David and Mia are cast into Hell, and they do not belong.
God, her feet hurt.
Caera helped her climb the wall up into the alcove. Alcove turned out to be a tunnel, and Mia froze in its entrance as she waited for Caera to climb up and join her. The smell of blood wasn’t as thick up here, but she had no intention of moving forward without her bodyguard.
“Keep walking,” Caera said.
“Remnants. They–”
“Not many in this tunnel.” Caera gave her a gentle push on the back, and Mia walked down the twisting path, almost identical to the one she’d taken to get into the cave’s deepest places. “You really have no mark.”
“Crazy. Never seen that before. But strange shit’s been happening for a while now.”
“Yep.” Caera walked beside her, and fell forward, earning a small squeak from Mia as she jumped aside. Which of course just made the huge tiger demon woman laugh as she continued walking on all fours. Prowling, more like.
“I’m… Mia.” Might as well share names and test the waters. Caera didn’t seem to like Diogo, and that could be useful. Then again, none of the demons seemed to like each other, so making a friend or ally might not help her at all.
Caera grinned at her, and licked some of her fangs. Apparently demons did that a lot.
“You looking to become a betrayer?”
“I don’t know what that is.”
“Guess not, then. You talk like one.”
“Sharing my name?”
“Yeap, that’s a lot more than most fresh meat can do. They often shut down and can barely talk for days, sometimes weeks. Just saying ‘boo’ is enough to get them to freak, panic, run, all the good shit that gets a demon’s blood pumping.”
“Oh.” And here she thought she’d been handling this horribly. “I–”
She stared into one of the alcoves, and froze. More sex, but this time it was a human girl. A thin one, taller than Mia, on her back and lying on a demon’s chest. A vrat demon like Brennus, giant compared to the girl, was on his back, one huge hand wrapped around her throat. Another vrat demon was squatting down over his legs, with the girl’s legs up and pulled around his waist. And Mia had found just the right angle to see… everything.
The girl managed tiny, weak mewls, arms limp and dangling off the sides of the big, muscular demon underneath her, as the two demons fucked her. The bulge on her slender stomach shifted and moved with their pace, clearly showing the demon squatting over her was fucking her fast and hard, while the demon underneath her was happy to mostly hold still while staying fully sheathed inside her. Deep. So very deep. A glimpse of between their legs was enough to have Mia’s mouth drop open. How could she fit those things inside her? They were as thick as Mia’s arm.
The demon on top of her turned his head, looked to Mia, and grinned. Slowly, he pulled himself out of the girl, stepping back and letting her squeezing lips drag and milk on his length, until his long cock fell free of her insides. White cum dripped from his huge shaft, and so did the girl’s juices, as the demon got up onto his feet, and walked over to the alcove entrance. He leaned against it, tail swaying left and right behind him as he grinned down at Mia.
Again, the aura of sex buried her, and this time she could feel it so clearly, she could almost see it pouring off the two demons. But, as much as she wanted to blame it for all the thoughts currently running through her head, she knew damn well part of it was just the fact the naked demon in front of her was absolutely gorgeous. Yeah sure, he was a demon, but not a gross one; none of the demons she’d seen so far had been gross.
The vratorin looked mostly human, almost eight feet tall and standing on raptor feet that only made his muscularity all the more intimidating. Abs, very defined abs. His demon face had skull-ish features, but it wasn’t a skull, more like a hyper masculine face with extremely defined eyebrow ridges and a jawline. Even the giant black horns looked appealing.
And try as she might, she couldn’t help but look down at the huge thing hanging between his legs. She’d seen some other vrats naked, and they didn’t have a hint of genitalia, but they’d all been quite black. This vrat, like his companion, was red all over, with only the thickest skin still dark, now a black-ish red instead of full black. The thing hanging between his legs was very red, throbbing, dripping, and had to be almost a foot long. No wonder he’d been having trouble getting the whole thing into the woman.
A mewl ripped Mia’s eyes away from the demon in front of her back to her fellow human. The demon underneath her pushed his hips up into her, and sank every inch of his length into her ass. Whoever she was, her limp legs spread around the demon’s, leaving everything exposed for Mia to see. The distension sliding back and forth on her stomach. Thick, white cum, flowing out of her. Her empty slit, clenching on nothing and squirting a couple tiny splashes down onto the stones between the demon’s legs.
“Wow,” the now unoccupied demon said, licking his lips as he looked at Mia. “Cute little thing, isn’t she?”
“She is,” Caera said. “But you’re not touching her.”
“Claimed her?”
“No. Diogo’s taking her to Zel.”
“Taking a betrayer to Zel? Why–holy shit.” He leaned down, and Mia froze for a different reason as his fangs got within inches of her face. “She’s unmarked.”
“Never seen that.”
“No one has.” Caera shrugged, and gave her fellow demon a gentle push back with her tail. “No touching.”
“I’m not touching! But, I mean, she is pretty hot.” The vrat squatted down in front of Mia, putting him at eye level with her. “What do you say, fresh meat? Marge back there is getting pretty worn out. Wanna replace her?”
Caera snorted. “I just said–”
“Oh come on, I’m not forcing anything. Just asking.” The demon licked his fangs again as he grinned at Mia, stood up, and again leaned against the wall of his alcove’s entrance. He wrapped one of his big hands around his girth, and stroked it, squeezing it and milking heavy globs of cum from the tip. “She’s small. And gorgeous.”