Finn was speechless; he’d never have expected a request like that from Lara; she hardly ever spoke to him, she didn’t even seem to know he was there half the time, but now, now she was asking him to spend the weekend with her, away from home, posing as her boyfriend; it was almost like part of his fantasy was coming true.
“Finny… Finn, are you okay? Finn, please say something!” she almost sobbed, playing the “distressed sister” to the hilt, snapping him out of his haze.
“Of course I will, sissy, if this bloke’s bothering you, you’re going to need me there. I’d love to come with you and be the big scary boyfriend! One thing though; you look just like me, how am I going to pass for your boyfriend when we look like twins?”
Lara grinned at the question, the answer already prepared beforehand.
“Finny, that creep only ever presses himself up against my bum or tries to grope my tits! I don’t think he’s even going to notice the resemblance, he’ll be too busy concentrating on how to get my pants off!”
Finn smiled at her, Lara’s heart almost missing a beat at the sight.
“Okay, big brother or boyfriend, I’ll be one or the other; either way, I’ll rip his arm off and shove it up his arse if he steps out of line. I’m in, Sissy!”
Lara jumped up and flung her arms around him, hugging him tightly.
“Oh Finny, thank you, thank you, I know you must have had plans, but I’ll make it up to you somehow, I promise!”
Finn gently disengaged her; her perfume was a light, subtle, spicy scent with overtones of bitter orange, and her hair smelled like passion-fruit, and the two of them combined, together with her warmth and nearness, was seriously turning him on; he was getting an erection, and the last thing he wanted was for her to be feeling that pressing into her stomach as she hugged him for the first time in what felt like forever.
“Just let me know the address and I’ll ask mum if I can borrow the car…” he began, but Lara cut him short.
“It’s okay, Finn, they’re sending a car, all you have to bring is a couple of changes of clothes and your dinner suit, it’s evening informal, so black-tie, you do know how to tie a real one, don’t you? Please don’t wear that horrible elasticated thing!”
Finn grinned ruefully.
“Once upon a time; now, who knows? I’ll get granddad’s old black tie and practice so I don’t disgrace you!”
Lara smiled at him, a quick, sunny smile that made his cock jump, and almost skipped out of his room.
Phase 1 completed, she exulted as she made for her room, then the reality of what she’d just done hit her. Her eyes filled as she realised how she’d manipulated him, using emotional blackmail to get him to do what she wanted. The guilt rose up as she thought of the anger and protectiveness she’d seen in his eyes when she spun her story, and she very nearly turned around and rushed back to confess the lie to him, to apologise for using his feelings for her to get her own way, and for trapping him in a situation he may never have wanted, only fantasised about.
Lara crept back to her room, guilt and apprehension now warring inside her, with a healthy dose of lust as well, that scene earlier playing again in her mind, Finn masturbating and calling her name as he came so copiously…
Lara debated with herself whether or not to call the whole thing off, after seeing Finn’s reaction to her pack of lies; he’d looked so gorgeous being protective and big-brotherly, his blue eyes flashing like sapphires, and part of her wanted to slink into his room, slip into bed with him, and give him a resounding “thank you” for being so caring and protective, but the thought that she may blow it all just when she was so close to getting him in just that position pulled her up short; no, she decided, she’d have to let him cook slowly for the next few days; waiting until the following weekend definitely seemed like a better bet. He’d bought the lie, and whatever happened at the party should make him realise just how serious she was about him.
Lara waited on tenterhooks for the rest of the week, and the whole of the following week, and while she waited, her plans for what she was going to do with Finn warred with the guilt for having deceived and lied to him; such a big lie too, considering what the weekend was going to be about, until, by the time the following Friday rolled around, she was in a state of high anxiety bordering on hysteria.
She’d tried to blunt the edge of it by serially teasing him, walking around day after day wearing just a t-shirt and minuscule panties, invariably having to reach-up to get something off a shelf while in his presence, and hearing the muted indrawn breath, grinning to herself as she turned to see him with his nose buried deep in his book, but a tell-tale bulge visible in the front of his jeans or shorts. It didn’t seem to be working, though; inevitably, the more she teased him, the more she wanted him.
Part 2:Sisterfest: The First Day.
When the day of the party rolled around, Lara spent most of the morning trying to look hot but modest, chic but not a fashion-victim, trying one hair style after another, and it was only the sight of Finn in a pale pink Pierre Cardin shirt with the discreet logo on the cuff, and casually elegant Ted Baker slacks, instead of his habitual Oxford University sweatshirt and deliciously tight rugby shorts, that finally calmed her, as she drank in just how delectable he looked. Lara shivered with excitement tinged with apprehension; tonight was the night, and if all went to plan, he was going to find out what he really meant to her.
