Book:Lycan Pleasure (erotica) Published:2025-2-5

Mia was going to have to get used to how blunt everyone was, she knew that, but she hadn’t expected it from another human. Hannah sounded even more direct than Adron.
“It was… pretty shocking.”
“Yeah well, these afterlife bodies are more durable than their living counterparts. A bit, anyway. Plus Adron’s been fucking me for years. You get used to it.”
“Used to it? I dunno–”
“Trust me, your body will adapt. Mostly. Still feels like I’m getting my guts rearranged.”
“In… In a good way, right?”
Hannah grinned at her. “Usually, yeah. Pisses me the fuck off, but you saw, no point in me lying about it. The sex is good. The sex is really fucking good. If Zel doesn’t just eat you, she might keep you as a pet or something, so you’ll probably have to get used to taking a couple dicks, bigger than Adron’s.”
“W-What?” Oh no.
Hannah gave her a gentle pat on the shoulder.
“Zel’s got a couple of close guards she keeps with her all the time, far as I know. And far as I know, she likes to share things with them. Everything.”
Shivering, Mia rubbed her arms as she looked down. Okay, that was bad, very bad. But it was Hell, and she was just going to have to get used to it.
No. Fuck that. She was going to escape. She was going to escape and kill any demon that got in her way.
Then again… She peeked at Hannah a bit, and looked the naked woman up and down. Hannah walked with a strange pride Mia had been struggling to put her finger on before, but now, it clicked. Hannah was oddly happy. There was definitely some conflict going on in her noggin’, but she found some way to be satisfied in Hell. She enjoyed great sex with an attractive demon and his massive penis regularly. Maybe that could be Mia?
How quickly someone questions their plan when shit gets difficult. She frowned as she looked down and watched her toes press against the stones. She didn’t want to die, again. She wanted to live. She wanted to escape and find David, but how the fuck would that work? Just, run off into to the mountains and die thirty minutes later to a hungry demon, or apparently a hellhound or whatever? It was stupid. She had to come up with a better plan.
She glanced at Hannah again, memory conjuring up images of the blond girl sitting on Adron’s enormous length, as the handsome creature choked her and played with her clitoris. That would have made Mia cum her brains out in minutes. And then there was the other girl she saw getting DP’d by two vrats, and Mia knew that would have turned her into a giant puddle, too. Just the idea of those brute demons, even bigger than the vrats, holding her and both trying to fit enormous girths into her small body, had her skin tingling again. Would it be so bad to give in and be part of that?
Yes! Yes, it would be bad! Holy shit this place was getting to her. The place, and the nearby incubus and succubus drowning her in their auras.
The plan only needed a slight tweak. Still escape, but don’t get herself killed in the process. She was no good to David dead.
“Holy shit,” she said, wiping sweat from her forehead. “How the fuck do people get around in this place?”
Adron laughed as he stood high on one of the big rocks. The path hadn’t been too bad, a mostly straight, flat path that wound between the hills. It occasionally cut up through the mountains, not too high but damn well high enough it left Mia winded. And she was in good shape! But Hell didn’t care. This wasn’t a stroll along a mountain path. This was a proper hike, and the only reason she wasn’t on her knees, exhausted, was the lack of a backpack full of camping equipment.
“Wimp,” Adron said, grinning down at her.
She growled up at him, but that only made him laugh more. It was one of those damn tasty laughs that made him endearing, but also made her want to punch him in his stupid grin. No wonder Hannah liked him, and was frustrated by him.
Hannah and the two men were winded too, thankfully. It’d have been a pretty big blow to Mia’s pride otherwise, or more importantly, terrifying to think she was the straggler, and they might punish her for it. But thankfully the demons expected the humans to slow them down. Why though? Why take them, Hannah and the two men? For an emergency snack? Or, an emergency fuck?
The hill ran alongside them and connected to one of the huge mountains. Beside them, a ravine, at least a hundred feet drop down onto the red river, and the walls of the ravine were covered in nasty rocks. That explained why the path took them up, so it could slide near the river before getting around the mountain and back to ground level.
“Don’t let him fuck with you,” Hannah said. “Demons don’t do well over long distances, either. They’re stopping because if they keep going, they’ll suddenly get tired, pretty hard, too.”
“Like… predators, on the surface. Lions and bears and whatnot. Sprinters, but not equipped for long distance?”
“Kinda. They’re stopping before it kicks in.”
“Oh no,” Adron said, squatting on his rock, like a perching bird, “she knows our secret. Demons aren’t good at cross country running.”
Hannah and Mia rolled their eyes. But after a few more seconds of panting, Mia strolled up to Adron’s big rock, and looked past him. They still had a long way to go, but she could see the spire in the distance, especially now that they had some altitude. Too far to see the details of the spire, but not so far they couldn’t see it.
It was so fucking tall, it touched the burning sky. It got skinnier on the way up, but if she was guessing right despite how far she was, it wasn’t as skinny as she’d originally thought. It was thicker, and taller, maybe a kilometer tall, had ten disc-like levels up its length, protrusions that stuck out horizontal from the tower and circled it. Landing platforms?
What the spire was made of, she couldn’t tell yet. From this far, it looked like more dark rock like the rest of Hell, but it had a bunch of giant spikes that almost looked white. The fire sky colored everything, and the distance filled the air with shimmering haze, just like the heat in a sand desert would. But the spire stood tall and horrific, nestled between two tall mountains. She had a feeling the closer they got, the more ugly it’d become.
“Not sure why we don’t send a flyer,” Mia said, earning a confused glance from every demon. “Uh, like her?” She gestured toward the gargoyle. What, they didn’t understand how wings worked?