Dad leads me down a hallway, past a game room with a pool table and jukebox, and opens a door at the very end. We step into an aerobics room with mirrored walls and exercise equipment. My eyes widen and my mouth drops open when I see Christina.
“Hi hon.” Dad says, greeting her with a quick kiss. “This is my son, Nick. He wants to talk with you.” Christina is vigorously attacking the rowing machine, beads of sweat hanging off her smooth skin, and she is completely naked.
“You’re early.” She says, smiling at us, without slowing down her rowing. “I haven’t finished my workout.” She’s not at all what I expected. She’s much younger than I thought she’d be; probably mid-twenties. Her face, surrounded by bleached blonde hair, is beautiful. She has high cheekbones, a luscious mouth and big, blue eyes that sparkle when she smiles.
“Nick doesn’t mind.” Dad says. “He’ll talk to you while you’re working out. You don’t mind, do you, Nick.” Dad asks, without a hint of sarcasm or irony.
“Uh… no. I don’t mind.” I stutter, as I watch Christina pull back on the oar-type handles, pushing her long, shapely legs straight out towards me. Her tits, rippling on her chest as she leans back, are not what I expected either. They are firm, round and obviously enhanced, but they are not the large, oversized ones, like you see in magazines. They seem to be the perfect size for her body and her thick nipples jut straight out from her medium-sized areolas. I continue to stare, as she leans up, pushing the handles forward and bringing her knees up towards her chest.
“Have a seat.” Dad says, placing a small stool behind me. I sit down, entranced by the erotic sight of Christina’s knees rising and spreading, as dad leaves the room. Her sweat-soaked legs part, displaying her protruding pussy lips and my cock jumps to attention. Her pussy lips open slightly, just before she pushes her legs forward and pulls back on the handles. Her mound is bald except for a neatly trimmed strip of brown hair about two inches long, just above her pussy.
“You like what you see?” Christina smiles, staring at the bulge in the front of my pants.
“Yeah… sure.” I tell her, as her body, glistening from the workout, moves back and forth on the rowing machine.
“You want to try it?” She asks, tilting her head to one side, as she slows her rowing. I’m not sure if she means the rowing machine or her. “There’s another seat over there.” She nods her head towards a cabinet on the other side of the room. “Take off your clothes and join me.” I stare at her for a second, but my hard cock wins any argument I may make about this being inappropriate. I take off my clothes and get the extra seat from inside the cabinet.
“Mmmm, nice.” Christina says, eyeing my hard cock and licking her lips, as I hand her the seat. She positions it on the metal frame of the rower, facing towards her. “Your dad and I had this modified, so it functions as more than a piece of exercise equipment.” She explains, fastening the seat in place.
“Sit here, facing me.” She instructs, moving her legs from the pedals of the rowing machine. I sit on the seat, straddling the machine, with my feet on the ground. She swings her legs over mine and pulls her seat forward, positioning her pussy a few inches from my cock.
“Hold it straight out towards me.” She says, her breathing accelerating, as she speaks. I reach between us and push my rigid cock down, brushing the head against her hot pussy lips. She pulls forward on the handles, burying my cock inside her slick pussy.
“Ahhhhhh!” I pant, as she starts rowing with short, slow strokes, gliding my cock in and out of her hot, slippery hole.
“You want to know about your father and I, don’t you?” She asks, her big eyes staring into mine, as her tits brush my chest. She’s smiling, as she continues to row with slow, deliberate strokes.
“Yes.” I answer, not trusting my mouth to say more, as I stare at her tits coming towards me again.
“You can touch them.” She says, breathily. “I’d like that.” She arches her back slightly, pushing her bullet shaped nipples into my chest. My hands, which have been resting on her thighs, move up to her tits and squeeze.
“They feel pretty natural, don’t they?” She laughs, watching for my reaction.
“Yeah, they really do.” I answer, as she increases the rhythm slightly. I move my hands all around her tits; feeling, squeezing and pinching. Other than being a little heavier than a typical tit and unnaturally round, it really is hard to tell the difference. “How… um… how big were you before?” I ask, not knowing why I care, but curious anyway.
“Typical teen buds, which never blossomed into full blown tits.” She answers matter-of-factly. “Your dad bought me these right after we met.” She says, rowing faster now, creating a sloshing sound as my cock plunges into her juicy cunt. “I was young, beautiful, probably naive and I came to the big city to be a model. I met your dad and he said I’d never make it with my small tits. He sent me to a doctor, paid for these, and launched my modeling career for me.” Christina is slamming my cock into her pussy now, rowing frantically, as her orgasm builds. I’m squeezing her tits, pinching her nipples and bucking my ass off the seat of the rowing machine. The tension is building in my balls and I’m about to explode into her, when she abruptly stops rowing and smacks her body against mine. Her pussy muscles convulse around my cock, as she wraps her arms around my waist, squeezing me against her and rocking up and down on my cock. I start spurting immediately, spewing my cum deep inside her pulsating hole.
We sit like that on the machine, my spent cock inside her soaked pussy and her damp body pressed against mine. I’m wondering what I’m doing here, fucking my dad’s girlfriend on a damn rowing machine, when she starts speaking softly.
“I’ve been addicted to sex since I found out what it was.” Christina says, still holding onto me. “I’ve been on the pill since I was fourteen, when the neighbor boy and I fumbled our way into each other’s swimsuits.” She’s rocking her body against mine and gripping my cock with her pussy muscles. “All through high school, I couldn’t get enough. I was smart and I was pretty, a great combination for getting laid whenever you wanted. You’ve probably already guessed that I’m more than a little narcissistic. I mean, who else works out naked, all alone, in an exercise room filled with mirrors.” She smiles and kisses my cheek as my cock starts to respond to her.
“When I met your dad, sex was just a means to an end for me.” She says, rocking a little faster, as my cock stiffens inside her steamy pussy. “I was initially fucking him as repayment for my tits, but he was such an incredible lover that I kept coming back for more.” She says, unwrapping herself from me, and reaching for the rowing machine handles.
“Then when Harry gave your dad the transmitter, it made us rich and gave us the power to fuck anyone we wanted. What else could I ask for?” She asks, rowing my recovered cock in and out of her hot pussy again. “I’m still addicted to sex, but now I can fuck whoever I want.”
“You know about the transmitter?” I ask, pumping my cock forward when she pulls herself towards me.
“Sure, your dad and I are partners in a very lucrative business because of it.” She says, picking up the rhythm of her rowing.
“Has dad ever used the transmitter on you?” I ask, thinking she may be under his influence.