In the distance, she saw a tower. It took a few minutes of walking to get any kind of sense of scale, and she gulped as she realized it was as big as the CN tower, at least. It even looked a little similar, except that it was black and red and looked like it was covered in giant spikes. The details were a haze, the tower at least a hundred kilometers away, if not more, its base hidden between some shallow mountains dotted with burning red dots; more burning bushes.
They weren’t taking her to the tower though. They were taking her to a cave that was bound to be dark, dangerous, and filled with hungry demons itching to do to her what she saw the demons do to the others. And that didn’t seem much better than a trek across the stones on her bleeding feet, with the sky burning above her and the warm wind almost hot enough to burn her skin.
She paused when stepping into the cave. There was a giant demon standing guard, one of the brute ones. No horns, tail, wings, or spikes. A foot taller than Brennus, super muscular, with a skull demon face that glared at her with the mindlessness of a guard who hated their job. Except, when his eyes saw her and her forehead, he snorted and looked to the two demons in front of her.
He was also naked, and Mia gulped as she looked the ridiculous thickness of his muscles and abs. No genitalia, though. Strange.
“I know, Torius,” Loria said. “We thought the same thing, too. We’re taking her to Diogo, see what he makes of it.” The gargoyle looked back at Mia and motioned forward. “Walk in front of us if you don’t want some devorjin or treegera asshole to snatch you up and eat you. Or rape you.”
She nodded slowly as she stepped between her two captors, doing her best to ignore the r-word Loria said so casually.
“D… Devorjin?” she asked.
Brennus laughed as he pointed back behind them with his clawed thumb, toward the big brute they’d walked past.
“He’s a devorjin. I’m a vratorin. But the betrayers just call us brutes and vrats.”
So brute was the natural conclusion others came to for a name, then. He also said vrat with a little inflection, almost like he wanted her to notice how close it was to the word rat, and how quickly he’d kill her if she called him a rat. He didn’t look anything like a rat.
“Gorgala,” Loria said, gesturing to herself. “Betrayers just call us gargoyles.”
Brennus shoved her, not hard enough to knock her over though. She’d almost expected him to do just that. They–
She froze, knowing full well she’d get shoved again, but she couldn’t help it. She stared into one of the tunnels beside her, the walls covered in glowing amber veins lighting everything, like it wanted her to see the dark, dirty secrets in the shadows.
Seven feet away, was a succubus. She knew it was a succubus instantly, with her almost perfectly human face, body, and red skin, two short black horns, and long black hair tendrils that looked closer to hair than the other demons had. She was on her stomach. Something, someone massive lay on top of her. Fucking her, pinning her down against a pile of leathery blankets, and earning mewls and whimpers of pleasure from her. Her thin tail ended with a devil spade, and it swung around wildly and happily up from between the much larger beast’s legs.
The succubus smiled at Mia from underneath the giant demon. Invitingly.
Before Mia could figure who or what or how, Loria pushed her along, and she fell over this time, palms hitting the stone, wrists still bound together. Brennus picked her up and ushered her along, but she managed to get a peek into the alcove again before she lost sight of it. Two demons, fucking, out in the open, zero attempt to hide what they were doing. And in the one second she’d managed to look the succubus in the eyes, it’d been clear the succubus would have loved for her to join them.
She really hated herself sometimes. Despite everything that’d happened. Despite all the pain and misery and destroyed dreams, for some reason, she couldn’t help but picture herself in the succubus’s spot, underneath a giant demon, getting fucked like that.
She clenched her eyes shut for a second and shook her head. Sure, she was a horny person, right down to the soul apparently, but not so horny she could just switch on like that. What was–oh, it was that feeling again. Just like when she’d walked up the stairs to Heaven, and an aura had come over her and David, something external that’d affected her internally and made her feel something. The same thing was happening here. Somehow her brain could tell, like how her skin could tell the difference between warmth that came from outside versus inside her own body.
Something in that room with the succubus, had been affecting her, a sexual aura. Maybe it’d been the succubus herself?
She clenched her eyes as they walked past, and thank god the sudden urge to throw herself at the nearest demon for sexy times vanished. It was an aura then, and it had a range. But it happened again, not as strongly this time but again nonetheless, as they walked past another alcove.
A female demon, almost as tall as one of those brutes, was fucking a man. A human man, with 666 written on his forehead. The demon looked like one of the demons who walked on all fours for a bit that she saw on the river shore, with a big thick tail. No wings on her either, but those claws were massive, with raptorial feet with giant talons, and Mia couldn’t help but think lion or tiger, despite her mostly human face and giant black horns.
The man underneath her, between her legs, managed to meet Mia’s eyes before Mia was pushed past the alcove again. He looked lost to lust, like he was drowning in the sexual aura the big demon woman was radiating. Was it her, creating the aura? It had to be.
Brennus nudged her along, and she was thankful. Whatever it was the demons did during sex, it had her mouth watering, at least until it was out of view and a dozen feet away. Then her mind snapped back to normal, to the harsh realities around her. She wasn’t sure if that was better or worse.
The tunnel twisted and turned, and every so often an alcove showed a ridiculous display of sexuality. Loria and Brennus never let her stick around to watch, but each time, she got a flash peek of demons and humans mixed in a mess of flesh and bliss. She did notice the demons looked much softer and redder than the ones she saw on the shore, and the ones currently guiding her. Softer, redder, with massive things stretching out tiny holes. At one point she tried to stop and focus on what looked like another succubus having sex with a vrat, and before Loria pushed her past the alcove wall, she did get a peek at where the two demons were connected.
That couldn’t be right. That… was huge.
She blinked back at Brennus, and did a double take, looking down at his leather loincloth thing, before up at him, earning a laugh from him.
“Fresh meat always has the same reaction.”
“It’s cute,” Loria said. “Maybe Diogo will like her? She is very pretty.”
Brennus nodded as he smiled down at Mia, licking his sharp teeth.