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“I’ve been reading this book,” Jennifer says to her husband as they’re lying in bed, her hand roaming down his stomach, “and it suggests some ways to overcome our little problem.” Their little problem, as she puts it, is that Chuck can no longer sustain an erection with her. He’s not impotent, his secretary can attest to that, but with his wife he either doesn’t get it up at all or loses it halfway through.
“Like what?” Chuck asks skeptically. Her hand slides farther down and is lightly stroking his cock. It feels good, but as much as he hates to admit it, after 20 years of marriage his wife just doesn’t hold any appeal for him anymore. It’s not her fault; she’s still attractive and has done her best to maintain her figure over the years, he just no longer finds her arousing.
“Well,” she whispers breathily in his ear, “it’s all about fantasy. We’ll create a fantasy world where you’ll be fucking someone else.” Before he has a chance to protest, she continues. “If you could have anyone you know, not a movie star or anything but someone you really know, who would it be?” Apparently, she understands his problem better than he thought.
“I don’t know, Jenn.” He says, dubious about the value of admitting to his wife that he fantasizes about other women. “I’ve never thought about it,” he lies. As a matter of fact, several women come to mind that he would love to fuck and his cock stiffens in his wife’s hand.
“You’re lying,” she smiles, running her thumb up and down the underside of his cockhead. “It’s okay Chuck, you’re not going to fuck them, just fantasize about them. Tell me the top three on your list of fuckable women.”
“This is too weird.” He says, already trying to narrow the list to women that might be acceptable to his wife so he can play her game. Unfortunately, his top choices are the least acceptable women he could name.
“Be completely honest, Chuck,” she admonishes him. “I know you and you’ll name some women just to appease me. I want to know who would really get you off.” As she says this, Jennifer moves down his body and starts licking his chest. “Who would you most like to be sucking your cock right now?” She asks squeezing his surprisingly solid member.
“This is stupid.” He says defensively. How can he tell his wife who his ultimate fantasy would be? She’d never understand.
“Who would you like to see kneeling naked between your legs, feeding your hard cock into her mouth?” Jennifer knows he’s thinking about someone specific because of the unconscious reaction in his cock. Her book mentioned that most men won’t admit their fantasy fucks to their wives without considerable prodding and reassurances of acceptance.
“It can be anyone, honey.” Jennifer says, licking her way down his stomach. “You’re not going to actually fuck her and we’ll be the only ones who’ll ever know.” Her mouth has reached the head of his cock and she flicks her tongue out, licking around his cockhead.
“I hope it’s someone really erotic and taboo.” She says, swirling her tongue around his hard cock. This is working, she thinks. Even if he doesn’t tell her who he’s thinking about, his cock is harder than it’s been in quite a while. She really would like to know so she can play up the fantasy.
“Like who?” He asks, wondering what her reaction would be if she knew he was thinking about their teenage daughter.
When Ellie turned eighteen a couple of months ago, he’d readily given in to her request for a beach party with her friends, looking forward to seeing all her nubile girlfriends in their skimpy bikinis. Well, imagine Chuck’s surprise when it was his own daughter who caused his blood to boil. He’d never really thought of her sexually before.
While he cooked burgers for her and her friends on the beach, he surreptitiously compared his daughter’s hard body to those of her girlfriends. A few had larger tits or more revealing bikinis and one had a more fully rounded ass, but Ellie’s body was clearly the sexiest overall. The image of her in her tiny pink bikini is still vivid in his mind as his wife sucks his hard cock into her mouth.
“Just tell me.” Jennifer says, continuing to stroke his saliva coated cock as she takes a breath. “You’re obviously thinking about someone. Please tell me who.” Wrapping her lips around his cock she slides them down the length of it, flicking the underside with her tongue.
“Oh yeah!” Chuck moans, pushing his cock farther into his wife’s mouth. Should he tell her? Should he admit to how aroused he got watching their daughter bend over to get a drink from the cooler, displaying more of her firm young tits than he’d ever seen? Or how he’d jacked off later to the mental image of her barely covered ass cheeks swaying provocatively as she walked along the sand? Would she really understand?
“Give me some hints.” Jennifer says, swinging her leg over him and taking advantage of the fact that his cock is harder than it’s been in months. “Blonde, brunette, redhead?” She asks, reaching between her legs to guide him into her.
“Who says I’m thinking about someone else?” He asks, enjoying the heat of his wife’s pussy as it engulfs his cock.
“Blonde, brunette or redhead.” Jennifer repeats, rocking back and forth, pleased that her idea seems to be working.
“Blonde.” Thinking about Ellie’s long blonde tresses, Chuck’s brain wanders to her pubic region conjuring up images of a blonde triangle between her shapely thighs. The skimpy bottoms of her bikini completely covered her with no stray hairs, so she must be neatly trimmed or shaved, he thinks.
“Short hair or long?” Jennifer asks, rolling her hips to massage him with her slippery aroused pussy.
“Long.” Chuck answers, closing his eyes as he envisions his daughter riding his cock.
“Under thirty?” Jennifer asks, rocking faster and setting a rhythm that moves her closer to the first orgasm she’s had on her husband’s cock in a long time.
“Yes.” Chuck pants, thrusting his cock in rhythm to his wife’s gyrations.
“Under twenty-five?” She asks, wondering about the young blonde who’s helping solve her sexual problems.
“Yes!” Chuck asserts, surprisingly close to orgasm himself.
“Under twenty?” Jennifer asks skeptically, wondering who her husband knows in that age group.
“YES!” Chuck shouts, shooting his load into his wife’s wanton pussy triggering her release as he continues to picture his teenage daughter’s blonde pussy. God! I’m really a pervert, he thinks. The only way I can get off with my wife is thinking about my daughter. How sick is that?
“God, I needed that!” Jennifer breathes as she collapses on his chest for the first time in years. “Thank you,” she says, kissing him on his lips.
“You’re thanking me for thinking of someone else while we fuck?” He asks incredulously.
“Yes, it really worked,” she says, “but I’m dying to know who you were thinking about. I want to role play being her and have you screaming her name when you cum.”
“No you don’t.” Chuck says cryptically still not sure how his wife will react.
“Why not?”