“I don’t know unless you tell me,” I answered, taking perverse pleasure in making her spell it out for me. I’m not sure why this conversation was having such an effect on me but my dick was definitely reacting.
“When we’re kissing he rubs me between my legs,” she whispered, or maybe it was a sigh.
“Ellie, you got upset when I didn’t describe specifically what touching meant. Don’t you think you should do the same and tell me whether this touching was on the outside or inside of your clothing?” I asked her as I watched her squirm on the bed.
“It started out on the outside, but I like it a lot better on the inside,” she said. When I didn’t respond, she continued. “Okay,” she sighed, “He unsnaps my shorts and slides his hand down inside my panties. He rubs me until I get very wet, okay? Is that descriptive enough?”
“Not really,” I answered.
“What do you want to know, Paw-paw,” Ellie opened her eyes and looked at me.
“Well, for example has he put his fingers inside you?” I asked. Her face turned crimson and she dropped her head back onto the pillow.
“Not at first, but only because I wouldn’t let him,” she smiled. “I kept closing my legs if he tried. I thought we’d better not go too fast.”
“That’s good,” I told her, watching her nipples harden under her sleep shirt. This conversation seemed to have had the same effect on her that it did on me.
“But lately, when we’ve been kissing for a while and he’s been sucking on my nipples, I’ve gotten so… um… wet… you know.” I nodded that I understood how aroused she would get. “Well, his finger just kind of slipped inside or maybe my vagina sucked it in,” she laughed. “I was so horny and it felt so good that I didn’t want him to stop,” she confessed. There was a moment’s pause before she continued. “He’s not very experienced though and it wasn’t… I mean… you know…”
“Wasn’t what?” I asked innocently.
“He just pumped his finger in and out, you know, he doesn’t get the whole clit thing,” she said, matter-of-factly.
“Did you try to tell him about ‘the clit thing'”? I asked, mildly amused by her candor.
“No, I didn’t want to embarrass him. Do you think I should?” she asked, looking more serious than she had been through the whole conversation.
“Well, if you don’t tell him, where will he learn this?” I asked.
“Hmmm. Good point,” Ellie said, somewhat lost in thought.
“And it becomes even more important when you progress to other things,” I added.
“Like what?” Ellie asked and at first I wasn’t sure if she was serious. She was.
“Like oral sex and intercourse,” I answered.
“Oral sex? Wow, I haven’t even thought about that,” Ellie said, squeezing her thighs together like she was imagining what it might feel like. “Did you and grandma do that? Oral sex, I mean.”
“Before we talk about what your grandmother and I did, I want to hear more about you and Joshua.” My cock was aching and we hadn’t even talked about her touching Joshua.
“What do you mean? That’s as far as we’ve gone.”
“What about him?” I asked, figuring she had probably jacked him off like he had her.
“What about him? I just told you what we’ve been doing,” she answered.
“Tell me about when you touch him,” I prompted.
“Paw-paw, I haven’t touched him at all!” she sat up and looked at me. Maybe it was something in my look because she quickly added, “Ohmygod! Do you think I should have… um… you know…?” I shrugged and shook my head.
“No, Ellie. I’m just a little surprised that’s all. I mean, a guy who’s sucking your breasts and fingering you… I mean, he’s probably getting aroused by all of that.” Hell, I was getting aroused and we were just talking about it.
“Oh, he is, Paw-paw,” she said, “He rubs against me when we’re kissing and all. I can feel him, you know, getting hard. I’ve just always been so focused on how far I was going to let him go that it never occurred to me to, you know, reciprocate.” Her gaze took on a far away look as she contemplated and I watched her chest rise and fall against the thin material of her t-shirt.
“Okay, your turn,” she finally said, turning towards me. “Tell me about your first time with grandma.” I took a deep breath and turned onto my back. As I was considering where to start, Ellie snuggled up to my side and I put my arm around her. With her head on my shoulder, her hand lightly brushed my bare chest, giving me an electrical charge that I wasn’t sure she noticed.
“Okay, but it’s not like you thought. It wasn’t her making me wait. I was the one who thought we should wait.” Her hand on my chest was a little distracting but when she draped her leg over my thigh, it was almost too much. I willed my cock not to react. “We were already engaged,” I continued, focusing on my story instead of Ellie’s bare thigh against mine. “I was shipping out to Vietnam in a week and we planned to marry when I got back. Your grandma didn’t want to wait a year to lose her virginity.”
“What if you don’t come back,” she argued.
“I’ll come back,” I kissed her tenderly. “I promise.”
“You don’t know that! Haven’t you watched the news?” Of course, I had and I was scared, too, but I didn’t think it justified us jumping the gun. Not that I didn’t want to, it’s just that things were different back then.
“Goddamnit!” she yelled at me, “You will be my first. No one else is popping my cherry!” Your grandma had a way with words.
Ellie chuckled and snuggled more tightly against me. Her thin t-shirt did nothing to obscure the feeling of her breasts against my ribs.
Of course, I gave in and we made plans for the following morning. We borrowed a friend’s station wagon and drove out to the lake. We were both living with our parents at the time. Well, I was living in the barracks but was home on leave.
As I drove, Helen was wiggling around in the passenger seat. When I glanced over, I almost ran off the road. She was taking her underwear off!
“We’re going to do this right,” she smiled at me. “We’re going to be completely naked.” As much heavy petting as we’d done, I had never seen her completely naked. I was aching for her by the time we got there.
I thought we were going to do it in the back of the station wagon but Helen had other ideas.
We parked in a secluded area on the unpopulated side of the lake and Helen pulled a blanket and a picnic basket out of the backseat. She spread the blanket out on the ground in a little clearing surrounded with trees and bushes.
Helen was wearing a summer dress, what we used to call a shift that had buttons all the way down the front. I loved it when she wore dresses like this on our dates. She could technically stay dressed while I strategically undid one or two buttons on the top and the bottom.