Maybe Mia’s psych classes would come in handy? The more they talked, the more it was obvious the demon had a fully functional, human-ish brain inside that skull. Communication was possible, and that meant making friends, enemies, and who the fuck knew what else.
Time for a distraction, then, and talk about something they’d both find interesting. First step to a friendship.
“Hannah,” Mia said. “She um… she… fit all of… Adron inside her.”
Caera chuckled as she lifted her head, happy for the change in topic. Point for Mia.
“Yeah well, a few years of a demon stretching out your pussy with an even longer tongue, you’ll get used to taking a dick like that.”
Tongue. Giant long tongue, that deep, stretching? Mia shivered.
“Hell is horrible,” she said, “and… really fucking horny.”
“It is. Though I gotta admit, ever since you walked in, something’s in the air. Can’t quite put my claw on it, but… yeah, there’s something going around. People are extra horny.”
Couldn’t have been because of her. Not like Mia was drop dead gorgeous or anything. Yeah sure, she was fit and lean, and despite being tiny, she had a great ass. But the succubi she’d seen were breathtaking, and every so often she spotted a betrayer who looked better than her. Maybe Hell just really liked gingers? Nah, that couldn’t be it.
Caera climbed down the wall of the big cave room with the throne, and helped Mia do so too. Diogo stood by the throne, and with him stood another brute, not quite as tall but still taller than Caera, who was already eight feet tall. Brutes were massive.
“Watch your back,” Caera whispered, “and stay close to Adron. He’ll keep you safe.”
“Thanks,” Mia said, smiling.
“Still alive,” Diogo said. Damn that voice was like an earthquake it was so deep. Slowly, he squatted down, and motioned for her to come toward him.
She did, doing her best to hide her heavy gulp as she closed the distance. A glance back at Caera showed the tregeera nodding and gesturing for her to continue. But once Mia reached Diogo, Caera left, glancing back over her shoulder too, and smiling at Mia before she disappeared up into her tunnel. Caera didn’t have to go so soon, since they were still waiting for Diogo’s group to show up, including Adron. Maybe she had somewhere to be? Or maybe she just hated Diogo that much.
Either way, Mia was with Diogo now, just when she’d started figuring out Caera. But Adron seemed like a nice guy–er, demon. He seemed genuinely interested in making Hannah enjoy herself, so there was that at least.
Diogo was a question mark, but probably a bad guy, full of himself, convinced of his superiority, and more than willing to sacrifice others for his own personal gain. Cartoon villain. She had to be careful.
“Still alive.” She stood proud, and made sure to not cover her breasts or sex, like Caera said. Diogo reeked of the sort of beast who’d only get turned on if she looked vulnerable and shy, likely leading to her getting pinned down and fucked.
Diogo didn’t look as unattractive as she’d originally thought he did. Huge, muscular, and the demon skull face, definitely more menacing and scary than Adron’s, didn’t hit her with an immediate ‘ah run away!’ impulse anymore. The defined jaw and eye sockets were actually kinda intriguing.
For just a stupid second, Mia pictured herself in Diogo’s hand; he’d only need one. He’d be sitting on his throne, and using her body like a toy, slowly lifting her up and down on something even bigger than the shaft Adron had used on Hannah. Mia, squirming, wriggling, writhing, drenching the huge demon while other demons watched. Little her, the toy of the big bad demon everyone else was scared of, getting pumped full of cum until it flowed down her thighs and dripped off her toes.
She snapped her eyes down and frowned at herself. It was official. Hell really was getting to her, in the weirdest way possible. Was there one of those weird sexual auras around? Didn’t seem like it.
“It’s a four day trek to the spire,” Diogo said. “You will stay near the group, unless you wish to die to a hellbeast, Cain cultists, remnant hordes, or what have you.”
“Alright.” So outside the cave, it was a deadly place even for demons. Maybe she could side with the Cain cultists, or trick a hellbeast — whatever that was — into attacking the demons? And there had to be sharp things she could find so she could stab. Stabbing was good.
Diogo nodded as he stood back up, gave her a ‘shut up and wait’ snort, and turned back to face the other demons. Mia stepped back as the other demons worked to put armor on Diogo. Not a lot of armor. Too little armor, actually. Nothing to cover his stomach or throat or the insides of his thighs and arms. The only armor they gave him was some gauntlets for his wrists, a big slab of metal for one side of his chest, and a chain belt dangling with at least a dozen skulls, some human, many not.
He didn’t think he needed armor. Considering his skin was nearly obsidian from bald head to toe talon, and he was bigger than other brutes by almost a foot in height, he was probably right.
Over the next thirty minutes, more demons and humans came. Adron and Hannah came, Hannah still naked but Adron in armor. Two other brutes. Two other tiger demons, not as big as Caera but still damn big, nearly eight feet tall. Another vrat, not Brennus. One gargoyle, Loria.
Most surprising were the two human men, the succubus, and the incubus. That brought up the tally of probably useless people to six: Mia and Hannah, and the two men and two sex demons. Were they sex demons? They had the bodies for it, though the incubus didn’t have a penis, which looked extremely strange. He’d probably grow one when aroused.
Male demons. Female demons. Did that even make sense? The brutes all looked male. The tigers all looked female. The vrats all looked male, and the gargoyles all looked female. Coincidence? Not a chance. Hell was a strange place, and she’d have to work hard to figure out the rules.
If only David were with her. Figuring out how things worked, defining them, and arranging everything nice and neat was what he did best, not her. If it hadn’t been for Caera, Mia would have been in the dark completely.
Adron came up to Mia and squatted down in front of her, a persistent, cocky grin on his face.
“You’ll like Zel,” he said. “She’s a bitch who thinks she’s strong enough to take on Hell, and Heaven.”
“That… doesn’t sound like someone I’d like.”
“No. And she might eat me, right?”
“Maybe,” he said. “But I think she’ll want to keep you alive, instead. An unmarked? Never seen one of you before. I’m sure you’ll find a way to surprise her and convince her you’re worth keeping around. Not like you’d make a good meal, with so little sin in your resonance.”
Sin. Resonance. More words. Christ, she missed her laptop. She wanted to write things down, and maybe google them; Google would obviously know what terminology Hell used.
“I… I guess I’ll think of something.”
He nodded as he stood up. “Plus, just being around you is… strange. You might not have noticed since you only met her, but Caera’s been a depressed, angry demon since those Cainites killed her friends. Only reason she’s working for Diogo now is she thinks he’s the key to getting some revenge.”
Oh, Caera didn’t always work for Diogo?
“Come,” Diogo said, voice ending everyone’s chatter. “Let’s go.”
Mia nodded, and looked at the fellow naked woman beside her, Hannah, before falling in behind the demon group. They took the tunnels, past chains, and past remnants the demons slaughtered to clear the way, before they were outside once again.
A sky of fire, mountains of red and dark stone, and who knew how many kilometers of walking awaited her.