“I have a photography business that I work at part time out of my house for a select group of clients with specific requests.” I speak slowly and stress the specific requests. “I photograph models and provide pictures to my clients strictly for their individual use.” This is where the “client” becomes the scapegoat for my own desires. It’s not me it’s the client that wants these pictures.
“And these pictures. I assume they are nudes or semi-nudes.” Katrina seems more curious than offended. This could go better than I thought.
“Yes. My clients provide specific requests including the model’s age, appearance and even the exact poses they want. Sometimes they request video, but usually it’s just still photographs. Now for the question.” I pause and take a bite of my salad.
“Yes, I can hardly wait for the big, mystery question. I have to say that you’ve already taken me by surprise. I can only imagine what comes next.” Katrina picks up her glass of ice tea, her big brown eyes smiling up at me as she sucks the ice tea through the straw.
“I have a client who has requested pictures of a young, black woman. He specifically wants an 18 year old who is not a professional model and has not previously posed nude for anyone. That means I can’t rely on my usual sources and I don’t know any young, black women besides you. So I thought there might be a remote chance that you would know someone willing to do this. The pay is quite lucrative but she would have to be very attractive. Maybe not as beautiful as you are, but as close to your look as possible. There that’s the question. If it offends you, please accept my apology and we’ll forget I even asked it.” I stop talking and look at her. She has her head titled to the side and is studying me intently. I dip some bread in the salad dressing left on my plate and take a bite, still looking at Katrina.
“How lucrative?” Katrina asks, raising her eyebrow and speaking slowly.
“I usually pay $500 per four hour session. It normally takes one or two sessions to get all the required pictures. Anyone you suggest, I would have to interview and make sure they have all the qualifications.” I had decided before lunch that Katrina naked in my bed was worth $1, 000. I could see on her face that she was considering it. It took a few minutes before she spoke.
“Would I do? Do I meet the qualifications for your photographs?” She’s looking at me coyly and I’m trying not to show how excited I am by her answer.
“Are you serious? I really wasn’t thinking of you for this. What would your father think? I’m not sure this is a good idea, Kat.” My god! I may actually see this young black teenager naked on my bed before the week is out. My wife is going out of town day after tomorrow and will be gone for four days. The timing couldn’t be more perfect.
“First of all, it’s not something I would tell my father and I don’t think you should either. He doesn’t know about your photography business, does he? He’s not one of your clients is he?” Suddenly the conversation takes an unexpected twist and Katrina is looking at me intently.
“No, your father doesn’t know about it and is not one of my clients.” I answer her honestly. Of course, there aren’t any clients so how could he be?
“Okay. Secondly, I’m 18 years old, can think for myself and I think it might be fun. You didn’t answer whether I would qualify.”
“Well. If we’re going to pursue this I have to ask you a few more questions. First, though, I want you to understand these are very intimate photographs with some extreme close ups that you might find embarrassing, Kat.”
“Chris, I’ve never done anything like this, but I trust you. Just knowing the kind of person you are, I expect that you do whatever it takes to set your models at ease. I’m okay with the types of pictures you’re talking about. What are the questions?”
My cock is pushing hard against my zipper as I contemplate the questions I want to ask, especially since I’m making this up as I go. “Okay, first, are you a virgin?”
“No.” Yes! First hurdle cleared. That’s all I care about but I ask a few more questions to make it seem realistic.
“Okay. Do you have any birth marks, blemishes or tattoos that I should know about before we start taking pictures?” I’m again staring at her cleavage.
“Hmm. Let’s see. I have a small tattoo on the inside of my ankle, but aside from that, nothing.” I get a quick flash of upper thigh and black panties when she lifts her leg up to show me her tattoo. I can barely see a small flower through her nylons.
“Okay, no problem. Are you trimmed, completely shaved or natural?” I ask, looking directly into her sexy, brown eyes.
“What? Oh that!” She’s laughing as she tells me, “Trimmed, I guess. I do trim it, but I don’t shave down there.”
“Perfect. What’s your bra size, Kat.” I’m just curious about this and I’m trying to make it seem like there is specific criteria.
“36C. Wow. Your client requests a specific bra size?” Katrina has gotten past her initial apprehension and is now very intent on meeting the client’s criteria.
“No. But once I’ve found a model, I e-mail the specifics for approval before we do the photo shoot.” I’m trying to sound very businesslike while by heart is pounding in my chest and my cock is throbbing in my pants. “There is no doubt, my client will approve of you.”
“Umm. Tell me again how these pictures are going to be used. I’m not going to show up in some sleazy magazine or all over the Internet am I?” Katrina is starting to think through the ramifications of what she’s agreed to do and I’m afraid she’s going to back out.