Neuro Transmitter (Incest/Taboo):Ep181

Book:Crazy Sex Adventures(Erotica) Published:2025-2-6

The guy is kneeling behind a naked woman on all fours with her ass towards him. He’s stroking his nearly limp cock and my sister is right, it’s huge! Well maybe not huge, but extremely long even in it’s current state. The woman’s face conveys her impatience as she looks back over her shoulder. Her blonde hair is as unnatural as her large tits.
“What’s the matter, Dean?” the director asks, walking towards the bed.
“He can’t get it up! That’s what’s the matter,” the naked blonde on the bed yells.
“Maybe if there was even a hint of wetness in this pussy…” Dean counters, still trying to get his dick hard.
“The lubricant doesn’t last forever!” the blonde retorts.
“Leave him alone, Cheri,” the director chides as he approaches the actor. “Dean, man, we don’t have all day.”
“I know… I know. Can I just have a minute?” Dean asks.
“Okay, everybody,” the director yells, “take ten.”
Maybe the transmitter can help. I communicate to my sister. I’ll be right back.
I follow Dean as he walks down the hall and turns into another bedroom that has apparently been set up as his dressing room. It feels weird to be following a naked guy into a bedroom and I try not to think about the implications, as I make sure the transmitter is ready.
“Hey.” I say standing in the doorway as he sits down on the edge of the bed.
“Who are you?” he asks, startled by my presence.
“Just someone who might be able to help with your problem,” I answer, trying to look somewhere over his shoulder.
“Come on in,” he smiles sheepishly. “Is it that obvious? I thought I was a pretty good actor.”
“Is what that obvious?” I ask, entering the room and looking for a place to sit. I’m certainly not going to sit on the bed with a naked guy! There’s no chair so I lean against the dresser.
“You said you could help. Didn’t you mean…?” He glances at his limp cock and then raises one eyebrow at me.
“No! Um… no. I… um…” I try to figure out how to approach this without talking about the transmitter.
“Oh fuck!” Dean stands up and starts pacing around the room. “Well, what the hell did you mean? Ronald is usually with me.” He starts waving his arms as he continues his explanation. “His mother is sick and he couldn’t be here. He usually helps me get ready and when you said you could help…” His voice trails off just as I have an idea.
“I’m a hypnotist,” I blurt out. “I can help you with your little problem.” Or big problem, I mentally correct myself as I catch a glance at his extra large cock.
“Really?” he turns to me excitedly. “You won’t tell anyone I’m gay will you?” he pleads.
“Never crossed my mind. Your secret is safe as long as you don’t tell anyone about the hypnosis. Do you want to try it?”
“Sure, yeah… anything,” he sighs.
“Okay. Sit down and close your eyes. I’m going to hypnotize you and make it so you can get hard anytime you’d like.” Dean does as he’s told and I take out the transmitter as soon as his eyes are closed.
“Does this stuff really work?” He asks while I’m dialing in his frequency.
“Only if you want it to,” I answer cryptically.
“I do! I do!” I press the button and start giving him a command that whenever he thinks ‘hard, hard, hard’ he will get the biggest erection of his life and maintain it until he thinks, ‘cum, cum, cum’, then he will immediately explode with an incredibly satisfying orgasm. I tell him he will only remember the thought commands and then press the button on the transmitter as I’m tucking it into my pocket.
“Okay, let’s see if that worked,” I say. “Do you remember the thought commands?”
“Yes,” he answers and immediately looks at his dick, which is rapidly growing hard.
“Practice for a few minutes before you come back out and don’t forget our agreement.” I don’t stick around for an answer. I turn left out of the bedroom and try to figure out which bedroom is Cheri’s dressing room. There’s only one other closed door so I knock as I let myself in.
“Who the fuck are you?” Cheri asks, making no attempt to cover her naked body as she sprawls on the bed. Her racing stripe of brown pubic hair is a stark contrast to her blonde head.
“I’m Nick,” I answer, “the studio hypnotist.”
“The what?” Cheri swings her legs over the bed and her tits bounce unnaturally as she sits up.
“I’ve seen Dean already and he’s got complete control over his erections. I thought you’d like me to show you how to stay wet through the entire scene.” She’s older than I initially thought, probably mid-thirties but attractive in a porn-star kind of way. She looks at me skeptically then shrugs her shoulders.
“Why not?” she sighs. “What have you got for me?”
“Close your eyes.” I repeat the transmitter exercise with Cheri, giving her the commands of ‘wet, wet, wet’ and ‘cum, cum, cum’. When I pocket the transmitter and turn it off, she opens her eyes and looks at me like I’m from outer space.
“Just try it,” I smile. This time I stick around for the demonstration.
Cheri lies down with her head on the pillow and raises her knees. With her legs spread I watch a big smile spread across her face just before her pussy juices moisten her thick labia.
“Are you ready to try your scene again?” I ask as I get ready to leave.