“We have nothing to talk about!” Nicole says, “and don’t ever touch me again!” She turns abruptly towards the door.
“Or… you can stomp out of here and go home to a dark house,” Susan says calmly. “You seem to be good at stomping out of places.” Nicole swivels around to face Susan, glaring into her face. Placing her hands on her hips, she looks like she’s about to say something when Susan points to the bedroom.
“Come on,” Susan says, taking the lead and walking into Uncle Harry’s bedroom. Nicole looks around at the rest of us, shrugs her shoulders and reluctantly follows Susan into the bedroom.
As soon as the bedroom door closes, Mom and Maggie jump from the table and grab their clothes. I’d be doing the same thing except my clothes are in the bedroom with Nicole and Susan. I sit on the couch, drumming my fingers on my knees and watch Mom hop around on one foot trying to put her panties on. Her tits are jiggling magnificently, but I barely pay attention. It takes Maggie three tries to clasp her bra and it finally registers how nervous everyone is about Nicole being here.
After what seems like hours, but is probably only ten or fifteen minutes, Susan emerges from the bedroom. She smiles when she sees me sitting naked on the couch.
“Your turn,” she says, walking over to me as I stand up. “Nicole is ready to talk to you now,” Susan says, wrapping her fingers around my limp dick and teasingly lifting it up. “Make this a little harder, Nick. It’ll distract her,” she smiles, holding my soft cock until I consciously stiffen it.
“That’s better.” Susan kisses me on the cheek as her soft breasts brush against my arm. “Go on, now,” she says, giving my cock one last squeeze.
Not knowing what to expect, I knock on the bedroom door as I open it. “Can I come in?” I ask. Nicole is sitting on a towel that’s been folded on the bed to keep her from getting it wet. Her shorts weren’t as wet as her top, but would still have left some dampness on the comforter.
“Uh-huh.” Nicole nods her head, her eyes are looking down at the floor and she’s tugging at the bottom of her very wet t-shirt.
“Susan said you wanted to talk to me.” I walk over and stand in front of her, my hard dick pointing in her direction.
“Jesus,” she laughs, shaking her head. “First I have your sister’s giant boobs and shaved crotch to contend with and now this.” She does a sweeping gesture with her hand, just as I step closer and her fingers smack the side of my erection.
“Oh fuck… I’m sorry, Nick,” Nicole says, rubbing her fingers over the side of my cock where she hit it. “I didn’t mean to do that.” She looks up at me and it’s obvious that she’s trying not to laugh.
“I probably deserved that,” I answer more seriously, wondering how long she’ll keep fondling my hard-on.
“No, I appreciate you coming down here to help me,” Nicole says, looking into my eyes. She isn’t rubbing my cock, but she hasn’t let go of it either. It feels good just lying in her hand. “That’s part of the reason I came over tonight,” she continues. “Considering what you could have done with the transmitter, you showed considerable restraint.” She’s caressing my cock again but it seems to be more of a nervous gesture like the way she was tugging on her t-shirt earlier.
“I made you fuck Carl,” I remind her, enjoying the feel of her fingers moving around my shaft.
“Yeah, but I ended up really liking it,” she smiles coyly.
“I fucked you in the ass against your will,” I respond, moving my hips almost imperceptibly as Nicole strokes up and down the length of my shaft.
“But I started it, by asking you to fuck my ass. It’s not your fault that I chickened out,” she counters. My cock is rock solid in her hand now and she looks at it like she hadn’t even realized it was there.
“Damn, Nicole,” I say, surprised that she’s defending my use of the transmitter on her. “What did Susan say to you?”
“Besides calling me an ungrateful bitch?” she smiles. I just nod as she scoots closer and starts using both hands on my rigid cock. “She made me tell her everything you ever did good for me with the transmitter and then everything you did wrong with it. She helped me see what I already knew coming over here; that there was more good than bad,” she sighs.
“Really?” I question her assessment while she moves one hand down to fondle my balls. What Nicole lacks in experience and technique she more than makes up for with enthusiasm. Both of her hands are in constant motion touching and caressing my cock and balls.
“You made me feel better about my body,” she says, stroking a little faster. My eyes immediately shift to her teen-sized tits, almost visible through the transparent fabric of her wet t-shirt. I’d almost forgotten giving her the command to be less self-conscious about her small breasts.
“You helped my mom and my dad,” she adds, without mentioning how I’ve been fucking her mom ever since.
“What else did Susan say?” I ask her, my breath coming in short gasps as the tension builds in my balls.
“She told me you dropped everything to come down here as soon as you heard I was in trouble.” Nicole has dropped her eyes and she’s staring at her hands flying around my hard cock. “She said,” Nicole pauses and almost whispers the next few words, “you love me very much and you would give up all of it if I asked you to.”
“All… of… what?” I ask, vigorously humping my cock into Nicole’s hand.
“The transmitter, the incest… and fucking my mother,” Nicole says without looking at me. “Susan said you would give it all up. All I have to do is ask.” Raising her head and locking her eyes on mine, she adds, “is that true, Nick.” I’ve stopped moving my hips but Nicole continues to stroke my cock.
“Is that what you want?” I ask. My head is swimming from what my sister has done. Only an hour ago she confessed her love for me and now she’s demonstrating it more devotedly than I could ever imagine.
Nicole is talking but I can’t hear her. My brain is focused on what Susan has offered Nicole and what she’s offered to give up for me. I’m suddenly no longer interested in anything Nicole has to say. She’s stroking my cock and I try to tune back in to what she’s saying.
“… so honestly, Nick, I don’t know what I want.” She sees my cock soften and looks up at me expectantly. “What’s wrong, Nick?” she asks holding my limp dick in her hand.
“Nothing. Nothing at all is wrong,” I tell her excitedly. “I’m glad you’re not mad at me anymore and I’m sorry about all the wrong things I’ve done with the transmitter,” I tell her, stepping back and pulling my cock from her hand.
“Thank you, Nicole.” I pull her to her feet and give her a tight hug. “Thanks for coming over. You should clear the air with your mom, too,” I whisper, squeezing her wet t-shirt briefly against my chest but disengaging before she can wrap her arms around me.