Finn noticed her excited state, as well as the simple shift dress she’d chosen to wear to travel down to wherever this party was going to be, also noting that no matter how nondescript the dress was, it couldn’t disguise just how alluring her tight body was, or detract from just how stunning she was with her huge blue eyes, her beautiful, serene face, her delicate rosebud lips, and the mane of long, glossy black hair that swung in a graceful bell with every movement of her head.
“What’s the matter, Lara, you seem a little, I dunno, tense, is something wrong?” he asked, reassured only slightly by her hesitant smile.
“It’s nothing, Finn, it’s just I’ve never been to one of these weekend house-parties before, and I want to make a good impression!” she smiled nervously, disguising as best she could the real reason for her nervousness. Luckily Finn took her words at face value.
“Don’t worry too much, sis, if your friend invited you she obviously feels you’ll fit right in; believe me, Sissy, looking like you do, you couldn’t make a bad impression if you tried!”
Lara beamed at that, while Finn reddened as he replayed what he’d just said, but as far as he could tell, Lara took it as a genuine compliment, obviously reading nothing more into it, and after only a few awkward seconds he managed to get his breathing back under control.
Before things got any more awkward, the doorbell announced that their car had arrived, and Lara answered the door while Finn carried their weekend bags out. The driver bowed them into the back seat of a large, old-fashioned black limousine-type car, although Finn wasn’t able to immediately identify the make or model, and stowed their bags in the boot before climbing in. As he started the car, the privacy screen rose, cutting them off from the driver, and also preventing them seeing where they were going through the windscreen, and, as all the windows were heavily tinted to almost completely opaque, all they could see was just blurred impressions of streets and houses passing them by as the car prowled along almost silently. Fin was inclined to be alarmed at first, as they were effectively trapped in a blacked-out mobile cell, after all, but Lara didn’t seem too worried, and eventually Finn took his cue from her, settling back into his seat and letting the muted hum of the car lull him.
Lara had discovered a buffet cabinet in the passenger compartment, with sandwiches and cold drinks in an ice bucket, and so they shared an impromptu picnic while they sped toward their unknown location. At first they talked about what the party would be like, speculated on where exactly they were going, Lara allaying Finn’s suspicions by spinning a yarn about how her friend was a devotee of ‘Murder Mystery’ weekends, and that was probably what this whole cloak and dagger business with the blacked-out limo was about. She couldn’t tell if he was completely convinced, but he seemed to relax and after they’d lunched, she leaned against him while they both dozed.
The car slowing woke them both, and Finn checked his watch; almost three hours had passed, so they’d come a considerable distance from Ledbury, although for all they knew that could have just taken a wide, looping trip around Herefordshire and be 500 yards from their front door. The car seemed to pass through some doors into an enclosed area of some sort, and as it came to a halt, the door was opened by a large man in a black suit, white shirt, and black tie, wearing dark glasses and a forbidding expression.
As Finn gave Lara his hand to help her out of the car, he caught a glimpse of the outside before the doors the car had come through closed with a hollow thudding noise, but what he’d glimpsed was unrevealing, just a line of trees and a strip of blue sky above, so still no real clues as to where they actually were.
The driver passed them, carrying their bags, and the man who’d opened the door indicated that they should follow him. They walked through the corridors of what was obviously a very large, exquisitely decorated, and very elegant country house, red plush, Regency-stripe wallpaper and ornate, beautiful, and obviously antique and very valuable wall-clocks very much in evidence, as well as highly decorated plaster ceilings with Regency-style dental mouldings, intricate ceiling roses, and elegant cornices and dado rails, all very much in the style of John Nash.
Lara and Finn walked in silence, drawing closer together, slightly intimidated by the opulent decor and the sheer size and extent of the building, and when Lara finally slipped her hand into his, Finn didn’t object; in fact, he was feeling the need for a little human contact himself, here in this grandly intimidating warren.
The man led them along a bewildering series of corridors, and up and down short flights of stairs, to eventually arrive at a pair of immense mahogany doors. The man opened the door and indicated they go through, to join the group of people already assembled there. As they walked through into the room, the doors closed behind them with a soft click. Finn looked at Lara, but she didn’t look in the least apprehensive about the whole manner of their arrival here, so he relaxed, studying the other people around them.