ask, suddenly interested in this conversation.