Susan is kneeling on the bed next to me waiting, not exactly patiently, for me to make my cock hard. We lock eyes and I try to communicate that we have to make this look realistic unless we’re ready to tell Mom how we’ve used the transmitter. She just sighs and leans over to play with Mom’s nipples. I gradually allow my cock to harden within Mom’s mouth and she starts bobbing her head and moving her lips up and down the length of my shaft.
“Okay, now he’s ready for you.” Mom smiles after several minutes of lazy pleasure, and rolls onto her back into the exact position that Susan was in earlier. Susan positions her thighs over Mom’s torso and scoots her knees towards the edge of the bed until her face is even with Mom’s cum-filled pussy.
“Come on, little brother.” Susan urges, “time to rock my world.” She smiles as she lowers her mouth and raises her ass.
“Mmmmm,” Mom sighs when Susan’s tongue makes contact with her sensitive pussy lips. Standing behind my sister, I squeeze her hips while I glide my hard cock into her splayed-open pussy, which is now hovering over Mom’s face.
“Oh fuck!” I moan when Mom’s tongue swirls around the base of my cock, which is fully buried in my sister’s velvety snatch. I quickly start pumping my hard cock in and out of my sister’s hot pussy, fucking her through three intense orgasms, although she my have triggered them herself. Mom licks us both, adding an incredible new dimension to our fucking and Susan gets Mom off again, eating her to another explosive orgasm.
We continue our welcome home fuck-fest in a variety of erotic positions. Mom sucks me hard between each fuck and exclaims with increasing amazement at my continued resiliency; Susan keeps whispering for me to just make it hard again and quit the dramatics; I ignore her and we fuck well into the night, falling into a blissful sleep tangled in each other’s arms; all of us dead to the world.
Completely spent, I slip into a totally dreamless sleep and wake up a little disoriented until I glance around the dimly lit room, and it all comes back to me. I’m in my mother’s bed with she and my sister on either side of me, and my mouth tastes like pussy.
As I rub the sleep from my eyes, I realize how lucky I am. Any guy would give his right nut to be where I am right now. My sister is on one side of me, lying on her stomach and displaying her sexy white ass cheeks. Mom is on the other side with her luscious tits mashed up against my arm and her smooth pussy mound pressed against my hip. Both of them are sleeping peacefully and I listen to their nearly synchronized, rhythmic breathing for a few minutes until nature calls me to my feet.
Pulling on my baggy jeans from the night before, I get up to use the toilet and brush my teeth. I take a quick look around for my suitcase but fuck! It’s still in the car. Grabbing my keys, I run out barefoot and shirtless to retrieve it. Fortunately, we live where the December weather is generally in the mid-fifties. Even so, the early morning air is chilly, and I hurry to unlock the car and pop the trunk.
“Hey Nick!” I hear while I’m pulling Susan’s suitcase out of the car. Turning towards the sound, I see Mom’s friend Mary picking up her newspaper from her driveway.
“Hi Mary!” I call back, watching her bend over to get her newspaper. She’s wearing a thigh-length bathrobe and slippers, but my cock responds instantly to the memory of her and Mom doing more than sunbathing on our back deck a few months ago. Mom had Mary completely naked and pretty worked up in the back yard before I inadvertently interrupted them. I recall Mary being pretty friendly towards me when I walked out on the deck in my swimsuit. I wonder… I will my cock to impressive hardness, creating an obvious tent in my jeans, and walk over to say hello.
“Your mom told me you and Susan were coming home for the holidays.” Mary says with a big smile on her face when I approach, and she opens her arms for an embrace. The movement stretches open the top of her fleece bathrobe, exposing her lavender flower print nightie that barely contains her mouthwatering tits. I recall her wide, dark areolas and thick nipples as she wraps her arms around me and pulls me close. Her thin nightie is all that’s separating her tits from my bare chest, and I make no effort to hide my hard-on when it pokes against her crotch.
“We got in last night,” I say cheerfully, stating the obvious while enjoying the feel of her body against mine.
“Ooo, you’re cold!” Mary exclaims, running her hands over my bare back. “What are you doing outside without a shirt on? I’m surprised your mother let you do that.” She’s running her hands up and down my arms to warm me up, not an unpleasant feeling.
