“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Melanie slams her pussy down on Chucks cock, squeezing him inside her spasming cavern and flooding him with her hot juices. Chuck’s cock echoes her urgency, jerkily spurting his full load of cum into her syrupy mix. Their combined love juices would create a beautiful interracial baby if Melanie weren’t so diligent about her birth control pills, but neither of them is thinking about this as they bask in their post-coital bliss.
“I have to get back to work,” Melanie says once her breathing has returned to normal. “I don’t want to get fired.” She smiles, kissing him on the lips.
“No chance,” Chuck answers, as she disengages herself from his spent cock. “Thanks, Mel. You always know what I need.”
“You always need the same thing, sir.” Melanie teases, while slipping her arms into her bra. “I’ll always be here for you, Chuck. Just don’t get mushy on me.” She finishes getting dressed and blows him a kiss as she leaves the office. Best fucking hiring decision he ever made!
Chuck pulls his trousers up to his thighs and hobbles into the executive bathroom that’s attached to his office. He normally doesn’t worry about going home with Melanie’s juices on his cock, but who knows what Jennifer will suggest they try tonight. Grabbing the washcloth, he thoroughly cleans himself with soap and water.
While her daddy is fucking his secretary, Ellie is trying to concentrate in fifth period math. She almost told her best friend, Hannah, about last night when they were having lunch together but decided to keep the secret to herself. At her birthday party, Hannah was the most vocal about her dad’s sexiness, once the others had gotten it started. For as long as they’ve been friends and the countless times Hannah has slept over at her house, she never knew Hannah thought of her dad that way. When Ellie asked her about it at lunch today, Hannah dismissed her concern by saying it was all just fun, but then added with a giggle that Ellie’s dad is really sexy without a shirt.
The bell rings and Ellie gathers up her notebook, not having heard any of the assignment or test review. Oh well. She runs into Steve while walking to her science class.
“Hey, Ellie! Wait up!” Steve calls from behind her. Steve is one of the dates who left her wanting the last time they went out. He’s over six feet tall with dark, curly hair hanging just over his ears. His cock isn’t as big as her daddy’s but he might be the right candidate for her fantasy.
“Hi Steve.” Ellie says, standing on her tiptoes while she gives him a hug.
“Sam is having a party Friday night after the football game. Would you like to go?” He asks as they walk together towards their lockers.
“Sure.” Ellie says, wondering if she can get her fantasy to work in the backseat of his car. That’s where they did it the last time.
“His parents are out of town all week, so… it… um… could be fun.” He smiles sheepishly.
“Yeah. I’m sure it will be.” She says cryptically. Perfect! Ellie tries to remember how many bedrooms Sam’s house has, but realizes she’s never been there.
“Great!” Steve’s smile takes up his whole face. “See ya later.” He says, running to make his next class. Yeah, see you later, Ellie muses, excited about getting home and preparing for her fantasy fuck. She hopes her parents are at it again tonight so she can solidify her image of her dad fucking her.
Dinner is uneventful with everyone making small talk about nothing. They all seem more comfortable tonight, than they did at breakfast. Jennifer resolved her guilt with computer research, Chuck fucked his completely away with his secretary and Ellie is making mental plans for her own incestuous fantasy. Everyone’s happy!
Ellie is extremely disappointed that there is no sexual action in her parent’s bedroom tonight. She hears them talking but then they roll over and go to sleep. Maybe tomorrow. She falls asleep thinking about how to make her fantasy work.
While Ellie’s taking her shower the next morning her mom comes into the bathroom.
“Mom!” Ellie cries trying to cover herself behind the shower curtain. “A little privacy, please.”
“Oh really, sweetheart, don’t be silly. I just need something from the medicine cabinet.” Jennifer lingers in the bathroom presumably looking through the medicine cabinet but actually waiting for her daughter to finish her shower.
“Do you still go to that same salon for your waxing, El?” Jennifer says when the shower turns off.
“Yeah, why?” Ellie asks reaching around the shower curtain for a towel and wondering why her mom wants to know about her bikini waxing.
“I want to have mine done and I thought I’d go to the same place.” Her mom smiles as Ellie steps from the shower. “Can I see how you’re doing yours now?”
“Mom, what’s going on? You’ve never been interested in getting waxed before?” Ellie knows exactly what’s going on; her mom needs more information for her dad’s fantasy.
“Come on, Ellie, it’s just me. Lift the towel so I can see what your waxing looks like to decide if that’s what I want.” Her mom has seen her naked on many occasions and there is no reason for her not to show her mom her pubic hair, but after the other night it seems weird.
“Fine.” Her cheeks glowing with embarrassment, Ellie slowly lifts the towel as her mom bends down to look at her pubic hair.