One Night Of Sin:>>Ep3

Book:Crazy Sex Adventures(Erotica) Published:2025-2-6

“Yes,” I answered starting to pull the t-shirt over my head as I stared out the window.
“Don’t take it off,” he said quickly. “Bring it back like that.”
“You are watching.” I said, letting the t-shirt drop back into place.
“Oh, yes,” he breathed into the phone.
“You were watching me earlier, in the pool.” It was a statement rather than a question.
“I like your breast stroke,” he said quietly.
“I was floating on my back,” I corrected him.
“Exactly,” he said so coolly that I felt my nipples tauten.
“What do you do when you watch me?” I asked.
“What do you think I do?” he answered offhandedly, filling my brain with visions of him stroking his large bulge. I took a deep breath and changed the subject.
“What would I wear home if I bring it to you like this?” I asked teasingly.
“Don’t worry about that,” he answered coolly. “I could loan you another one if you want.” he added with a hint of seduction in his voice.
“What would you do if I brought it over?” I asked quietly.
“What would you want me to do?” he answered, again side-stepping the question.
“Do you always turn back questions instead of answering them directly,” I asked with a sigh.
“Only when I don’t know the exact answer,” he said calmly.
“You don’t know what you’d do to me?” I asked.
“Not until you’ve told me what you want,” he answered like it was the most natural thing in the world for me to tell him how to seduce me. Maybe it was because I didn’t respond or maybe he could see my anxiety through his binoculars but he switched to a more direct invitation.
“Why don’t you come over and we can discuss it while I retrieve my property?” he said, his voice sounding almost an octave lower than it did earlier. When I didn’t answer he added without a hint of menace. “You can always just borrow it again and go home.”
“Okay.” I put down the phone and checked my hair in the mirror before I remembered he was still watching. I shrugged at the window before hurrying down the stairs.
I tried not to think about what I was doing as I hopped across the sidewalk and saw him standing at his back door waiting for me. His muscular black chest looked like it had a slight sheen as the porch light reflected off of it.
“Thanks for returning this so promptly,” he smiled as he offered me a glass of wine that was already poured. We locked eyes and sipped wine as we stood toe to toe in his living room.
“Why are you here?” he asked, running his finger down the side of my cheek and sending an electric pulse throughout my body.
“My husband is fucking his coworker across town,” I answered without any forethought while I pondered if this was my only reason for being here.
“So this is what? Revenge?” he asked with a hint of amusement as he took a sip of his wine.
“I don’t know… well, yeah, I guess it’s sort of revenge and sort of evening the score,” I answered before taking a bigger sip of wine. He just nodded like he understood.
“What do you like?” he asked as he set both of our glasses down on an end table and lifted the hem of his t-shirt. I let him pull it over my head before I answered.
“What do you mean?” I felt so vulnerable and quite aroused standing there naked. He brushed the side of my breast with his fingers. The color contrast between his black fingers and my pale breast was surprisingly erotic.
“Do you like to be in control or out of control?” he elaborated as his fingers lightly caressed the sides of my breasts.
“I don’t want to be in control tonight,” I answered honestly, enjoying his gentle touch.
“How out of control do you want to be?” he asked, barely squeezing my breasts, hefting them in his huge hands. I’ve never had anyone ask me questions like this while exploring my naked flesh in such a sensual way. Fuck! I could feel myself getting wet already.
“What are my choices?” I asked, uncertain where this line of questioning was going but enjoying his overt assessment of my exposed breasts.
“Restrained, out of control?” he asked with his eyebrows raised. As if to emphasize his question, he gently encircled my wrists with his fingers and pulled my arms high over my head.
“I’ve never done that,” I answered, quivering excitedly at the thought.
“Well, let’s take it slowly and see what you like,” he smiled. Keeping my arms over my head, he bent his mouth to my taut nipples and started licking, sucking and nibbling on my sensitive buds. I could already feel myself losing control. What was I doing? I closed my eyes and just let myself enjoy the erotic sensations of his talented mouth. Just when I thought I wouldn’t be able to stand like that any longer, he released my wrists and scooped me up in his powerful arms.
“Let’s take this into the bedroom, Mrs. Alcott,” he smiled as he carried me up the stairs. My feet were draped over one arm while his other arm encircled my shoulders. My cheek rested against his well-built chest and I couldn’t resist flicking my tongue against his dark skin.
“Mmmm,” he whispered. “This is going to be fun, isn’t it?”
He placed me gently in the center of his large bed and I sunk down into the soft dark comforter. While I was still settling onto his bed he pulled my hand to his lips and lightly kissed my palm several times. It was so deliciously unexpected that I didn’t notice he had secured my wrist until he let go and I tried to pull my arm back. By then he was moving around the bed and repeating the action with my other hand. There was a soft leather cuff already attached to the headboard and my arms were now stretched out towards the top corners of his bed.
“You just happen to have handcuffs attached to your bedposts?” I asked as he smoothly massaged my foot while surreptitiously attaching a cuff to my ankle. He shrugged as he carefully pulled my other leg towards the last cuff. I was now spread-eagle on his bed, unable to move while he stood at the foot of the bed surveying his handiwork.
“Apparently I’m not the first woman you’ve had in your bed like this,” I said, trying to sound calmer than I felt. He just shrugged again and I watched the corners of his mouth move slightly like he was amused about something.
“Do you feel out of control?” he asked as he stepped over to a computer that was sitting on a corner table.
“I feel restrained,” I answered, almost challenging him to do more. It might seem funny that I wasn’t scared to be handcuffed to my neighbor’s bed when I hardly knew him and no one was aware I was here but there was something in his manner that invoked an implausible trust.
“Look at the ceiling,” he said as he tapped a couple of keys on the keyboard. What I had thought was a dark skylight suddenly burst to life as an extra large video monitor mounted in the ceiling and I was looking at my naked body stretched out on his bed.
Holy fuck! My eyes bounced back and forth between Ron and the monitor as he waited for my reaction. I didn’t know what to think or how to react. There was obviously a camera in the ceiling pointing right down at me.
“Have you ever watched yourself have an orgasm?” he asked quietly as he crawled onto the bed next to me. I shook my head.
“Nothing like this,” I answered. “Ken and I experimented with it a couple of times but we videoed our love making and watched it later.”
“With one stationary camera, I imagine,” Ron said as he ran his fingers across my pubic mound.
“Isn’t that stationary?” I asked, nodding at the ceiling.