“Mom and Susan are still sleeping; I just came out to get our suitcases.” I watch her tits swell with her breathing and notice her nipples are pushing against the thin fabric of her nightie. Is she cold or aroused? I’m not used to having a conversation with a woman without the transmitter to help me know what she’s thinking or cluing me in about what to say.
“Well, come in and have breakfast with me; it’ll warm you up,” she says, taking my arm and leading me up her driveway, adding with a tease, “I thought you were the late sleeper.”
“I should get a shirt… and I left a suitcase on the driveway,” I almost stammer, wondering why I’m suddenly feeling so uncomfortable. What I really need is the transmitter. I’d love to know what she’s thinking right now; I’d also like to know what Mom and Mary have been up to these past couple of months.
“No one’s going to take your suitcase,” she laughs, putting her hand on my back and guiding me towards the house. “My god, you must have grown an inch since I saw you in September, and you’re getting better looking all the time.” Her hand is almost caressing my back as we step onto her porch. “Pancakes and bacon okay?” she asks as we walk into the house.
“Sounds great! How can I help?”
“You can mix the pancake batter once I’ve put in all the ingredients,” she says, turning towards me and placing the palm of her hands on my biceps. “With these muscles, who needs an electric mixer?” She smiles and glances down at the bulge in my jeans before turning towards the kitchen. Fuck! She is definitely coming onto me! Maybe she would appreciate my extraordinary stamina instead of taking it for granted like my sister does.
Mary puts flour, eggs, milk and some other stuff into a mixing bowl and hands it to me. “They say pancakes are fluffier if they’re mixed by hand,” she explains, passing me a metal whisk while she turns the griddle on and gets the bacon out of the fridge. I start mixing the pancake batter; it’s harder than it looks and I put all my muscle into it.
“Very nice,” she says, watching my biceps and chest muscles, when she’s supposed to be concentrating on getting the bacon strips in the pan. It feels kind of weird. I guess I never thought of women wanting to look at topless men.
“How’s this look?” I ask, showing her the mixing bowl.
“Mmm, perfect,” she says, making a show of looking me up and down.
“Is it mixed up enough?” I ask with an exaggerated sigh. Mary steps closer and leans forward to look in the bowl. While she’s looking at the pancake batter, I’m getting a glimpse of her bare tits down the top of her nightie. Taking the whisk from my hand, she stirs the mixture a few times, jiggling her tits around in the process and giving me a cock-hardening show.
“This is perfect, too!” she says, taking the bowl from me and scooping out eight pancakes onto the griddle.
I sit at the kitchen table and watch her getting breakfast ready. When I saw Mary naked in the back yard with my mom, I was focused on just her pussy and her tits. Now as she moves around the kitchen in her short bathrobe, I realize she’s got very sexy legs as well. Her thighs are lean and muscular with just the right curves to be considered shapely. As she multi-tasks making breakfast I catch glimpses of her upper thighs and wonder if I even stand a chance without the transmitter.
“How’s school?” Mary asks as she sets two plates on the table, one filled with pancakes and the other with bacon. “Do you have a girl friend?”
“No,” I answer, helping myself to a stack of pancakes and pouring syrup over it.
“I bet you’re breaking hearts all over that campus,” she continues as she nibbles on a piece of bacon.
“Not really,” I answer. Fuck! I’m so lame at this type of talking. I never know what to say. I wonder what will happen if I just follow her lead and ask her the same type of things she’s asking me.
“How about you, Mary?” I ask between bites. “Are you seeing anyone?” She looks at me curiously and hesitates before answering.
“No,” she finally says, “no one special.” I wrack my brain to try and remember where she works. I think Mom said she works for either a brokerage firm or a mortgage company.
“You’re the one who’s probably breaking all the hearts,” I tell her. “I bet you have every guy in the office drooling over you.”
“I doubt that!” She laughs and I decide this is working pretty well.
“I don’t! If there was a beautiful woman like you working where I worked, I’d be wiping drool from my chin every two minutes,” I tell her, wiping my chin for emphasis.
“That was syrup, not drool,” she laughs, but she’s clearly enjoying the compliments.
“Whatever. I just mean that you are very…” Can I call my mom’s friend sexy? Is that appropriate? “umm… beautiful and you probably turn guys’ heads wherever you go.” She stops eating and looks at me.
“That’s very sweet, Nick.” She just sits quietly, staring at me as I devour two more stacks of pancakes.