“Not unless you want to,” she whispers conspiratorially. After sucking and fucking as a threesome most of last night and with the potential for group sex later, I’m glad this is just going to be my sister and I. We ignore Tracy while we kiss and grope our way to her bedroom.
“Teasing that mailman really made me horny!” Susan exclaims as she pushes me onto the bed and crawls up on top of me. Sprawling across my body with her tits crushed against my chest, she starts rocking her slick pussy along the length of my shaft.
“That was pretty erotic,” I answer, cupping her ass cheeks and trying to sandwich my cockhead between her wet pussy lips.
“You’re okay with me and Carl and all that?” she asks, looking intently into my eyes.
“I’ve never shared you with another guy before,” I answer honestly. “I guess I know how you felt when I went over to Sherrie’s that one time.”
“But you shared Nicole with Carl?” she asks with a puzzled look on her face. Susan pushes herself up into a sitting position and wiggles her slippery pussy along the length of my cock.
“Hey, don’t ask me to explain it. I’m just telling you how I feel,” I answer, as the bell-shaped head of my cock slips between her hot pussy lips. Grabbing her waist, I pull her down while I thrust upward and sink the rest of my cock into her juicy snatch.
“Mmmmm.” Susan moans as I impale her on my rigid shaft and she squeezes her vaginal muscles around me. Just as we start getting a familiar rhythm going Tracy walks in with my cell phone chirping in her hand.
“Your phone is ringing,” she says handing it to me like I was sitting in a chair watching TV.
“Answer it!” Susan says, picking up the pace of her ride. “It might be Carl!”
“Hello,” I blurt as Susan’s rocking rhythm nearly takes my breath.
“Hey Nick, it’s Carolyn,” the sexy voice answers. “Carl says you want to get together over here.”
“Yeah,” I keep my answers monosyllabic as Susan works us both into a sexual sweat.
“The thing is, Nick, I’ve invited Earl and Denise for dinner. You’re welcome to join us with your lady friend but I don’t think they’re ready for anything else,” she laughs. Earl is Carl’s brother and Carolyn has been having an affair with him for some time while Carl was having an affair with Denise. When I discovered this with some transmitter-induced honesty, I suggested they bring it out into the open. Last I heard they were all cool with sharing but not with group sex.
“Still haven’t overcome that inhibition, huh?” I ask all in one quick gush. Susan has me about to shoot my load into her over-heated pussy, I’m just waiting for her to get there first.
“No way. But hey come over anyway. Denise was pretty interested when I told her about your staying power and Earl’s a guy so who knows what will happen.
“What… time?” I barely manage as Susan nearly bounces off my cock and then drives her feverish pussy back down around it.
“Are you alright, Nick?” Carolyn asks.
“Yeah, just… getting… warmed… up… for… later!” I pant each word as I fervently buck my hips up in rhythm with my sister’s pounding.
“You are incorrigible!” Carolyn says. “Call me when you’re done and I’ll give you the address.” The phone goes dead and I concentrate on fucking my sister.
“Now that you’re off the phone, let’s finish big!” Susan smiles. Damnit! While I’ve been waiting for her to finish, she’s been purposely holding back.
“You are insane!” I finally release my load and Susan clamps her pussy around my cock. Jerkily spewing a huge fountain of cum inside my sister’s quivering pussy, I pull her down against my chest. We lie there trembling against each other.
I call Carolyn back and she gives me directions. We arrange to be at their house at five. It’s Susan’s idea to bring Tracy with us.
“That way Carl and Earl can each have a white girl,” she says in a mock southern accent. My only response is a big smile because that means I’m left with Carolyn and Denise. Who can argue with that? I give Tracy a transmitter command to be receptive to any sexual advances; white or black, male or female.
Carl and Carolyn live in a typical middle class neighborhood with self-maintained lawns and more SUVs than sedans. Carl answers the door, shakes my hand and turns towards Susan.
“Hello,” he says, openly appraising my sister’s appearance. “I’m Carl.”
“Susan,” my sister says, extending her hand. Carl takes her hand but instead of shaking it, pulls her into a tight embrace, crushing her breasts against his chest. Susan grabs Carl’s arms but instead of pushing him away, she squeezes his upper arm muscles and explores his broad back.
“Uh… Carl,” I interrupt them. “This is Tracy.” Carl hesitates then pulls his eyes away from Susan’s face to look at Tracy.
“Two?” Carl smiles. “You brought two women?” He shifts Susan to his side with one arm wrapped around her and pulls Tracy into their embrace. Kissing her lightly on the cheek, he turns the threesome towards the living room and walks in with one arm around each woman.
“Look what I found,” he smiles. I follow him to a dining area that opens off the living room and see him addressing a young black couple sitting at the table.
Earl is younger than Carl with broader shoulders and when he stands up towers over his brother by a couple of inches. His smile indicates that he knows why we’re here. He walks over and Carl introduces him to Susan and Tracy. Forgotten in the background, his wife sits anxiously by herself. I step over to the table and introduce myself.
“Hi, I’m Nick,” I say extending my hand to the beautiful woman sitting at the table.
“Hi Nick, I’ve heard a lot about you from Carolyn,” she blushes. “I’m Denise.” I’m the one who should be blushing as I grasp her soft hand. She is absolutely stunning. Her light brown skin is the color of coffee with just a touch of cream and her long, black hair, hanging in loose curls around her shoulders, has subtle highlights that nearly match her skin color.
“Uh… hi,” I stammer as I stare at her deep brown eyes. Her face has the look of a supermodel with her exquisite make up, accented by her slightly arched eyebrows and lush red lips. I’m still holding her hand when Carolyn enters from the kitchen carrying casserole.
“Nick!” she hurriedly places the casserole on the table and turns to give me a hug. My eyes are still on Denise when Carolyn pulls me against her lush breasts and plants a big wet kiss on my lips. Her tongue slips between my lips and I close my eyes as I cup her firm, round ass cheeks.
“I’ve missed you,” she says, breaking the kiss. From the corner of my eye I see Denise watching us curiously.
“I’ve missed you, too.” I answer honestly. Damn! No wonder Carl was fucking his sister-in-law. I can’t wait to see Denise naked.