“What? Like hookers?” I ask, incredulously.
“No way!” Ken answers. “That wouldn’t work.” He pauses, thinking about it. “What we need is someone really hot, who’ll offer to take on the whole offensive team if we win a game.” He says, smiling. “Know anyone like that?” He asks, jokingly.
My first thought is of Sherrie wanting to fuck two guys. I wonder what she would think about an entire football team. Then, a light bulb goes off in my head!
“Yes!” I say, snapping my fingers. “I do know someone like that. She’s a supermodel, she’s been on the cover of several magazines, you’d probably recognize her and I’m pretty sure I can get her to do it.” I tell him. I know I can get her to do it. All I have to do is tell her to think about it.
“Are you serious?” Ken has stopped walking and is looking right at me. “You’re kidding right?”
“No.” I answer. “I know just the person. When is your next away game?” I ask, thinking about the logistics.
“This Friday.” Ken says, smiling. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” He asks, punching my arm. “Do it on the team bus on the way home?”
“That’s exactly what I’m thinking.” I tell him, as we talk about the arrangements. He starts walking away when I remember why I was supposed to run into him.
“Oh Ken.” I call after him, while putting the ear buds in my ears. Turning the thumb wheel, I find his frequency and press the button on the transmitter.
“Yes.” He answers, in a low monotone voice.
“How are things with you and Sherrie?” I ask.
“Great.” He answers. “I absolutely adore her. She’s smart, funny, beautiful and a wildcat in bed.”
“What’s her number one sexual fantasy?” I ask, pretty sure he won’t know the answer.
“I don’t know.” He says, hesitantly. “She’s never said.”
“The next time you are in bed together, you will ask her about her sexual fantasy. She will tell you about wanting to fuck two guys at the same time. You will be very open to this idea and suggest me as the other guy. You will even offer to approach me about doing it. When I turn off the transmitter, you will only remember that we finalized the arrangements for Danae to meet the football team.” I pull the ear buds from my ears and push the button.
“Well, okay then.” Ken says, smiling. “Let’s see if we can win some games.”
“I’ll see you Friday night.” I call after him, as he walks away.
When I get home, I call Nicole. She tells me all about her mom teasing the hell out of Bobby, but still not able to make a move on him. They went to the beach over the weekend and Maggie wore the skimpiest bikini she could find. Nicole says that Bobby’s eyes were popping out of his head. Nicole left them alone while she went to the snack bar to get drinks and Maggie asked Bobby to put suntan lotion on her back and legs.
“I can’t believe she hasn’t gotten him to fuck her yet.” I interrupt Nicole’s story, laughing.
“He’s so shy and she’s afraid she’ll scare him.” Nicole says. “You should have seen him staring at her tits, though. I’d have been jealous, if I wasn’t in on the plan.” She laughs. Nicole continues her story, telling me how she arranged to meet Bobby at her house early yesterday morning. Her dad was already at work and her mom answered the door in her transparent silk robe. Nicole supposedly had overslept, so Maggie kept Bobby company while Nicole got ready. Maggie appeared to keep trying to cover herself, when in actuality she was continuously revealing her hard nipples and neatly trimmed pussy to him. Nicole says that by the time they left the house, Bobby was sporting the biggest hard-on she’d ever seen on him.
“He is definitely interested.” Nicole says. “I hope you’re right about this because there’ll be no turning back.” She laughs. “Once he gets a taste of my mom, I’m not sure he’ll still be interested in me.
“You worry too much, Nicole.” I tell her jokingly. “I’ll be there this weekend and we’ll see how it’s going.” We hang up after sharing how much we miss each other and professing our undying love.
The rest of the week goes by without much excitement. On Thursday I get a text message from Nicole, confirming the arrangements for this weekend. Her and I are going to stay at Uncle Harry’s house for the weekend, with her mom coming over to meet Carl and Carolyn on Saturday afternoon. She’s going to pick me up from the airport Saturday morning and wants my flight number. I text her back with the information and then call my dad’s office.
“Harrison & Associates, how may I direct your call?” Danae answers on the third ring.
“Hi Danae, it’s Nick. How have you been?” I ask, not expecting a pleasant answer.
“Your father’s not here and I don’t think he wants to talk to you anyway.” She says sharply.
“Why is that, Danae?” I ask.
“Ask him.” She says abruptly. “I’m not your secretary.”
“Think about it, Danae.” I give her the trigger. “How are things with Daryl?” I ask.
“He hasn’t been the same since your visit. He says you ruined everything.” She says in the transmitter induced monotone voice. “I don’t think he’s even gotten laid, lately.”
“Think about it, Danae.” I’m not sure if I need to use the trigger again, but I’m not taking any chances. “You have been dying to fuck an entire college football team. It’s your number one sexual fantasy. When I suggest that you become their mascot and give yourself as an incentive to win a game, you’ll jump at the opportunity.”
“Hey, Danae.” I say.
“What is it now?” She says caustically. That’s my Danae!
“Our football team isn’t winning any games and I wondered if you would offer to fuck everyone on the team as an incentive to play harder.” I say, hoping my suggestion worked.
“God, Nick!” Danae says, excitedly. “That’s my fantasy come true! When can I meet them?” She asks. I give her the details and arrange to meet her near the locker room tomorrow night.
“Thanks, Danae.” I say. “See you then.” Take that you stuck up bitch! I laugh out loud, getting stares from several people nearby. I hurry home. All this talk about sex has me horny as hell.