Neuro Transmitter (Incest/Taboo):Ep134

Book:Crazy Sex Adventures(Erotica) Published:2025-2-6

After a while we lapse into silence, with mom concentrating on the road, Susan dozing in the backseat and me trying to figure out how to salvage this mess. At least I haven’t lost Susan. That would have been devastating.
Maggie and Nicole are already at Harry’s house when we get there. Maggie and mom start talking over in the corner, ignoring the rest of us. Mom has her head down and is mostly listening, while Maggie is talking animatedly, touching mom’s arm and lifting her chin.
The transmitter is sitting on the kitchen counter. I pick it up and put it in my pocket. I overhear Maggie trying to convince mom that she has a solution for us.
“What’s your idea, Maggie?” I ask, trying to bring their conversation out of the corner and include the rest of us in the discussion.
“Well.” Maggie begins, addressing all of us. “It seems that the biggest issue here is trust.” She says, walking towards the middle of the room. Susan and Nicole are sitting on opposite ends of the couch and Mom is still standing in the corner. “Have you been controlling everyone’s life, or did you just give small suggestions to nudge us in a certain direction.” She says, looking at me.
“I’ve told you all the truth.” I plead, looking at mom, and then over at Susan and Nicole. Susan is smiling at me, having already come to terms with the transmitter. Nicole has kind of a smug expression on her face that I can’t quite read. It’s either ‘I told you so’ referring to her warnings about the transmitter or ‘I’ve known about the transmitter all along’ as kind of a snub to my sister.
“Prove it!” Maggie challenges, walking to the breakfast bar and picking up a paper. “I’ve written out a suggestion that I think we can use to get everything out in the open.” She proclaims. “Nick, will use the transmitter to give us each this suggestion. The rest of us will be witnesses, to verify that he doesn’t give any other suggestions.” She says, looking at me sternly.
“What does it say?” Susan asks, curiously.
“I’ll read it.” Maggie says, holding up the handwritten page. “You will remember everything that has been said or done while under the influence of the Neuro Submission Transmitter, including when Harry first used it on you. With your memory restored, you will share your honest feelings, regarding the transmitter, with the rest of the people in this room.” Maggie looks at each of us.
“Brilliant!” I declare. “You’ll see that I haven’t taken away your free will, mom.” I say, looking at her for a reaction.
“Fine.” She says, sitting down between Nicole and Susan. “Let’s just do it.” She says.
“This doesn’t undo the suggestions.” Maggie explains. “It just makes you remember them. I think it’s too dangerous to try to undo everything.” She says. “But if there is anything that you want undone, we can try to do it, okay?” Everyone nods, as Maggie hands the paper to me.
“Who’s first?” I ask.
“Do me first, Nick.” Maggie says. “I don’t expect there’ll be too many surprises and everyone will get a chance to see how it works. Does that sound okay to everyone?” Maggie asks. Again, everyone nods.
I take out the transmitter, put in the ear buds and search for Maggie’s frequency. I read word for word what Maggie has written on the paper and then turn the transmitter off.
“Did it work?” Mom asks, as soon as Maggie’s eyes refocus. Maggie looks around, lost in thought and then smiles.
“Yes.” She says, smiling directly at me. “It worked. I remember everything.” Maggie says, looking from my face to my crotch and winking at me. It takes a minute and then I remember that I used Maggie to give me the suggestion about controlling my erections. I smile back at her and hold up the transmitter.
“Who’s next?” I ask, looking towards the couch.
“I’ll go next.” Susan says, standing up and walking towards me. “Will there be any surprises, Nick?” She whispers, when she gets close.
“I don’t think so.” I whisper back. “No matter what, I love you.” I whisper, before pushing the button on the transmitter and reading her the suggestion.
When I turn off the transmitter, Susan stands very still, staring into my eyes. Finally, she nods once and gives me a huge smile. “We’ll talk later.” She says, sitting back down on the couch.
Mom goes next and then Nicole. Mom stays sitting on the couch and when I’m finished, leans forward with her elbows on her knees and her face in her hands. She appears to be crying. Susan moves closer and puts her arm around mom’s shoulders.
“You are a fucking bastard!” Nicole yells, surprising us all. “You made me into your little fuck toy!” She screams, as memories blast through her head.
“I was right!” She says, standing up. “You are just like Harry! No wait! You’re worse than Harry!” She says, anger burning from her eyes. “He only watched me; making me come to this house every afternoon and get naked to do my homework.” She pushes her finger at my chest.
“You made me fuck Carl!” She screams.
“Only the first time.” I respond lamely.
“You used your little ‘think about it, Nicole’ words to control everything!” Fuck! I was so focused on mom and Susan that I forgot how much Nicole didn’t know about.
“Nicole!” Maggie says, reaching out towards her daughter.
“And you!” Nicole says, turning her anger on Maggie. “You were in on it!” She yells. “My own mother! You used it to…” She holds her head, as more memories flash through. “You used it to help Nick fuck my ass!” She says incredulously.
“It was your idea, Nicole.” Maggie says. “I was only helping you.”
“You used it on me when I caught Nick sneaking out after fucking you!” More memories plough through Nicole’s brain. I’d forgotten how much I had used the trigger to control her.
“I’m sorry.” I say, stepping closer to her.
“Don’t touch me!” She screams, throwing her arms in the air. “I’m out of here!” She yells, heading for the door, and then suddenly spinning back around.
“And stay away from Bobby!” She tells Maggie.
“Nicole!” Maggie calls after her. “Wait! Let us undo the trigger!” But she’s too late; Nicole has left, slamming the door behind her. “I did say be completely honest.” She sighs, turning back to the rest of us.
“I’d better go after her.” Maggie says. “You guys going to be okay, now?” She asks.
“Yeah.” I answer, glancing at mom and Susan on the couch. “Let me know if I can help, Maggie.” I say, holding up the transmitter.