They rounded a corner, and another corner, and another. Winding paths that forked into new paths every twenty or thirty feet. Stone, chains, skulls, the occasional remnant, and lots of amber veins, that was what it was like in the giant cave. And much as it sucked, fucking majorly sucked and was scary and disturbing and dangerous, it wasn’t as bad as some of the imagery she’d heard Hell described with. At least she wasn’t buried head first in shit and covered in boils. Then again, if she died and became a remnant, it would have been just as bad, if not worse.
Caera pulled up to one alcove, and Mia stood in its entrance beside her, doing her best to stand tall and proud and not cover her naked bits.
Maybe she should have.
A vrat sat in the back of the alcove, one hand behind his head, showing off the amazing musculature of his chest and arm. His tail stuck out to the side, its pointed tip gently swaying, and his other hand was out in front of him, fingers combing through the hair of the girl kneeling between his muscular legs. A naked woman, not as short as Mia but still short, with a similarly slim and fit physique. And the vrat demon caressed her short blond hair as he smiled at Caera and Mia.
Mia was mostly looking at the woman’s — probably a betrayer’s — back, but she stood at an angle just to the side enough she could see a bit of their profile, and the huge length the girl held in her hands, its tip against her lips. The vrat, nearly eight feet tall and a bit bigger than the other vrats Mia had seen, purred quietly between deep breaths, and winked at Mia before looking back down at the small woman struggling to fit the head of his shaft in her mouth. She couldn’t. The best she could manage was to bury it in licks and kisses, while sliding her hands up and down the throbbing, red length.
“Hannah still alive?” Caera asked.
“She is,” the vrat said. Must have been Adron. “I take good care of my things.”
“Uh huh.” Chuckling, Caera sauntered over, and sat down beside Adron. Directly beside him, close enough her legs brushed up against him. “Taking it easy on her today?”
“For now. She got her hands on a knife again, so I’m punishing her.”
“A blowjob is hardly punishment.”
Adron grinned. “We’ll get to the better stuff later.”
Mia couldn’t see Hannah’s eyes from where she stood, but with the girl on her knees, she could see underneath her butt. Whoever this Hannah was, giving her master a blowjob thoroughly turned her on.
“Mia,” Caera said. “Come here, say hello to Adron. I’m tasking him with keeping you alive when he goes with you and Diogo.”
Adron raised an eyebrow. “I’m going somewhere?”
“Diogo’s going to visit Zel, gonna show Mia to her.”
“Right right, the unmarked girl. And you think he’s going to take me because–”
“Because he trusts you.”
The vrat laughed. “No he doesn’t.”
“True. He wants to keep an eye on you.”
“And he knows you’re good in a fight.”
“Very true.” With a satisfied nod, Adron let go of the woman’s head, and let both his arms settle on the ground around him as he relaxed back against the stone wall.
“Mia, get over here,” Caera said, gesturing to Adron’s other side.
Oh god. With a heavy gulp, Mia walked over, eyes locked onto Adron’s body and its red tint. Muscles, abs, not a hair on him anywhere except for hair tendrils, and for some reason his demon-skull face looked less terrifying, and more hyper masculine. Maybe a day in Hell had desensitized her to how unusual some demon faces looked.
And of course, once she got close to Adron’s arm, Mia couldn’t help but look down his long stomach, past his arg-so-fucking-amazing adonis belt, to the ridiculously massive shaft sticking up from the base of his pelvis. Despite being thicker than Mia’s wrist, it looked mostly human, but it had a few bumps and ridges in convenient, no-other-reason-than-to-feel-good places. And Hannah, with 666 written on her forehead, glared up at Mia with half angry, half horny blue eyes, before looking back to Adron. Her grip couldn’t quite reach all the way around his shaft.
Mia stared, eyes locked on Hannah, and how she squeezed her hands around the huge cock, just hard enough to make the malleable, firm flesh bend under her fingers slightly, before she shifted her hands up and down. His cock was wet. Some of it had to be saliva, but a lot of it was white, too. He’d cum once already? Oh god, the woman was massaging his cum into his cock, and working him toward another climax.
“Mia,” Caera said. “Mia. Mia!”
“W-What? What?”
“I said, Adron’s a friend. He’ll watch your back, okay?”
“Um, okay. Y-Yeah. Hi, nice to meet you.”
The vrat laughed, licked one of his scary sharp teeth, and looked back to Caera.
“That all you need?”
“Nah. Need a fruit for her. She’s fresh meat, you know the drill.”
“Oh I see. Anyone needs a fruit, they just come to Adron.” He rolled his eyes, but shrugged a bit as he nodded toward Hannah. “You got a couple hidden away, right?”
Hannah grumbled, nodding, but didn’t lift her head or say anything. From the angry glare she gave Adron, she was under orders to not stop pleasuring her boss. And she didn’t. Her tongue snuck out, and ran a few laps around the demon’s swollen glans, before disappearing into her mouth again so she could kiss and suckle on the bulbous tip she couldn’t quite manage to fit into her mouth.
“I’ll make sure she gets one before we leave,” Adron said. “Though I think I deserve a little compensation.”
Caera chuckled, rolling her eyes before grinning at Mia. These two were friends. It was good to know demons could become friends, if only so Mia could maybe make one like Adron to keep her alive. And, because maybe, demons weren’t super awful? Maybe not all of them.