“I don’t blame you for fucking her, Nick.” Christina says, staring wide-eyed at my sister’s recently fucked body. “Her shaved pussy alone would be worth thousands at one of our parties and her tits; they’re real aren’t they?”
“Don’t fucking talk about me like I’m not here!” Susan yells as she approaches Christina.
“You want to know what I want?” Christina says, stepping closer to Susan.
While Susan is distracting Christina, I’ve managed to put on my underwear and pick up my jeans. Grabbing the transmitter from the pocket, I conceal it until I’m pulling my shirt over my head and she can’t see me put in the earbuds. I glance up as Christina puts her hand on Susan’s shoulder.
“I’ll tell you what I don’t want. I don’t want to be left out in the cold while your loving family reconciles. Although I didn’t know how loving until a few minutes ago,” she laughs. “Not that I blame you. I wouldn’t mind another round with your brother myself. He eats pussy almost as well as your father.”
“Nick!” Susan mentally admonishes me.
“Not now.” I message back. “Just keep her distracted.”
“It runs in the family.” Susan smiles seductively. “You haven’t tried me yet.” Christina blanches and is reaching for Susan’s creamy tits just as I find her frequency.
“I’ve got it.” I tell Susan, dialing it in and pressing the button, I watch her eyes glace over and turn to Susan who’s staring at me with a panicked look on her face.
“We’ve got to stop dad from reading that email!” I blurt as I try to figure out what kind of command to give Christina.
“You actually fucked dad’s arm candy?” Susan asks incredulously.
“It’s a long story,” I answer. “I’ll tell you all about it but first help me figure out what command to give her so we can get out of here.” My sister is still naked, glistening from our lovemaking and I feel my cock stiffen in spite of the situation.
“Your cock stiffens in any situation… apparently with anyone.” Susan shakes her head and starts getting dressed.
“I’m sorry,” I say, knowing how lame it is even as I say it.
“Forget it,” Susan forces a smile. “Let’s just take care of this.”
Together we figure out the right wording to make Christina forget what she saw. I delete the video and the sent email file from her phone and then release Christina from the transmitter’s power after we exit the control room.
“Let’s find Tracy and get out of here,” I say, leading my sister down the hallway to the bedroom. Dean and Cheri are still going at it on the bed. Based on Cheri’s moaning and vocal encouragement, Dean’s perpetual hard-on is more than meeting her needs. The director looks like he could piss his pants he’s so excited.
“He’s been hard all day! This is going to be a fucking goldmine,” he tells his assistant who looks like she’d give Dean’s monster cock a hearty welcome. Her face is flush, her nipples are pushing at the fabric of her blouse and she’s bouncing from side to side, rubbing her thighs together.
“Look what you’ve done,” Susan messages me with a smile in her voice. “I hope he doesn’t hurt himself keeping it hard for so long.”
“He’ll learn to pace himself,” I answer. “There’s Tracy. Let’s go get that disc.”
We get back to Tracy’s place just as the mailman is leaving. He looks like he’s been waiting around for a while and who can blame him.
“Here’s your package,” he says to Susan with an expectant smile worthy of a love-stricken teenager.
“Thank you,” Susan gushes, batting her eyelashes at him.
“Pleeeeze! Don’t encourage him.” I mentally sigh as Susan almost wraps herself around him to get the envelope.
“Do you have to even ask? Of course, I am.”
“Good.” Susan disengages from the mailman, gives him a kiss on the cheek and thanks him again for making sure the mail is delivered safely. I almost gag.
“I want to watch it,” Susan says once we’re inside and she’s torn the envelope open.
“We don’t have time,” I answer, trying to figure out how to keep Susan from seeing the DVD.
“Why don’t you want me to see it?”
“Fuck! I forgot you know everything I’m thinking. There’s just stuff on there I’d rather you didn’t see.” I certainly don’t want her to see me skipping back and forth between her and Danae to mom and dad.
“Mom and dad are fucking on this DVD? We’re watching it right now!” Susan inserts the DVD into Tracy’s player and grabs the remote. There is no stopping my sister once she’s made up her mind so I find Tracy and give her a command that keeps her occupied in the kitchen while I settle onto the couch next to Susan.
“Why don’t you want me to see this?” Susan asks as she settles back against me and I put my arm around her shoulder. Before I can formulate an answer, my thoughts betray me.
“You think I’ll want to fuck dad?” she looks at me incredulously, ignoring the TV screen where I’m using the transmitter to get Tracy to strip.
“No, no, of course not… I mean… well… you know… maybe… I don’t know.” I honestly don’t know what I think but I know what dad thought when he replayed the video of Susan’s ass.
“Dad did that?” Susan looks shocked, then contemplative and then bursts out laughing. “Oh my god, Nick. You’re fucking mom and you’re jealous of dad looking at my naked ass?”
“I’m not jealous!” I protest.
“What do you call it? Why don’t you want me to see this video?” Susan asks, still smiling.
“Fine… watch the video… make copies… I don’t care.” I slide out from behind her and stand up to leave. I know I’m being silly but I can’t help it.
“Nick,” Susan says quietly. “If you don’t want me to watch it, I won’t.”
“Really?” I ask. I mentally survey her thoughts to see if she’s telling the truth.
“I am telling you the truth. I want to watch it but I won’t if you don’t want me to.”
“Why would you do that?” I ask.
“Because I love you. Do I need more of a reason?” Susan pats the couch beside her. “Come on, Nick. I don’t want to fight.”
“Me either,” I sigh, joining her on the couch. “It’s okay. We can watch it. I’m just being a jerk.”